Native Tribal Relationship to Land and Food Dr. Reverend Clifford Canku, Retired Faculty, Dakota Studies North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
Dakota Nation Land According to Dakota oral traditions, legends and history, the Dakota Nation were always living in the area of the Minnesota River and Mille Lacs Lake. Picture Source:
Mitakuye Owasiŋ - Reciprocity Kinship Relationship Dakota Other Tribal Nations The Creator Dakota People Kinship Relations Other Tribal Nations The Creator
Responsibility to Unci Maka Dakota belief is that all living things originate from a great, mysterious Creator. Relational connection to their Creator
Dakota Relationship to Land Land cannot be divided because it was used by everyone (Meyer 1993, pg. 40) Image Source:
Dakota Relationship to Food Food is a natural nutritious gift from the Creator. Original genetic relationship of Creation to the Creator Spiritual – Natural Ecology
Wild Rice – P’sin - Manoomin Endowed with spiritual attributes Recounted in legends and dreams Ceremonial use Social aspect of harvest in late summer Image Source:
Commercial Exploitation Commercial sale of wild rice by non-Indians Modern agriculture practices Pollution of water by sulfates from mining operations. Research by John Moyle Image Source:
Government in Traditional Indian Culture Little distinction between political and spiritual world. Political decisions made with spiritual guidance. Image of painting titled “Sioux Indian Council” by Capt. Seth Eastman, 1852
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