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Iron Iron is a: Vitamin Major mineral Trace mineral
Iron Iron is a: Vitamin Incorrect. Iron is one of the fourteen essential trace minerals. Minerals are inorganic compounds needed for growth and for regulation of body processes. Trace minerals are present in the body in very small quantities. Vitamins are organic compounds. Next Question
Iron Iron is a: Major mineral Incorrect. Iron is one of the fourteen essential trace minerals. Minerals are inorganic compounds needed for growth and for regulation of body processes. Trace minerals are present in the body in very small quantities. Vitamins are organic compounds. Next Question
Iron Iron is a: Trace mineral Correct! Iron is one of the fourteen essential trace minerals. Minerals are inorganic compounds needed for growth and for regulation of body processes. Trace minerals are present in the body in very small quantities. Vitamins are organic compounds. Next Question
Iron Iron is necessary for proper immune function, brain and bone growth as well as for transporting oxygen to both muscles and the cells of the body. True False
Iron Iron is necessary for proper immune function, brain and bone growth as well as for transporting oxygen to both muscles and the cells of the body. True Correct! Next Question
Iron Iron is necessary for proper immune function, brain and bone growth as well as for transporting oxygen to both muscles and the cells of the body. False Incorrect. These are all functions of iron. Next Question
Iron The two types of iron are: Brain and bone iron Anemic and non-anemic iron Heme and non-heme iron
Iron The two types of iron are: Brain and bone iron Incorrect. Heme and non-heme are the two types of iron found in food. Next Question
Iron The two types of iron are: Anemic and non-anemic iron Incorrect. Heme and non-heme are the two types of iron found in food. Next Question
Iron The two types of iron are: Heme and non-heme iron Correct! Next Question
Iron Sixty percent of the iron in food is this type of iron. Heme iron Non-heme iron
Iron Sixty percent of the iron in food is this type of iron. Heme iron Incorrect. 60% of iron is found in food is non-heme iron. Next Question
Iron Sixty percent of the iron is this type of iron. Non-heme iron Correct! Next Question
Iron This type of iron is more effectively absorbed by the body. Heme iron Non-heme iron
Iron This type of iron is more effectively absorbed by the body. Heme iron Correct! Next Question
Iron This type of iron is more effectively absorbed by the body. Non-heme iron Incorrect. Heme iron is more effectively absorbed. Next Question
Iron Heme iron is found in: Milk and butter Meat, poultry and fish Fruits, vegetables, peas, beans, nuts and grainsFruits, vegetables, peas, beans, nuts and grains
Iron Heme iron is found in: Milk and butter Incorrect. Heme iron is found in meat, fish and poultry. Next Question
Iron Heme iron is found in: Meat, poultry and fish Correct! Next Question
Iron Heme iron is found in: Fruits, vegetables, peas, beans, nuts and grains Incorrect. Heme iron is found in meat, fish and poultry. Next Question
Iron Our bodies assimilate this percentage of the heme iron. 8-18% 25-35% 40-50%
Iron Our bodies assimilate this percentage of the heme iron. 8-18% Incorrect. The correct answer is %. Next Question
Iron Our bodies assimilate this percentage of the heme iron % Correct! Next Question
Iron Our bodies assimilate this percentage of the heme iron % Incorrect. The correct answer is 25-35%. Next Question
Iron Non-heme iron is found in: Milk and butter Meat, poultry and fish Fruits, vegetables, peas, beans, nuts and grainsFruits, vegetables, peas, beans, nuts and grains
Iron Non-heme iron is found in: Milk and butter Incorrect. Non-heme iron sources include fruits, vegetables, legumes (dried peas and beans), nuts and grain products. Dairy products contain neither heme nor non-heme iron. Next Question
Iron Non-heme iron is found in: Meat, poultry and fish Incorrect. Non- heme iron sources include fruits, vegetables, legumes (dried peas and beans), nuts and grain products. Dairy products contain neither heme nor non- heme iron. Next Question
Iron Non-heme iron is found in: Fruits, vegetables, peas, beans, nuts and grains Correct! Dairy products contain neither heme nor non-heme iron. Next Question
Iron If a fortified or enriched food, such as cereal, contains 100% of the daily value of iron, then a person meets daily iron needs by eating one serving of this food. True False
Iron If a fortified or enriched food, such as cereal, contains 100% of the daily value of iron, then a person meets daily iron needs by eating one serving of this food. True Incorrect. Only 2-20% of non-heme iron is absorbed from enriched or fortified foods. Therefore, one does not meet one’s iron needs by consuming a single serving of a fortified or enriched cereal product containing 100% of the daily value of iron. Next Question
Iron If a fortified or enriched food, such as cereal, contains 100% of the daily value of iron, then a person meets daily iron needs by eating one serving of this food. False Correct! Only 2-20% of non-heme iron is absorbed from enriched for fortified foods. Therefore, one does not meet one’s iron needs by consuming a single serving of a fortified or enriched cereal product containing 100% of the daily value of iron. Next Question
Iron Early symptoms of iron deficiency include: Excitability and restlessness Tiredness and irritability Euphoria and giddiness
Iron Early symptoms of iron deficiency include: Excitability and restlessness Incorrect. Iron is necessary to assist in biochemical reactions of the body’s energy pathways. Iron deficiency results in tiredness, irritability, headaches and dizziness. Next Questionext Question
Iron Early symptoms of iron deficiency include: Tiredness and irritability Correct! Iron is necessary to assist in biochemical reactions of the body’s energy pathways. Other early symptoms include headaches and dizziness. Next Question
Iron Early symptoms of iron deficiency include: Euphoria and giddiness Incorrect. Iron is necessary to assist in biochemical reactions of the body’s energy pathways. Iron deficiency results in tiredness, irritability, headaches and dizziness. Next Question
Iron Physical symptoms of an iron deficiency include fatigue, reduced capacity for work, difficulty breathing and reduced resistance to infections. True False
Iron Physical symptoms of an iron deficiency include fatigue, reduced capacity for work, difficulty breathing and reduced resistance to infections. True Correct! Next Question
Iron Physical symptoms of an iron deficiency include fatigue, reduced capacity for work, difficulty breathing and reduced resistance to infections. False Incorrect. These are all physical symptoms of iron deficiency. Next Question
Iron This vitamin helps enhance the absorption of iron. Vitamin A Vitamin B 1Vitamin B 1 Vitamin C
Iron This vitamin helps enhance the absorption of iron. Vitamin A Incorrect. Eating iron-rich foods along with Vitamin C-rich foods (citrus fruits and juices, cantaloupe, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes or cabbage) helps to increase the amount of iron that the body absorbs. Next Question
Iron This vitamin helps enhance the absorption of iron. Vitamin B 1 Incorrect. Eating iron-rich foods along with Vitamin C-rich foods (citrus fruits and juices, cantaloupe, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes or cabbage) helps to increase the amount of iron that the body absorbs. Next Question
Iron This vitamin helps enhance the absorption of iron. Vitamin C Correct! Eating iron-rich foods along with Vitamin C-rich foods (citrus fruit and juice, cantaloupe, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes or cabbage) helps to increase the amount of iron that the body absorbs. Next Question
Iron Consuming heme iron foods along with non-heme iron foods does this to iron absorption. Enhance Inhibit
Iron Consuming heme iron foods along with non-heme iron foods does this to iron absorption. Enhance Correct! Next Question
Iron Consuming heme iron foods along with non-heme iron foods does this to iron absorption. Inhibit Incorrect. Consuming heme iron along with non-heme iron actually enhances the absorption of iron in the body. Next Question
Iron Fiber and zinc inhibit iron absorption. True False
Iron Fiber and zinc inhibit iron absorption. True Correct! Avoid eating lots of whole grains (fiber sources) or dark leafy greens and eggs (zinc sources) when aiming to eat an iron-rich meal. Next Question
Iron Fiber and zinc inhibit iron absorption. False Incorrect. Avoid eating lots of whole grains (fiber sources) or dark leafy greens and eggs (zinc sources) when aiming to eat an iron-rich meal. Next Question
Iron Dairy products do this to iron absorption. Enhance Inhibit
Iron Dairy products do this to iron absorption. Enhance Incorrect. When dairy products are consumed with iron sources, less iron is absorbed in the body. Next Question
Iron Dairy products do this to iron absorption. Inhibit Correct! When dairy products are consumed with iron sources, less iron is absorbed in the body. Next Question
Iron This is the recommended daily intake of iron for women. 18 milligrams (mg) per day 18 micrograms (µg) per day 10 milligrams (mg) per day
Iron This is the recommended daily intake of iron for women. 18 milligrams (mg) per day Correct! Women should aim to consume 18 mg of iron daily due to monthly menstruation. This value assumes that 10% of dietary iron is absorbed. Next Question
Iron This is the recommended daily intake of iron for women. 18 micrograms (µg) per day Incorrect. Women need 1000 times this amount (18 mg) every day due to monthly menstruation. This value assumes that 10% of dietary iron is absorbed. Next Question
Iron This is the recommended daily intake of iron for women. 10 milligrams (mg) per day Incorrect. Women need 18 mg of iron per day due to monthly menstruation. This value assumes that 10% of dietary iron is absorbed. Next Question
Iron This is the recommended daily intake of iron for men. 8 micrograms (µg) per day 8 milligrams (mg) per day 20 milligrams (mg) per day
Iron This is the recommended daily intake of iron for men. 8 micrograms (µg) per day. Incorrect. Men should aim to consume 8 mg of iron daily. This value assumes that 10% of dietary iron is absorbed. Next Question
Iron This is the recommended daily intake of iron for men. 8 milligrams (mg) per day. Correct! Men should aim to consume 8 mg of iron daily. This value assumes that 10% of dietary iron is absorbed. Next Question
Iron This is the recommended daily intake of iron for men. 20 milligrams (mg) per day. Incorrect. Men should aim to consume 8 mg of iron daily. This value assumes that 10% of dietary iron is absorbed. Next Question
Iron Female athletes need to be extra careful of excess iron loss. True False
Iron Female athletes need to be extra careful of excess iron loss. True Correct! Female athletes should eat a well balanced diet and get their iron checked periodically. Next Question
Iron Female athletes need to be extra careful of excess iron loss. False Incorrect. Female athletes should eat a well balanced diet and get their iron checked periodically. Next Question
Iron Which legume (1/2 cup) contains the most iron? Kidney Beans Peanuts Lentils
Iron Which legume contains the most iron? Kidney Beans Incorrect. ½ cup of cooked lentils = 3.3 mg iron ½ cup kidney beans = 2.6 mg iron ½ cup of peanuts = 1.6 mg iron Next Question
Iron Which legume contains the most iron? Peanuts Incorrect. ½ cup of cooked lentils = 3.3 mg iron ½ cup kidney beans = 2.6 mg iron ½ cup of peanuts = 1.6 mg iron Next Question
Iron Which legume contains the most iron? Lentils Correct! ½ cup of cooked lentils = 3.3 mg iron ½ cup kidney beans = 2.6 mg iron ½ cup of peanuts = 1.6 mg iron Next Question
Iron Which of the following fruits contains the most iron? ½ cup of strawberries Three dried apricots One medium banana
Iron Which of the following fruits contains the most iron? ½ cup of strawberries Incorrect. 3 dried apricots = 1.5 mg iron 1 medium banana = 0.4 mg of iron ½ cup fresh strawberries = 0.3 mg iron Next Question
Iron Which of the following fruits contains the most iron? Three dried apricots Correct! 3 dried apricots = 1.5 mg iron 1 medium banana = 0.4 mg of iron ½ cup fresh strawberries = 0.3 mg iron Next Question
Iron Which of the following fruits contains the most iron? One medium banana Incorrect. 3 dried apricots = 1.5 mg iron 1 medium banana = 0.4 mg of iron ½ cup fresh strawberries = 0.3 mg iron Next Question
Iron Can iron toxicity be dangerous? Yes No
Iron Can iron toxicity be dangerous? Yes Correct! Iron toxicity is rare, but can be dangerous and even fatal if taking excess amounts through supplements. If you are concerned that you might be iron deficient, you can make an appointment with the doctor or dietitian at University Health Services. Next Slide
Iron Can iron toxicity be dangerous? No Incorrect. Iron toxicity is rare, but can be dangerous and even fatal if taking excess amounts through supplements. If you are concerned that you might be iron deficient, you can make an appointment with the doctor or dietitian at University Health Services. Next Slide
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