Peter Martin CEO, Tribal Group plc Tribal in Education Welcome
Why we are successful Mark Sampson Director of Business Development Tribal in Education
Tribal Education Software Services Learning & Publishing Consulting Support Services Group Structure
Financial Performance
Revenue Split
Committed Revenue Year£ Millions
Breadth & Depth Rich Seams Market Leadership Originality & Innovation Originality & Innovation Sustainable Success Client Why we are successful
The Learning & Skills Landscape Barry Brooks Director for Education and Skills Strategy Tribal in Education
2007/8 2010/11 £68.1bn £80.3bn Overall spending in Education Comprehensive Spending Review
Investment in Training and Skills
2007/8 2010/11 £50.1bn £59.7bn 3.1% in real terms Academies & BSF - £40 billion STEM - £420 million Family Learning - £90 million
2007/8 2010/11 £14.2bn £16.4bn 2.2% in real terms Skills for Life - £3 billion World Class Skills - £15 billion Train 2 Gain - £3 billion
Largest provider of inspections Largest provider of services Largest provider of IAG to OLASS Largest provider of CPD for teachers of mathematics
Terrorism Health Crime Unemployment
Machinery of Government Gershon Lyons Tribal
Economic performance and social justice Economic performance and social justice Economic performance and social justice
Tribal in Education Anthony Benton Managing Director - Software World-class Software
Revenue Split
Tribal Software – The Facts Annual recurring support fees of £11.12M represents 33% of annual revenues Support charges vary from 20% to 30% of software license value £30+ million business Core applications (e.g. Student Records) are mission critical systems, client retention is high
Success in Education 60% of all universities 80% of all further education 60% of all private training providers 70% of all local authorities
No 1 in HE Student Records No 1 in FE Student Records No 2 in Children’s Services No 1 in Work Based Learning Market Leaders – with world class products
NMDS-SC ™ National Minimum Dataset-Social Care on-line £7 million contract over 5 years
national stakeholders with market needs information single source of collecting information influence planning & resource allocation in the social care the information to target resources & training Increasing the skills of the social care workforce Capturing data on a national scale
Year 1 Year 2Year 3Year 4 1,900,000 1,050,000 1,400,000 2,350,000 Context Year 5 3,050,000 Number of Employees Managers % with no qualifications Care Workers – 24.8% with Level 2 or above
Supported by:
On Time On Budget Happy Client
Building on our proven success Integrated Children’s System and Child Social Care Exceptionally loyal client base with huge opportunities for development Health Service Software Applications – market now open for new applications Overseas expansion – world class education management products (presence in Jamaica, Ireland, Malta, Oslo) Portals and Information Delivery Projects – huge demand for new era management information systems Children’s Centres & Pre-School Services Acquisition of strategically aligned software businesses
Tribal in Education Geoff Stead Technical Director Innovation and Learning
Technology in education: innovation £860m school spend on IT More mobiles than people 85% of all teachers
Products Projects R&D Innovation R&D Innovation
Content Filling gapsQuality & Consistency Mix of media
Portals 99% of schools are online £60m to connect to schools All colleges. Most universities. Schools … Reaching learners
Communication No borders E-mentors
Innovation: the m-generation Try a free taster: text “BSM Tribal” to % of 7-10 yr olds 3.3bn phones worldwide Every child in Wolverhampton £6M from LSC
Innovation: the all-in-one blend
Innovation: large employers
Tribal in Education John Simpson Director for Education UK’s Leading Provider of School Inspections
UK’s largest private sector provider of school inspection services 4 year, £12m pa contract to August 09 Revenues grown x12 between 2001 and fully trained inspectors One third of English schools (c9000) Market Position
Leading Public/Private Partnership “Outstanding Services” Market Leadership Re-tender Sept 2009 Client Where are we now?
Here to stay New Opportunities Early years Initial teacher training Early years Initial teacher training Other UK regulatory regimes Overseas
Tribal in Education Martin Good, Director for Innovation OLASS 3 The offender learning and skills service,
Learning and Skills Council (LSC) OLASS budget 2007/8 2008/92009/102010/11 Market size post CSR Overall budget (CSR) £113m £122m £125m £128m
Why? 90,000 and rising 65% re-offend within 2 years
Costs of reoffending Re-imprisonment Year 1: £60,000 pa After that: Year 2 £40,000 pa Year 3 £40,000 pa Year 4 £40,000 pa Year 5 £40,000 pa...
Year 1 cost £3.2bn 10% saving: £320m
Work is the key Sustainable employment works
OLASS: 2 parts Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Skills training
2009/10 Market size of IAG (£ millions) 2010/11 £17m £19m £20m Estimate for IAG: £15-£20 million pa for 5 years £18m 2008/9 2007/8
Housing practice: social landlords IAG in 26 prisons now, £9 million Labour market research: skill and labour shortages Network of employers Unrivalled expertise in employability and basic skills E-learning, m-learning, empowerment Tribal’s capability Recruitment business
20,000 IAG sessions pa now Excellent client feedback Magnet for new money Tracking with technology Tribal wide approach Why us?
“ Excellent service ” “ 100% on target ” Contract extensions
Let’s work together to reduce reoffending now.
Tribal in Education Peter Martin, CEO Questions