A new world of Opportunity What you do NOT know about your Retirement Options… …Can devestate you and your Family’s Future!
Disclosure The tax treatment of the products discussed within this presentation are based on our current understanding of tax laws, which are subject to change. Such information is presented for educational purposes only, and should not be relied upon as professional tax advice. WE DO NOT GIVE TAX OR LEGAL ADVISE.
So, what do we do? DO YOU WANT MORE OR LESS AT RETIREMENT? IT’S SIMPLE!!! “Common Sense Retirement”… We show people how to get as much as 300% MORE SPENDABLE DOLLARS at Retirement Tax Free with no cost Living Benefits to protect them on their road to retirement! DO YOU WANT MORE OR LESS AT RETIREMENT?
You CAN NEVER afford to SAVE UNLESS you WANT TO! When can you afford to save for retirement? You CAN NEVER afford to SAVE UNLESS you WANT TO! party diapers car house not too late… Midlife crisis kid’s college vacation The time to SAVE is NOW!!!
Do you know your number to retire? 20 years of monthly retirement income from age 66-85 @ 8% assumed rate. $3,000 $5,000 $7,000 Age 20 $68.00 $113.33 $158.66 30 $156.36 $260.59 $364.83 40 $377.13 $628.55 $879.98 50 $1,036.48 $1,727.47 $2,418.46 60 $4,881.30 $8,135.51 $11,389.71 REQUIRED MONTHLY SAVINGS TO AGE 65…
The 5 retirement gotcha’s Procrastination: Enemy #1 Fee’s: Excessive and many are HIDDEN! Market Risk: Are your ASSETS guaranteed or in the market…not guaranteed? Health Risk: Are you prepared financially if you get sick and can not work? Taxes: Our government is 17 trillion in debt, who is going to pay for it and how?
? Tax Risk % The time to SAVE is NOW!!! What will future tax rates be? The Great Depression WWII 1950s 1960s 1980s 2009 Future The time to SAVE is NOW!!! Highest Federal Marginal Rates – Married Filing Jointly What will future tax rates be? Lower Same Higher
Smart retirement Money Order 1. Free Money 2. Tax-Free Money 3. Taxed Deferred Money 4. Taxable Money
Smart retirement Money Order 1. Free Money 2. Tax-Free Money 3. Taxed Deferred Money 4. Taxable Money Inherited Matching 401 (k) Money
Smart retirement Money Order 1. Free Money 2. Tax-Free Money 3. Taxed Deferred Money 4. Taxable Money Roth IRA Life Insurance Cash Value * *Policy loans and withdrawals reduce the policy’s cash value and death benefit and may result in a taxable event. Withdrawals up to the basis paid into the contract and loans thereafter will not create an immediate taxable event, but substantial tax ramifications could result upon contract lapse or surrender. Surrender charges may reduce the policy's cash value in early years.
Smart retirement Money Order 1. Free Money 2. Tax-Free Money 3. Taxed Deferred 4. Taxable Money Annuities Tax-Qualified Plans such as 401 (k), IRA, etc.
Smart retirement Money Order 1. Free Money 2. Tax-Free Money 3. Taxed Deferred 4. Taxable Money Wages Capital Gains 1099 Interest
Smart retirement Money Order 1. Free Money 2. Tax-Free Money 3. Taxed Deferred 4. Taxable Money Any contribution above the match of your 401(k) becomes tax-deferred money, and skips over #2 completely.
Let’s take a look at the difference between a Tax-Deferred plan and a Tax-Free plan:
Example $0 Traditional IRA Roth IRA Taxed as ordinary Tax-deferred Tax Free Tax-deferred growth Tax-deferred growth Taxed as ordinary income on withdrawal $0 Federal Tax for qualified distributions After tax deposits 0 Tax on deposit
Would you rather pay tax on this… Traditional IRA Roth IRA Tax-deferred Tax Free Tax-deferred growth Tax-deferred growth Taxed as ordinary income on withdrawal $0 Federal Tax for qualified distributions After Tax deposits 0 Tax on deposits
Or this? $0 Traditional IRA Roth IRA Taxed as ordinary Tax-deferred Tax Free Tax-deferred growth Tax-deferred growth Taxed as ordinary income on withdrawal $0 Federal Tax for qualified distributions 0 Tax on deposits After Tax deposits
No. Simply delaying tax – which actually compounds the tax problem. When you put your money into an IRA or 401 (k) are you really saving tax? No. Simply delaying tax – which actually compounds the tax problem.
If you were a farmer would you rather pay tax on the seed… or the harvest?
Is your IRA/401k/403B underwater? “The ugly truth, is that the 401K is a LOUSY PRODUCT, a FINANCIAL FLOP, a ROTTEN REPOSITORY for our Retirement Reserves” Oct 19th 2009
Yes! Could there be a better way? There is a better way! “We live in a world of financial noise. I am shocked at the overwhelming lack of understanding in the entire financial industry about how money works” Yes! There is a better way!
4 Phases of Retirement Planning Contribution Accumulation Withdrawal Transfer IRA/401K/403B Tax Favored Taxed Indexed UL After Taxed The most important phases of retirement planning are the WITHDRAWAL & TRANSFER The time to SAVE is NOW!!!
Gains linked to the S&P 500, without market risk! Revolutionary Life insurance You don’t need to die to use!
Overcome the effects of risk Indexing to the S&P 500 Annual Monthly Average (Indexed – 5) $ Minimum Guaranteed Contract Value S&P 500 Year The time to SAVE is NOW!!!
‘The greatest wealth accumulation vehicle of our time ’ Doug Warren
The ultimate living benefit retirement income Are you Concerned about? OUTLIVING YOUR INCOME, 401K FEE’s, and MARKET RISK DURING DISTRIBUTION? YOU SHOULD BE! Will Social Security be there? What will the MULTI TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT DO TO OUR ECONOMY? Are you interested in an Income Benefit YOU CANNOT OUTLIVE…GUARANTEED? Retirement income security
‘ Stop thinking of Life Insurance as an expense and start thinking of it as a portfolio asset, just like real estate, stocks and bonds ’
Life Insurance Illustration The time to SAVE is NOW!!!
Life Insurance Illustration The time to SAVE is NOW!!!
Life Insurance Illustration The time to SAVE is NOW!!!
Personal Plan The time to SAVE is NOW!!! Prepared for: IMA SAVER Age: 35 Contribution: $200 per month to age 70 Total contributions @ 70 - $84,000 Cash Accumulation: Age 70 $309,348 tax free Retirement benefits: Age 70-95 $46,910 per year, tax free Total distributions - $1,172,750 Living benefits: Terminal illness Chronic, critical Age 55……………… $249,059 $221,008 Death benefit: Age 70……………… Age 65……………… Age 55……………… Age 45……………… $355,750 tax free $275,862 tax free The time to SAVE is NOW!!!
Personal Plan (Child) The time to SAVE is NOW!!! Prepared for: Child Saver Age: 8 Contributions: $100 per month to age 11 Total contributions - $194,400 Cash Accumulation: Age 70 $309,348 tax free Retirement benefits: Age 70-95 $46,910 per year, tax free Total distributions - $1,172,750 Living benefits: Terminal illness Chronic, critical Age 55……………… $249,059 $221,008 Death benefit: Age 70……………… Age 65……………… Age 55……………… Age 45……………… $355,750 tax free $275,862 tax free The time to SAVE is NOW!!! The time to SAVE is NOW!!!
In case you die! Why do you buy Life Insurance? But most will get sick first! In fact, chances are much greater that you will get sick and survive your illness! Would you feel more secure knowing your Life Insurance would pay you up to 2.5 million Tax Free if you became ill?
Heart attack Stroke Cancer The 3 BIG dangers to you! 1,255,000 Americans suffer a heart attack every year… 17,600,000 Americans alive today have survived a Heart Attack! Stroke Each year 795,000 people suffer a stroke, many end up with permanent disabilities. Cancer 3.5 million new cases a year, avg. cost $146,000. Over 65% of expenses are indirect & not covered by traditional insurance. 11,714,000 people currently living with cancer* American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts & Figures- 2005, American Heart Association, “ Heart Disease & stroke disease,” 2007; American Cancer Society “facts & figures 2007
YOU will suffer a critical illness by age 65! There is over a 70% chance YOU will suffer a critical illness by age 65! Medical issues contributed to Over two-thirds of all Bankruptcies in the United States. (Harvard Study 2008) A 2008 Harvard University study found that approximately 80% had health insurance at the start of the bankrupting illness. Statistics show that Critical illnesses are striking more Americans every year. An American is diagnosed with cancer every 9.3 seconds!) (American Cancer Society)
6 MILLION AMERICANS SUFFER There is over a 70% chance YOU will suffer a critical illness by age 65! EVERY YEAR OVER 6 MILLION AMERICANS SUFFER A HEART ATTACK, STROKE or CANCER!* * American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts & Figures- 2005, American Heart Association, “ Heart Disease & stroke disease,” 2007; American Cancer Society “facts & figures 2007.”
And gives you solutions! Asset Reduction Planning What most people do? Asset Reduction Planning Increase debt Spend savings Liquidate Bankruptcy There is a new insurance policy that takes care of your needs! And gives you solutions! * American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts & Figures- 2005, American Heart Association, “ Heart Disease & stroke disease,” 2007; American Cancer Society “facts & figures 2007.”
LIVING BENEFITS: Critical illness Chronic illness Terminal illness Does your Life Insurance policy cover these? Critical illness Heart attack, stroke, cancer, major organ transplant, blindness, lou gehrig’s disease, end stage renal failure Chronic illness Unable to perform 2 of the 6 daily living activities or cognitive impaired Terminal illness If you are diagnosed with less than 2 years to live At no additional premium! * American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts & Figures- 2005, American Heart Association, “ Heart Disease & stroke disease,” 2007; American Cancer Society “facts & figures 2007.”
Why would I need critical illness insurance benefits? Cash to pay for medical treatments not covered by your health plan. Cash to pay your mortgage while you are recovering. Cash to pay bills - from car payments to insurance premiums. Cash so you can travel for treatments not available locally. Cash to pay for experimental treatments (not covered). Cash to replace a spouse's income while caring for the insured. We think you'll find a way to put the cash to good use. * American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts & Figures- 2005, American Heart Association, “ Heart Disease & stroke disease,” 2007; American Cancer Society “facts & figures 2007.”
Up to 2.5 million upon diagnosis! Its your choice… Up to 2.5 million upon diagnosis! Would you prefer a CARD OR A CHECK! * American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts & Figures- 2005, American Heart Association, “ Heart Disease & stroke disease,” 2007; American Cancer Society “facts & figures 2007.”
A solution to fit any budget!!! A solution for every family A solution to fit any budget!!! TERM: Affordable Income Tax Free Death Benefit Critical Illness Living Benefit Chronic Illness Living Benefit Terminal Illness Living Benefit Tax Free Income at Retirement Income Tax Free Death Benefit Critical Illness Living Benefit Chronic Illness Living Benefit Terminal Illness Living Benefit Convertible to the Index UL
for the same amount of money where you could have If I can show you a way for the same amount of money where you could have Living Benefits Protect your income Increase your retirement savings Tax Free Retirement Is there any reason you would not move forward TODAY? GREAT! We need to collect your current policies and do a FREE cost savings analysis!
Base Shop Builder System A business opportunity worth its weight in gold!
A Chance to Change the Largest Industry in the World… A REVOLUTION! A TRUE CRUSADE…We save lives, peoples homes, and families. Life Insurance and Annuities YOU DON’T HAVE TO DIE TO USE We work a proven SYSTEM A chance to GET RICH HELPING PEOPLE
Be In Business For Yourself not By Yourself No Experience Required No Franchise Fee’s No Major Investment Part / Full Time Available Unlimited Income Opportunity Bonus Pool Potential Complete Business System Company Ownership Be In Business For Yourself not By Yourself
Why use a system? To Help you Market your Business more Efficiently and a Proven System to Follow!
Part time income potential Income on only 1 sale a week SR Representative 40% =$5,200 Month* Sales Vice President 75% =$9,750 Month* You can start Part Time…and own your own company!! *Based on average monthly policy premium of $250
Partner Levels Partner Promotion Guidelines Associate Representative Submit Independent Business Application Obtain Solution Number Representative 30% Commission Get life licensed Do 3 split training sales with your recruiter Senior Representative 40% Commission Produce three Representatives Complete your personal plan written by your recruiter District Leader 45% Commission Produce one Senior Representative Submit $2,500 in Premium in one month Division Leader 50% Commission Produce one District Leader Submit $5,000 in Premium in one month Regional Leader 60% Commission Produce two more District Leaders (total of three District Leaders) Submit $7,500 in Premium in one month Partner Levels
Partner Levels Partner Promotion Guidelines Sales Vice President 75% Commission, Ownership and Profit Sharing Pool participation at 2% based on production percentage. Have six District Leaders (or above) in place Submit $20,000 in Premium during two consecutive months (minimum $8,000 in each month) Have acceptable persistency Execute SVP Agreement Provide up line VP with replacement leg(s) - VP's choice: one Regional Leader or two Division Leaders or three District Leaders Must have Office Be full time Executive Vice President 75% Commission + Bonuses 3% - 78% Total. Ownership and Profit Sharing Pool 3% based on production percentage. Produce three 1st-Generation VPs Submit $50,000 thru 1st in Premium; maximum credit 25% per leg; Base Shop Premium may only count for 50% Minimum $10,000 Base Shop Premium Pre-qualify month before with at least 75% of each of the two above premium requirements Execute EVP Agreement Partner Levels
Partner Levels Partner Promotion Guidelines Senior Executive Vice President 75% Commission + Bonuses 6% - 81% Total. Ownership and Profit Sharing Pool 5% based on production percentage. Produce six 1st-Generation RVPs Submit either $100,000 thru 2nd in Premium or $150,000 thru 6th in Premium; maximum credit 25% per leg; Base Shop Premium may only count for 50% Pre-qualify month before with at least 75% of the above premium requirements Have acceptable persistency Execute SEVP Agreement Executive National Vice President 75% Commission + Bonuses 12% - 87% Total. Ownership and Profit Sharing Pool at 10% based on production percentage. Produce nine 1st-Generation RVPs Submit either $250,000 thru 3rd in Premium or $450,000 thru 6th in Premium; maximum credit 25% per leg; Base Shop Premium may only count 50% Execute ENVP Agreement Partner Levels
SVP EVP SEVP ENVP Infinity Override 75% VP 1st VP 2nd VP 3rd VP 4th 75% +3% bonus 75% +3% bonus 75% +3% bonus VP 1st VP 2nd VP 3rd VP 4th VP 5th VP 6th VP 7th 9% 3% 2% 1% 0% 12% 6% 5% 4% 3% 15% 9% 8% 7% 6% 21% 15% 14% 13% 12% Infinity Override
X X X X X X X $100 $10,000 Who are your top ten closest friends? BEN X $100 X AMY CHLOE Heart attack Stroke Cancer X YOU DAN PETER X PAUL ELI $10,000 X X ANNE JOE BRIAN
Build a Team….Live the Dream Great compensation to the Personal Producer and The Builder Leverage your income - ENVP example Override 5 generations of ENVP base shop units (example ENVP thru 5 generations = 164% contract) 75%+12%+21%+15%+14%+14%+13% = 164% Huge Base Shop overrides 45% to 57%.... EXCITING!! Put the Power of Leverage to work for you and your family Join a True Crusade Work a Proven System, which will solve your prospecting problems FOREVER!! Personal sale: this is our system of self-consumption, a huge gain for you in the long run. If you can’t qualify then use a surrogate (spouse) or the first monthly premium goes to your up line.
Thank You for listening! NEXT STEPS! Get with the person that invited you Make sure your plan is in place/do policy review Make a list of your top ten friends you care about Start your insurance licensing process Thank You for listening!