California State University Improving Health Professions Pathways and Best Practices California Regional Meetings September 5, 2008 (Los Angeles) September 12, 2008 (Oakland)
2 Project Overview: Goals and Objectives Develop an action plan to: –Promote and enhance the successful enrollment of CSU students from underrepresented groups (URG) into health professions programs which lead to degrees in nursing, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, allied health, and public health; thereby increasing the numbers and diversity of the state’s health professions workforce.
3 Project Overview: Timeline and Deliverables Spring-Summer 2008: –Project initiation: Funded by California Endowment –Development of regional project centers Project Director, Northern California: Dr. Barry Rothman, SFSU Project Director, Southern California: Dr. Linda Reid Chassiakos, CSUN Statewide Nursing and Allied Health Project Leadership: Dr. Judy Papenhausen, CSUSM
Project Overview: Timeline and Deliverables Fall 2008: Hold a series of planning meetings with CSU health professions advisors and partners from CCCs, UCs, and other academic, community, and health care agency partners Spring-Summer 2009: Develop an action plan for enrolling and graduating more well-qualified health professionals who reflect the full diversity of California's residents. 4
Project Overview: Timeline and Deliverables Fall 2009: Disseminate the plan to the CSU Chancellor, the California Endowment, and California stakeholder groups and partners. 5
6 Goals for the September 5 &12 Meetings Sharing of information and best practices both among CSUs and between CSUs and other academic institutions and community partners. These meetings are the first time in the CSU’s history that health professions advisors have had the opportunity to talk to each other and with UC and CCC colleagues: –Opportunities to form connections and ad hoc partnerships between individuals and institutions –Opportunities to learn about best practices that may be applicable to additional institutions or programs.
7 Goals for the September 5 & 12 Meetings Fruitful discussions that lead to solutions Discussions will address identified barriers to increasing the numbers and diversity of CSU students seeking health professions careers, and potential solutions to overcome these challenges: – We expect that we will leave the day with firm ideas of how the CSU can work with its partners to increase California health professions workforce numbers and diversity
8 CSU’s Role in California’s Workforce: Numbers and Diversity The CSU is the largest, most diverse, public higher education system in the United States: with close to 450,000 students in The CSU granted close to 90,000 degrees in The CSU graduates more African American, Hispanic, and American Indian students than all other California universities combined.
9 California State University: Health Professions Degree Programs and Workforce Development CSU prepares 44% of the state’s bachelor’s degree graduates in the life sciences, which include such fields as biotechnology and a variety of health professions. CSU contributes the majority of the state’s graduates in health professions’ related fields: –92% in health professions and related sciences –64% in nursing The CSU also contributes to the state’s future doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, and other highly trained health professionals in terms of sending its well-qualified graduates on to medical, dental, nursing, pharmacy, and other health professions schools
10 CSU Undergraduate Biological Sciences and Health Professions Degree Programs: Numbers and Demographics After declines in the early 2000’s, we are again witnessing increases in the numbers of students completing these degrees
11 Diversity of CSU Health Professions Degree Holders: Compared to Health Professions Degree Holders Have Largely Increased in Diversity, particularly with respect to Asian and Hispanic Degree Holders
12 Results of Surveys Completed by Institutional Representatives: More than 10 institutions completed surveys by August 29, Program highlights include: UCSF/SFSU: Post Baccalaureate Program CHANNEL ISLANDS: Nursing Pipeline Program (August 2007) DOMINGUEZ HILLS: NIGMS MARC and Bridges to the Baccalaureate Programs (1998) FRESNO: Health Careers Opportunities Program (1981) NORTHRIDGE: Student Health Professional Pre-Entry Program (SHP- PEP) (2000) SACRAMENTO: Science Educational Equity Program (SEE) (1986) SACRAMENTO: Applied Communications Sciences Laboratory (ACSL) (2000) SFSU: Long-Term Care Administration (1995) SFSU: Welcome Back Initiative (2001)
13 Results of Surveys: Challenges You Have Identified/Said We Need: Better K-12 preparation, particularly for underrepresented students Effective mentoring and advising from first-year to baccalaureate degree completion Smooth transitions from CCC to CSU Better pipelines from CSU to UC Service learning opportunities targeted to health professions Financial aid and scholarships Networking, internship, research, and other professional development opportunities To work with professional schools to understand criteria for selection – how CSU students fare with respect to cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic factors
14 The Task Before Us Today…. Morning session: –Validate and prioritize the identified challenges that restrain the success of increasing numbers and diversity of CSU graduates in achieving their career goals as health professionals. Working Lunch: The “Big Picture.” Finding inter-segmental solutions to launch and institutionalize change.
15 The Task Before Us Today…. Afternoon session: –Explore potential solutions Late afternoon: –Next steps – where we will go after this meeting –Identification of topics and stakeholders for inclusion in the November 10 systemwide meeting.
A Challenge and an Opportunity The CSU is committed to working with our partners in academia and the community to enhance student success in the health professions and promote health professions workforce diversity. Please help us help you—we look forward to working with you today and in the future. 16