Tribal Program Office of Intelligence & Analysis Department of Homeland Security May 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Tribal Program Office of Intelligence & Analysis Department of Homeland Security May 2011

Overview  Evolving Threat and Gaps  What is a Fusion Center?  Benefits to Tribe  Tribal Examples

Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 Evolving Threat Environment  9/11 emphasized need for the federal government to build the capacity of the Intelligence Community and share information with state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) community  Focus on building the National Network of State and Major Urban Area Fusion Centers  Evolving threat environment – threats come from within our communities  National Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative  Results in increased emphasis placed on enhancing SLTT capacity to receive, analyze, disseminate, and gather threat information  ensure that front-line operators can identify and mitigate potential threats 3 “Today's threats put state, local, tribal and territorial law enforcement around the country on the front lines of our counterterrorism effort in unprecedented ways” — Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, October 25, 2010

Presenter’s Name June 17,  One of the way we counteract the evolving threat environment is with our Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative  Fusion centers connect their state SAR program with a national program.  NSI establishes a unified approach at all levels of government to gather, document, process, analyze, and share information about terrorism-related suspicious activities (also referred to as the SAR process)  NSI integrates state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies’ SAR processes into a nationwide effort. “Homeland security begins with hometown security, and every citizen plays an important role in ensuring America’s safety.” -Secretary Napolitano

Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 Fusion Center Overview 5 California Virginia New York  Law Enforcement case support  Protecting the Civil Rights, Civil Liberties and Privacy of our citizens  Provide finished intelligence products  Educate First Preventers through trainings  Provide a mechanism for suspicious activity reporting “A fusion center is a collaborative effort of two or more agencies that provide resources, expertise and information to the center with the goal of maximizing their ability to detect, prevent, investigate, and respond to criminal and terrorist activity.” - Baseline Capabilities for State and Major Urban Area Fusion Centers

Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 Fusion Center Definition 6 What a Fusion Center IS  Focused on the Fusion Process: Fusion centers receive, analyze, disseminate, and gather threat-related information, in coordination with law enforcement and multi-disciplinary partners  Positioned to Provide Local Context: Fusion centers blend intelligence and information from federal and SLTT partners to provide state and local context to help enhance the national threat picture  Flexible: Fusion center missions vary based on the environment in which the center operates; most have adopted an "all-crimes" approach, whereas others have also included an "all-hazards" approach What a Fusion Center is NOT  Focused on Terrorism: Fusion centers have broader capabilities to assist in counterterrorism as well as all-crimes and all-hazards missions  Owned by the Federal Government: Fusion centers are owned and operated by state and local entities with support from federal partners  A Base for Domestic Spies: Fusion centers are committed to protecting the privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties of Americans

Presenter’s Name June 17, 2003 The National Network

Tribal Program The Gap 566 federally recognized tribes Over 44.5 million acres of tribal lands; over 270 miles of northern, southern, and maritime borders Close knit communities that generally have primary jurisdiction on tribal lands Bad actors can exploit jurisdictional complexity Ysleta Del Sur

Benefits to Fusion Center 9  Close potential threat gap  Increase security to northern and southern borders  Ability to develop truly state/nation-wide plans and exercises  Access tribal suspicious activity reports

Benefits to Tribe 10  Access to information – emerging threats, secret level databases, secured  Access to multiple DHS components in one place – fusion centers work with or have access to many DHS and DOJ entities  Ability to spread information via national network of fusion centers – BOLOs, RFI, etc.  Access to state-of-the-art technology and expertise – facial recognition databases, emergency operations centers, computer and internet criminal investigations, critical infrastructure specialists  Access to free training – Analytical Tradecraft, Open Source Research, and Terrorism Liaison Training

Benefits of Fusion Center MJAC (Minnesota) Opportunities  Homeland security-related information  Law enforcement inquiries  Pattern & trend analysis  Driver’s license photos  State contacts  Federal contacts  Significant event information  Subject matter research  Analytical case support  Classified briefings for senior leadership  Management of MN DHS clearances WSIC (Wisconsin) Partners  Crime Analysts - Performs law enforcement support services  National Guard Analysts - Narcotics only investigative support  DHS Intelligence Officer  FBI Intelligence Analyst  Program Coordinator - Budget and TLO program  DCI Technical Services Unit  Dane County Sheriff Detective  WI State Patrol, Air Support Unit  WI Emergency Management  Financial Crimes Investigator  Cyber Crimes Investigator  Clearinghouse for Missing and Exploited Children

Database Resources

Tohono O’odham – ACTIC Case Study  ACTIC (Arizona) reached out to TON and began pushing out emerging threat information to tribe  Slowly TON began sharing information on illegal border crossing and/or drug smuggling  TON has full time Tribal Terrorism Liaison Officer that has desk at ACTIC  Uses ACTIC facilities and databases  TON attend trainings hosted by ACTIC (ACTIC reserves slots at every training for tribes to attend)  Joint efforts to extract bad actors from tribal lands that endanger tribal citizens  TON participates in State-wide homeland security exercises  Currently an effort to create a Tribal Fusion Cell on tribal lands where all Arizona tribes will have representation

Other Tribal Models  Oklahoma: Chickasaw Nation has full time TLO that works with fusion center. Tribal TLO obtains emerging threat information and shares with rest of Oklahoma tribes  New Mexico: In very early stages, but has been working with the BIA Special Agent in ABQ to foster relationships  Montana: Blackfeet focus on northern border issues. Tribe obtained Tribal Homeland Security Grant, secure access to receive emerging threat information, in process of receiving Secret level clearance, and scheduled to received intelligence training

I&A Tribal Program 15 Lorinda M.N.M. Riley Tribal Liaison Departmental Coordination Branch (202) office (202) blkbry