Individuals Who are Gifted and Talented Chapter Fourteen Individuals Who are Gifted and Talented
Defining Giftedness
Defining Giftedness
Assessing Giftedness and Talent Multiple areas of assessment: Strengths Interests Leadership Intellectual ability Academic achievement Creativity
Differences Among Children Who are Gifted and Talented Intellectual ability Talent category Learning opportunities
Theoretical Distribution of Intelligence
Brief History of the Field First Half of the Twentieth-Century Pioneering The 1950s - 1970s Establishing foundations The 1980s - 1990s The field matures and provides focus for school reform The Twenty-First Century Challenges
Gardener’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Gardener’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences (continued)
Prevalence of Giftedness and Talent Prevalence varies across states due to variations in state definitions Approximately 3 to 5 percent of school-aged children; some professionals believe that 10 to 15 percent is more accurate 3 million American children are gifted and talented (National Association for Gifted Children, 2007)
Etiology of Giftedness and Talent Nature vs. nurture argument (environment vs. heredity) Intelligence is no longer believed to be fixed at birth Physical and chemical changes when the brain is stimulated or challenged
Characteristics of Individuals Who are Gifted and Talented
Characteristics of Individuals Who are Gifted and Talented (continued)
Characteristics of Individuals Who are Gifted and Talented (continued)
Suggestions for the Classroom Differentiation Curriculum compacting Higher-level thinking and problem solving Flexible grouping Cluster grouping Tiered assignments Problem-based learning Accelerated pacing of instruction
Service Delivery Options for Students Who are Gifted or Talented
Services for Young Children Who are Gifted and Talented Early experiences Identification difficulties Lack of federal legislation
Characteristics of Young Talented Children
Adolescents and Adults Who are Gifted and Talented Adolescent need to “fit in” Personality attributes: desire to achieve, persistence, curiosity and openness to new experiences Educational considerations MENSA
Characteristics of Families of Children Who are Gifted
Issues of Diversity Twice exceptional learners Girls who are gifted learners Identifying and serving children from diverse backgrounds Cultural characteristics associated with giftedness
A Profile of Gifted Females
Suggestions for Teaching Culturally Diverse Students Who are Gifted
Technology and Individuals Who are Gifted and Talented Access to the internet provides: Knowledge Resources Access to mentors Distance learning Social interaction with other gifted individuals Learning experiences
Trends, Issues, and Controversies Striving for world-class standards Equity and excellence Full inclusion Services focus on the gifted students instead of the gifted program Talent development