FELLOWSHIP ERAS 2014 Chieftains AKA El Hefes
Some abbreviations ERAS ® – Electronic Residency Application Service EFDO – ERAS ® Fellowships Documents Office NRMP – National Residency Match Program ADTS – Applicant Document Tracking System MIDUS - Medical Institution Document Upload Service
IMPORTANT DATES 2013 JUN 18 You may submit your ERAS Fellowships token request once the season has begun. Tokens will be sent via at the time you request your token and the transaction has been completed. Once you have purchased your token, register at MyERAS. Go to the MyERAS home page. Use your token to register, login and start working on your application. You may start submitting documents to the EFDO for processing. MyERAS home page JUL 1 Fellowship applicants may apply to July application cycle specialties only. JUL 15 The ERAS PostOffice opens for July application cycle fellowship programs. The EFDO begins transmitting supporting documents that have been processed to programs you have designated. The EFDO will transmit documents every business day until May 31, The Applicant Document Tracking System (ADTS) opens to monitor the transmission status of your application and documents MAY 31 ERAS PostOffice closes, ending current ERAS season. JUL 1 Fellowship training begins.
ERAS PROCESS ERAS Fellowships process begins with your request to EFDO for a MyERAS token; – Unique identifier for access to MyERAS – fourteen-digit alpha-numeric code that is sent to you via – request a MyERAS token for the ERAS Fellowships 2014 starting June 18 th – – non-refundable $90.00 fee is required for token issuance payable by credit card or electronic check – copy the electronic token number and use it to register at MyERAS ERAS transmits fellowship applications, Letters of Recommendation (LoRs), the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE), transcripts, photograph and ABSITE Transcripts (for surgical fellowships only) to program directors.
EFDO No longer accepting paper documents for fellowship applications Must use MIDUS or the ERAS LoR Portal – must be submitted electronically – Documents submitted by mail or courier will not be scanned or attached to an applicant's MyERAS application – The EFDO On-line Services link will become available on the Documents tab in MyERAS 24 hours from the time you register at MyERAS. Do not send documents prior to registration
EFDO If your medical school will provide you with your MSPE and medical school transcript, the EFDO encourages you to upload them through the EFDO On-line Services. – Otherwise, your medical school must submit them directly to EFDO through MIDUS. Specific size and format requirements are available in EFDO On-line Services fellowship applicants are not permitted to upload documents that have been printed from the Program Directors Workstation (PDWS). - violation of AAMC policy
In a nutshell Upload Documents – Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)* – Medical School Transcript* – Digital Photograph – ABSITE Transcript (surgery applicants only) Verify Receipt of Documents by the EFDO Send requests for electronic MSPE or medical school transcript through the EFDO Medical Institution Document Upload Service (MIDUS).
LOR All LoRs must be submitted through the ERAS LoR Portal. Applicanst should provide their letter writers with the Letter Request Form which includes instructions for accessing the LoR Portal. The Letter Request Form can only be printed after you have finalized your LoR Authors in MyERAS. You can have your letter writers send the LORs to Holly in a sealed envelope with Letter Request Form and she can upload it – Let your letter writer know of this option
ADTS Accessible from the MyERAS homepage or from within the application, – Keeps an up-to-date account of all your ERAS documents. ADTS lists all documents uploaded to the ERAS PostOffice and the time and date the documents have been downloaded by programs; – You will not be able to view the scanned image. – Please allow 24 hours processing time before tracking your document status.
For the more motivated ones … The EFDO On-line Services includes a “Verify Receipt of Document” feature which will allow you to track the receipt status of your documents received by the EFDO, – excluding LoRs uploaded thorugh the ERAS Lor Portal.
Application Fee MyERAS Application Fees for ERAS 2013 – Programs Up to 10 - $105 – Programs $10 each – Programs $15 each – Programs 31 or more - $25 each
USMLE SCORES To request your USMLE transcript, – go to MyERAS and – click on the Documents | USMLE Transcript tab to authorize the release of your transcript. – Do not submit copies of USMLE transcript scores If you receive a new or updated score after submitting your MyERAS application, you will need to return to the Documents | USMLE Transcript tab to have your updated USMLE transcript retransmitted to your programs. The fee for the NBME to transmit your USMLE transcript to your programs is a one time fee of $70, payable together with the ERAS processing fee. – Do not send this fee to the EFDO; – pay online at MyERAS after applying to programs.
IMPORTANT DATES July 31, 2013 (12 noon ET) - Registration begins for programs and applicants. ANOTHER FEE $50 October 2, 2013 (12 noon ET) - Rank order list submission begins for programs and applicants. November 13, 2013 (9:00 p.m. ET) - Deadline for registration and ROL certification. Applicants and programs must certify their rank order list by this date and time. December 4, 2013 (12 noon ET) - Match Day – Filled and Unfilled results for individual programs posted to the Web. – Matched and Unmatched information on applicants posted to the Web. – Locations of all unfilled positions are released to applicants. Unmatched applicants may begin contacting unfilled programs. December 5, Programs begin sending letters of appointment to matched applicants who then must sign and return the letters of appointment.
ANY QUESTIONS?? - Call Next Year’s Chiefs …