During the First World War several world leaders such as Woodrow Wilson and Jan Smuts, began advocating the need for an international organization to preserve peace and settle disputes by arbitration. In September, 1916, Robert Cecil, a member of the British government, wrote a memorandum where he argued that civilisation could survive only if it could develop an international system that would insure peace.
When peace negotiations began in October 1918,Woodrow Wilson insisted that his fourteen points should serve as a basis for the signing of the armistice .This included the league of nations.
The fourteen points On 8th January 1918 Wilson presented his peace Programme to congress. The fourteen points included --- 1.Renouncing secret treaties 2.Freedom of seas 3.Removal of worldwide trade barriers. 4.The advocation of arms reductions 5.International arbitration of all colonial disputes. 6-14 were concerned with specific territorial problems.
The League formally came into Existence on 10th January 1920. Its headquarters were in Geneva. Its two main aims were peace through Collective security and international Co-operation to solve economic and Social problems. It was the predecessor of the United Nations.
Organisation of the league The Assembly---Every league member had one vote It met annually. The council----It met three times a year and contained four permanent members,Britain France Italy and Japan. The Secretariat– looked after the paperwork. The Permanent Court of International Justice Consisted of 15 judges and made decisions on international diputes.
Commissions----Set up to deal with specific problems Like refugees ,minorities,health ,drugs ,slavery etc.
Weaknesses with the League. The American senate rejected the treaty of Versailles. Wilson was defeated in a presidential election and America did not join the league. Russia and Germany were not allowed to join. Decisions taken had to be unanimous. The league had no army of its own.
Successes Between 1921 and 1926 the League was involved in The settlement of several potentially dangerous Disputes between nations. Germany was finally accepted as a full member in 1926. Representatives from different countries were able to Meet and become friends.