eWiSACWIS Changes
Allows for messages to be sent to a specific site within a county Allows for some messages to be sent to additional people 3
Change in Rate on Interim Care Placement Newly Approved CANS Newly Approved Foster Care Rate Payment/Overpayment Will Not Be Created Placement Ending Service Ending Foster Care Rate Ended Foster Care Rate Ended - (Future End-Dated FCR)* Missing Foster Care Rate* Youth Aging Out of Care* 5
Export of search results (reports) Ability to generate payments immediately (does not require workers to wait for the scheduled weekly or monthly runs) 6
Payment for Administrative costs that exceeds those costs already factored into a provider’s Administrative Rate Child Placing Agencies Group Homes RCCs Notification to DCF occurs when an Extraordinary Payment Request is documented 7
Ability to document a FCR for an emergency/after hours (receiving home) placements using a daily rate Only for emergency placements Only for the first 30 days of a placement Allows for a daily rate to be entered Calculates the exceptional amount (subtracts the basic rate) Converts to a monthly rate Separate FCRs must be created when this spans over two months (due to monthly rate) 9
Uses CANS to calculate the supplemental amount and uses the basic amount based on the child’s age (administrative and exceptional rates can also be added) Can also create a non-Wisconsin rate Calculates a monthly rate 11
Switched from Foster Club to UW Survey Center Memo: All Wisconsin youth who wish to take the NYTD survey at 17, 19 or 21 should be contacted directly by the University of Wisconsin Survey Center with a link to complete the survey If a youth wishes to take the survey and needs assistance, call and ask for extension NYTD at 21 year old survey began Oct. 1 st 13
New Message: Homeless Outreach Purpose: To notify counties that a youth reported himself/herself as currently homeless on the NYTD survey Sent to IL worker when the youth completes a 17, 19 or 21 survey and selects homeless as an answer for question 23 and the consent to share the survey checkbox is selected 15
Extending Foster Care to 21 Birth to 3 referral 17
Updated versions of the Home Study and Home Study Update/Recertification eWiSACWIS pages Templates Psychosocial Evaluation Report added as an eWiSACWIS page 20
CPS Reports Changed ‘ICW Cover Letter’ drop-down value to ‘Indian Child Welfare Screened Out Report’ to better describe the template Changed ‘Notice to Tribal Agent’ drop- down value to ‘CPS Report to Tribal Agent’ to better describe the template 25
Person Management ICWA specific fields are disabled until Race or Ethnicity is designated as ‘American Indian/Alaskan Native’ and/or ‘Native American’ Tribal Membership # is enabled once identified as a tribe ‘Member’ for Indian Tribe 1 or 2 A narrative box has been added to display if a tribal membership status is ‘Not eligible for membership’ 26
Tickler A new tickler reminds the primary worker to update a Tribal Membership Status if the value is ‘Pending’ Due 30 days from ‘Pending’ membership entry 28
ICWA Record Added Active Efforts group box Pre-fills active efforts from Planning & Services tab of the most recently approved Permanency Plan 30
Maltreater Review process Workload Management for Assessment Title IV-E Eligibility to support extension of out-of-home care Private Provider 33
Moving the Independent Living coordination and delivery of services to regional operations for youth aging out of care messages will be sent to county and regional IL staff when a youth turns 17 ½ Modification to how s get sent for Independent Living messages Workers identified as Independent Living Coordinators will automatically get IL messages No need to maintain distribution lists (unless you want the message to go to additional people) Adding New IL case assignment type 34