Multicultural Alliances Programs P.S. Benepal Science and Education Resources Development (SERD) The Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
What we’ll discuss Multicultural Alliances Competitive Programs 1890 Institution Teaching and Research Capacity Building Grants Program Tribal Colleges Research Program Tribal Colleges Extension Program Federally-Recognized Tribes Extension Program Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) Education Grants Program
Multicultural Alliances Grant Programs Focus: The focus of the grant programs is to develop infrastructure and capacity in teaching, research and extension at the Minority Serving Land-Grant Institutions
1890 Research Program 1890 Extension Program 1890 Institutions Teaching and Research Capacity Building Grants Program 1890 Facilities Grants Program Tribal Colleges Endowment Fund Tribal Colleges Equity Grants Program Tribal Colleges Research Grants Program Tribal Colleges Extension Program Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program Alaska Native-Serving and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions Grants Program Hispanic-Serving Institutions Education Grants Program Multicultural Alliances Programs
1890 Capacity Building Grants Program Purpose: Build institutional research and teaching capacity at 1890 Land-Grant Universities (FY2006 Funding – $12.2 million) Targeted Areas: Teaching: Curricula Design, Faculty Preparation, Instruction Delivery Systems, Scientific Instrumentation, Student Experiential Learning, Student Recruitment and Retention Research: Studies and Experimentation in Food and Agricultural Sciences, Centralized Research Support Systems, Technology Delivery Systems, Other Creative Proposals Impact: 1890 Universities are: 1) visible partners in the training of national and international students; 2) contributing to cutting- edge academic and scientific developments; 3) increasing the pool of well-trained, culturally diverse people for the food and agricultural science workforce.
Tribal Colleges Research Grant Program Purpose: To assist 1994 Land-Grant Institutions in conducting research that addresses high priority agricultural concerns of tribal, national or multi-state significance (FY 2006 Funding – $1 million) Each proposal must include documentation of cooperation with at least one 1862 or 1890 Land-Grant Institution Targeted Areas: Investigative and analytical studies in the food and agricultural sciences Impact: Provided funding for projects investigating: native plants for human nutrition, bison management, medicinal crops, water quality, forestry and rangeland management.
Tribal Colleges Extension Program Purpose: To provide non-formal education through Tribal Colleges and Universities to help meet the needs of Native American people and to provide essential services to their communities. (FY 2006 Funding– $3.2 million) Targeted Areas: Extension programming in the areas of: Community and economic development; agriculture and natural resources management; family and youth development; & volunteer development; nutrition, diet, & health. Program Impacts: Increased tourism opportunities on reservations; expertise development in land restoration; improved financial management skills; enhanced nutrition education
Federally-Recognized Tribes Extension Program Purpose: To establish and conduct extension education programs on Indian Reservations and tribal jurisdictions (FY2006 Funding – $1.9 million) Annual awards are made to 1862 Land-Grant Institutions for projects that are initially selected on a competitive basis and periodically reviewed. Targeted Areas: Develop training and education programs in: range management, animal health and production, natural resource management, youth development, entrepreneurship and safe food handling. Program Impacts: Improved livestock profits during drought; greater business opportunities for tribal artisans; youth involvement in horsemanship; reestablished native grasses on tribal land.
Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Education Grants Program Purpose: To promote and strengthen HSI’s to produce graduates capable of enhancing the Nation’s food and agricultural scientific and professional workforce. (FY2006 Funding – $5.9 million) Eligibility: 2- or 4-year college or university with at least 25% Hispanic student enrollment Targeted Areas: Faculty Preparation, Curricula Design, Materials Development and Library Resources, Instruction Delivery Systems, Scientific Instrumentation – Teaching, Student Recruitment and Retention Program Impacts: Cross-trained students in food and culinary sciences; new courses in landscape irrigation; upgraded food chemistry laboratories; development of new nutrition programs
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