EWiSACWIS Changes.  Allows for messages to be sent to a specific site within a county  Allows for some messages to be sent to additional people 3.


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Presentation transcript:

eWiSACWIS Changes

 Allows for messages to be sent to a specific site within a county  Allows for some messages to be sent to additional people 3


 Change in Rate on Interim Care Placement  Newly Approved CANS  Newly Approved Foster Care Rate  Payment/Overpayment Will Not Be Created  Placement Ending  Service Ending  Foster Care Rate Ended  Foster Care Rate Ended - (Future End-Dated FCR)*  Missing Foster Care Rate*  Youth Aging Out of Care* 5

 Export of search results (reports)  Ability to generate payments immediately (does not require workers to wait for the scheduled weekly or monthly runs) 6

 Payment for Administrative costs that exceeds those costs already factored into a provider’s Administrative Rate  Child Placing Agencies  Group Homes  RCCs  Notification to DCF occurs when an Extraordinary Payment Request is documented 7


 Ability to document a FCR for an emergency/after hours (receiving home) placements using a daily rate  Only for emergency placements  Only for the first 30 days of a placement  Allows for a daily rate to be entered  Calculates the exceptional amount (subtracts the basic rate)  Converts to a monthly rate  Separate FCRs must be created when this spans over two months (due to monthly rate) 9


 Uses CANS to calculate the supplemental amount and uses the basic amount based on the child’s age (administrative and exceptional rates can also be added)  Can also create a non-Wisconsin rate  Calculates a monthly rate 11


 Switched from Foster Club to UW Survey Center  Memo:  All Wisconsin youth who wish to take the NYTD survey at 17, 19 or 21 should be contacted directly by the University of Wisconsin Survey Center with a link to complete the survey  If a youth wishes to take the survey and needs assistance, call and ask for extension  NYTD at 21 year old survey began Oct. 1 st 13


 New Message: Homeless Outreach  Purpose: To notify counties that a youth reported himself/herself as currently homeless on the NYTD survey  Sent to IL worker when the youth completes a 17, 19 or 21 survey and selects homeless as an answer for question 23 and the consent to share the survey checkbox is selected 15

 Extending Foster Care to 21  Birth to 3 referral 17



 Updated versions of the Home Study and Home Study Update/Recertification  eWiSACWIS pages  Templates  Psychosocial Evaluation Report added as an eWiSACWIS page 20





CPS Reports  Changed ‘ICW Cover Letter’ drop-down value to ‘Indian Child Welfare Screened Out Report’ to better describe the template  Changed ‘Notice to Tribal Agent’ drop- down value to ‘CPS Report to Tribal Agent’ to better describe the template 25

Person Management  ICWA specific fields are disabled until Race or Ethnicity is designated as ‘American Indian/Alaskan Native’ and/or ‘Native American’  Tribal Membership # is enabled once identified as a tribe ‘Member’ for Indian Tribe 1 or 2  A narrative box has been added to display if a tribal membership status is ‘Not eligible for membership’ 26


Tickler  A new tickler reminds the primary worker to update a Tribal Membership Status if the value is ‘Pending’  Due 30 days from ‘Pending’ membership entry 28


ICWA Record  Added Active Efforts group box  Pre-fills active efforts from Planning & Services tab of the most recently approved Permanency Plan 30


 Maltreater Review process  Workload Management for Assessment  Title IV-E Eligibility to support extension of out-of-home care  Private Provider 33

 Moving the Independent Living coordination and delivery of services to regional operations for youth aging out of care  messages will be sent to county and regional IL staff when a youth turns 17 ½  Modification to how s get sent for Independent Living messages  Workers identified as Independent Living Coordinators will automatically get IL messages  No need to maintain distribution lists (unless you want the message to go to additional people)  Adding New IL case assignment type 34