Vocabulary Level F Unit 11
ABSTEMIOUS (adj.) moderate, sparing (as in eating and drinking); characterized by abstinence and self-discipline Syn: temperate, sober, moderate Ant: indulgent, immoderate, intemperate ABSTAIN……. ABSTEM…….
SOUNDS LIKE ABSTAIN……. To restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something. ABSTEMIOUS
CENSURABLE (adj.) deserving of blame or correction Syn: blameworthy, discreditable, reprehensible Ant: commendable, laudable, meritorious CULPABLE
Worthy of Censure. Censure is the expression of formal disapproval. CENSURABLE
CONTINGENT (adj.) likely but not certain to happen, possible; dependent on uncertain events or conditions; happening by chance (n.) a representative group forming part of a larger body Syn: conditional, dependent, a detachment Ant: independent of, unconnected with, certain
Good grades are contingent upon hard work! Study your vocab words. Your success on Friday’s quiz is contingent upon it! CONTINGENT
CORROBORATE (v.) to confirm, make more certain, bolster, substantiate, verify Ant: refute, contradict, undermine, discredit
Sounds like “cops and robbers” A police officer can be called upon in court to corroborate the testimony of a witness. CORROBORATE
DENIZEN (n.) an inhabitant, resident; one who frequents a place Syn: resident, dweller, habitue Ant: alien, outsider, stranger, foreigner
Sounds like “den” During football season, Roger’s friends were denizens of his den. DENIZEN
DISCURSIVE (adj.) passing aimlessly from one place or subject to another, rambling, roving, nomadic Syn: digressive, diffuse, wandering, episodic Ant: short and to the point, succinct Cursive Handwriting
DISCURSIVE To people who didn’t learn it, cursive handwriting can seem to wander aimlessly all over the paper in a discursive manner. Sounds like “cursive” To people who didn’t learn it, cursive handwriting can seem to wander aimlessly all over the paper in a discursive manner.
DISSEMINATE (v.) to scatter or spread widely Syn: disperse, publicize, broadcast, circulate Ant: bring together, concentrate, muster, conceal, hide
Think “Distribute” In Mean Girls, Regina disseminated copies of the burn book all over the school. DISSEMINATE
DOWDY (adj.) poorly dressed, shabby; lacking smartness and good taste Syn: frumpy, tacky, frowsy, drab Ant: chic, stylish, elegant, fashionable
Sounds like Chris O’Dowd! Even when he dresses up, Chris O’Dowd can appear Dowdy! DOWDY
FLORID (adj.) highly colored, reddish; excessively ornate, showy Syn: flushed, ruddy, flowery, frilly, flamboyant Ant: pale, ashen, pallid, sallow, austere, stark
Sounds like “Florida” Florida’s flowers are especially florid this time of year. FLORID
FOIST (v.) to impose by fraud; to pass off as worthy or genuine; to bring about by stealth, dishonesty, or coercion Syn: pass off, palm off, fob off
Sounds like “forced”! To “foist” something upon someone is to force him or her to use or do it! FOIST
GAUCHE (adj.) awkward, lacking in social graces, tactless, clumsy Syn: inept, uncouth, maladroit Ant: adroit, tactful, diplomatic, politic
Sounds like “ghost”! The gauche ghost was more clumsy than scary! GAUCHE
HERESY (n.) an opinion different from accepted belief; the denial of an idea that is generally held sacred Syn: unorthodox belief, heterodoxy Ant: orthodoxy
Looks like “here say”! One man’s opinion about how we got here is another’s idea of heresy! HERESY
INCULCATE (v.) to impress on the mind by repetition, teach persistently and earnestly Syn: instill, implant, infuse, ingrain, imbue Ant: efface, extirpate, root out REPEAT
Teach (someone) an attitude, idea, or habit by such instruction: “They will try to inculcate you with a respect for culture.” INCULCATE
PALPABLE (adj.) capable of being touched or felt; easily seen, heard, or recognized Syn: tangible, plain, obvious, manifest Ant: intangible, insubstantial, incorporeal
Like “Pulp” “The pulp was palpable.” PALPABLE
PERCEPTIVE (adj.) having sympathetic insight or understanding, capable of keen appreciation Syn: insightful, discerning, observant Ant: dense, thick, obtuse, dim-witted What is wrong with this girl? My, aren’t your PERCEPTIVE!
Like “perception” Don’t you think he has very good perception? PERCEPTIVE
PERNICIOUS (adj.) extremely harmful; deadly, fatal Syn: injurious, deleterious, baleful, noxious Ant: harmless, innocuous, salutary, salubrious
DANGEROUS! Don’t you think he could be very pernicious? PERNICIOUS
SALIENT (adj.) leaping, jumping, or springing forth; prominent, standing out, conspicuous (n.) a projection or bulge, a land form that projects upward or outward Syn: striking, notable, protrusive, obvious Ant: inconspicuous, recessive
EASILY SEEN! Waldo was quite salient in this puzzle. SALIENT
SATIATE (v.) to satisfy completely; to fill to excess (adj.) full, satisfied Syn: gratify, cloy, surfeit, gorge Ant: starve, deprive entirely of
Think: “Satisfied” and “ate” On Saturday we ate so much more than we needed to be satisfied. SATIATE
SEAR (v.) to make or become dry and withered; to char or scorch the surface of; to harden or make unfeeling; to parch, dessicate, singe
Think: “Sears” and “seared” It looks like Sears got seared! SEAR
SPECIOUS (adj.) deceptive, apparently good or valid but lacking real merit Syn: deceptively plausible, sophistic, casuistic Ant: valid, sound, solid, genuine
Think: “Species” She appeared to be good… …but she wasn’t! SPECIOUS