“All afternoon the relatives hovered over Julius.” Julius: The Baby of the World by Kevin Henkes
“Lilly had glorious dreams about Julius. And ghastly nightmares, too.” Julius: The Baby of the World by Kevin Henkes
“Lilly, let’s restrain ourselves, please.” Julius: The Baby of the World by Kevin Henkes
“Why don’t you put some of the verbal exuberance to good use?” Julius: The Baby of the World by Kevin Henkes
“One night, in a phosphorescent sea, he marveled at the sight of some whales spouting luminous water; and later, lying on the deck of his boat gazing at the immense, starry sky, the tiny mouse Amos, a little speck of a living thing in the vast living universe, felt thoroughly akin to it all.” Amos and Boris by William Steig
“One night, in a phosphorescent sea, he marveled at the sight of some whales spouting luminous water; and later, lying on the deck of his boat gazing at the immense, starry sky, the tiny mouse Amos, a little speck of a living thing in the vast living universe, felt thoroughly akin to it all.” Amos and Boris by William Steig
“One night, in a phosphorescent sea, he marveled at the sight of some whales spouting luminous water; and later, lying on the deck of his boat gazing at the immense, starry sky, the tiny mouse Amos, a little speck of a living thing in the vast living universe, felt thoroughly akin to it all. “ Amos and Boris by William Steig
“One night, in a phosphorescent sea, he marveled at the sight of some whales spouting luminous water; and later, lying on the deck of his boat gazing at the immense, starry sky, the tiny mouse Amos, a little speck of a living thing in the vast living universe, felt thoroughly akin to it all. “ Amos and Boris by William Steig
“And best of all, she had a brand new purple plastic purse that played a jaunty tune when it was opened.” Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes
“They expressed their ideas creatively through drawing and writing.”
“Lilly’s stomach lurched. She felt like crying.
“During Sharing Time, Lilly demonstrated the many uses and unique qualities of her purple plastic purse, her shiny quarters, and her glittery movie star sunglasses.”
“My husband’s aunt, Clay Haggard, was a role model for me.” Miss Clay, Pioneer Teacher by Geraldine Haggard
“Miss Clay, her sister, and her brothers helped their parents raise mules to sell to the army and others.” Miss Clay, Pioneer Teacher by Geraldine Haggard
“Then she returned home to wait apprehensively for the results by mail.” Miss Clay, Pioneer Teacher by Geraldine Haggard
“She remembered helping her mother prepare an abundant table of food for guests.” Miss Clay, Pioneer Teacher by Geraldine Haggard
“They wanted to avoid the problem of the turkeys collapsing.” Meet Ruby Begonia by Geraldine Haggard
“They also claimed the turkey title.” “The town claims the title, ‘The Turkey Capital of the World’ for the next year.” Meet Ruby Begonia by Geraldine Haggard
“Once the race begins, I receive a five- second penalty if there is physical contact between my team and me.”
“As many as twenty thousand turkeys strutted their way through town.” Meet Ruby Begonia by Geraldine Haggard