WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Tribal Weatherization Project NASCSP September 2011
Purpose Develop government to government relationships with tribes in support of the Centennial Accord Facilitate – between tribes and local community action (CAP) weatherization providers to increase service to tribes Develop technical abilities within the tribes that will supplement our efforts of energy conservation through weatherization
Partners 29 Federally recognized tribes Varying in size from members on a few acres to 12,000 members and 1.5 million + acres 25 Local Community Action Programs provide weatherization services to 39 counties
Method Explore ideas Enhance partnerships with local providers Identify unique service delivery Provide training for tribal staff Client education Establish Tribal Weatherization Focus Group
Tribal Weatherization Focus Group 2010
Tribal Mobile Home Training
Technical Assistance
Tribal crew training
Tribe, Local Agency & State
TANF Work Experience
Results Increased relationships between tribes and local agencies 3 Tribes with sustainable weatherization programs 17 Green Jobs created on reservations for management, professional, and crew 127 additional units weatherized on reservations Tribes incorporating weatherization into new construction
Weatherization in New Construction
Results for families Weatherize once, save for years Improved indoor air quality Sustainable low-income housing
Challenges Staffing Time & Travel Establishing Relationships Local Agency/Tribal Histories Tribal/State politics “Trust me, I’m here from the Government” Geographic/logistical Committed Funding
What’s required? Commitment to resources for funding and staffing Develop relationships Focus on Program first Resist Urge to teach technical first A well managed program will ensure good technical Patience - Start small and grow
Why we do it…
Thank You For more information contact Eunice Herren, Tribal Liaison for Weatherization (360)