Brave New World Chapter IX
Plot Lenina is on soma holiday for most of Chapter nine and therefore is not involved in most of the events but is still present. Bernard carried out his plan of sending John and Linda to London in order to put the director into a difficult situation, for he had threatened to banish Bernard to Iceland. John is about to begin his life in the World State. He went to Lenina’s cabin and found her alone sleeping. He enjoyed smelling and looking at her belongings and herself, but he was too shy and didn’t dare to touch her.
Concepts and Illusions Foreshadows a tragic ending when John starts to comparing to Romeo and Juliet John feels that he cannot have Lenina and starts quoting to Romeo and Juliet. This alludes to when Romeo assumed Juliet was dead and he feels he can no longer have her
Knowledge Knowledge has the potential to change people John find Lenina sleeping on the bed and he wants to unzip her at the neck however he restricts himself by saying that’s a “destable thought”. He is able to restrain himself because he has more knowledge than the others in the reservation, he can read, write and has seen Shakespeare while compared to the other men they don’t restrain themselves from Linda
Science and Technology Science and Technology now plays a big role in this society and can be seen when Lenina is stressed out by all the “queerness and horror” and the only way she can relieve it is by taking soma. Also when the Controller calls John of “scientific interest” it shows in this society they view science greater than the humanity of the people Science and Technology is cruel and unethical as shown when both Bernard and the Controller call John “sufficient scientific interest”. Here the Controller views John as a tool of science and not so much of a human being
Style Huxley likes the use of numbers and time Huxley likes making references to Shakespeare
Bernard MarxBernard Marx Bernard wants to take revenge on the Director since he had threatened to banish Bernard. He formed a plan and carried it out very quickly. He used Mustapha Mond’s scientific interest on Linda and John as the reason of bringing them back. Compared to John in this same chapter, Bernard is chronically dishonest and a shameless opportunist.
John John was asked by Lenina to go to her cabin to see her and Bernard. He found Lenina alone sleeping when he reached there. He then explored Lenina’s suit-case and enjoyed smelling her perfume. He later saw Lenina sleeping and developed a strong desire. He compared her to Juliet and quoted from the Shakespearean play. He had great love for Lenina but also great ability to control himself. This is because he was not conditioned and gained knowledge from the plays. This is an example of the clash between John’s values and the World State’s social mores
Relevant QuotesRelevant Quotes “ ‘As soon as possible,’ he emphatically repeated. He was thoroughly enjoying himself.” p. 117 “His heart beat wildly; for a moment he was almost faint.” p. 118 “...He shut his eyes, he shook his head with the gesture of a dog shaking its ears as it emerges from the water.” p. 119