1. Magnitude of Need 2. Gaps and Weaknesses 1
Focus on the target population vs. the tribal organization Focus on the conditions impacting the target population that your project will change Provides rationale for your project 2
What is the need? Do you understand the issues and concerns? What is the proposed solution to the need? Will your solution work and is it a good one? Who will carry out the solution? Do you have the staff and resources to make it work? 3
Explain why you must provide AIVR services How large is the population? What percentage are persons with disabilities? Who will you be serving? Where do they reside? 4
Employment Education Economy Health Tribal Infrastructure Other 5
Number of tribal members with disabilities Most prevalent disabilities Number of tribal consumers served by State VR Frequency of contacts between State VR and Tribe Other 6
Types of disabilities among tribal members Available employment opportunities Anticipated or current case load of AIVR program 7
Availability of resources to prepare for, retain, or maintain employment Adequacy of services to address consumers’ impediments to employment Adequacy of tribal resources to address employment needs of the target population Accessibility of employment, education, recreation, and health services 8
Serving tribal consumers presents an important tribal challenge or condition Needs of the target population has a Tribal, regional and national significance Tribal members with disabilities are greatly underserved and unserved in State VR 9
State VR services are not culturally relevant Inaccessible facilities (work, home and recreation) Limited education and employment opportunities in tribal communities 10