IN ENGLISH the past conditional is made up of the auxiliary “would have” and the infinitive form of the verb Ex. I would have eaten dinner. He would have seen. Only used as the result of a nonfactual statement (something that didn’t happen) Ex. If I had money, I would have bought a car. These are “si” clauses which we will learn more about later!
IN FRENCH Le conditionnel passé is formed with auxiliary AVOIR or ETRE in the present conditional + the past participle of the main verb. Ex. j’aurais mangé, elle serait allée Follows same rules of agreement as passé composé Just like English, used as result of “contrary to fact” statements Ex. Il aurait parlé, s’il avait su la vérité. (He would have spoken, if he had known the truth)
RÉVISION! How do we form the conditional for Avoir and Être?
REVISION CONTINUÉE… Future stem + imparfait endings AUR- SER- ais ait ions iez aient
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