Higher Chemistry Unit 3 Section 4 Acids and Bases Multiple Choice Questions This is designed to be used by teachers to help students develop skills in.


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Presentation transcript:

Higher Chemistry Unit 3 Section 4 Acids and Bases Multiple Choice Questions This is designed to be used by teachers to help students develop skills in answering multiple choice questions.

Higher Chemistry Unit 3 - Section 4 Acids and Bases Multiple Choice Questions 1. A trout fishery owner added limestone to his loch to combat the effects of acid rain. He managed to raise the pH of the water from 4 to 6. The concentration of the H + (aq) ions A. increased by a factor of 2 B. increased by a factor of 100 C. decreased by a factor of 2 D. decreased by a factor of 100 Answer D.

Higher Chemistry Unit 3 - Section 4 Acids and Bases Multiple Choice Questions 2. Which of the following is the same for equal volumes of 0.1 mol l-1 solutions of sodium hydroxide and ammonia? A. pH of solution B. mass of solute present C. conductivity of solution D. number of moles of hydrochloric acid needed for neutralisation Answer D.

Higher Chemistry Unit 3 - Section 4 Acids and Bases Multiple Choice Questions 3. Ethanoic acid is referred to as a weak acid because in water A. there is partial ionisation of the O-H bond B. it has a pH of about 4 C. it produces only one H+(aq) ion per molecule D. it is not very soluble Answer A.

Higher Chemistry Unit 3 - Section 4 Acids and Bases Multiple Choice Questions 4. When a certain solution is diluted, its conductivity decreases but its pH remains constant. The solution could be A. ethanoic acid B. sodium chloride C. sodium hydroxide D. nitric acid Answer B.

Higher Chemistry Unit 3 - Section 4 Acids and Bases Multiple Choice Questions 5. The concentration of OH - (aq) ions in a solution is 1 x mol l-1. What is the concentration of H + (aq) ions, in moll-1? A. 1 x B. 1 x C. 1 x D. 1 x Answer D.

Higher Chemistry Unit 3 - Section 4 Acids and Bases Multiple Choice Questions 6. A fully dissociated acid is progressively diluted by the addition of water. Which of the following would increase with increasing dilution? A. the pH value B. the electrical conductivity C. the rate of its reaction with chalk D. the volume of alkali which it will neutralise Answer A.

Higher Chemistry Unit 3 - Section 4 Acids and Bases Multiple Choice Questions 7. Equal volumes of 1 mol l-1 solutions of ethanoic acid and hydrochloric acid are compared. In which of the following cases does the ethanoic acid give the higher value? A. the pH value B. the electrical conductivity C. the rate of its reaction with magnesium D. the volume of sodium hydroxide which it will neutralise Answer A.

Higher Chemistry Unit 3 - Section 4 Acids and Bases Multiple Choice Questions 8. Which of the following salts will have a pH greater than 7? A. potassium chloride B. potassium nitrate C. potassium ethanoate D. potassium sulphate Answer C.

Higher Chemistry Unit 3 - Section 4 Acids and Bases Multiple Choice Questions 9. The pH of ammonium chloride solution will be A. exactly 7 B. more than 7 C. less than 7 D.exactly 14 Answer C.

Higher Chemistry Unit 3 - Section 4 Acids and Bases Multiple Choice Questions 10. The pH of a solution of hydrochloric acid was found to be 2.5. The concentration, in mol l-1, of the H + (aq) ions must be A. greater than 0.1 B. between 0.1 and 0.01 C. between 0.01 and D. less than Answer C.