Number Comparative constructions 2
Numerals There are two kinds of numerals: Cardinal numbers: 1One 14 Fourteen 100 a/one hundred 2Two 26 Twenty-six 104 One hundred and four 3Three 70 Seventy 2000 Two thousand Ordinal numbers 1 st first 12 th twelfth 2 nd second 20 th twentieth 3 rd third 46 th Forty- sixth 8 th eighth 100 th hundredth
Numerals In scientific and technical writing, figures (75) are more preferred to written-out numbers (seventy). Numbers from 1 to 9 are written as words, while others are written as digits. Nine people were killed, and 112 were injured. Numbers with many digits are written. Million instead of 1,000,000 billion instead of 1,000,000,000
Numerals However, if you start a sentence with a number, write it in words. Seventy-four people were arrested. One hundred book were sold. Also, write out round (approximate) numbers. Over three thousand refugees crossed the borders.
Numerals Figures are used with: Addresses Dates, and years Measurements Fractions, decimals, and percentages
Numerals Cardinal and ordinal numbers are used with both feminine and masculine nouns. Thirty boys Fourteen girls