Thyatira: Call to Holiness Revelation 2: 18-29
Thyatira Call to Holiness Rev. 2:18-29 Smaller city, noted for many guilds. Lydia “A dealer in purple cloth from Thyatira” Acts 16:14 (Gospel by her?) Psalm 2:7, “I will proclaim the decree of the LORD; he said to me, “You are my son; today I have become your father.” “eyes like blazing fire” see everything! Purifying/cleansing power of “feet… like burnished bronze.” (wine making) Jesus again says “I know…”
Thyatira Call to Holiness Rev. 2:18-29 …(their) service and perseverance …and (their) “love and faith” and… (they) “…are doing more than (they) did at first.” They’ve grown! Growth is necessary in Christian life! Is this you/us? “Your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing.” (1 Thess. 1:3b) Thyatira’s great? Sad – moral lapse!
Thyatira Call to Holiness Rev. 2:18-29 They allowed a member “to teach outrageous license and apparently made no attempt to restrain her.” Holy living another mark of the church “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified, that you should avoid sexual immorality, that each one of you learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable…” Who said that? God, 1 Thess. 4: 3-4
Thyatira Call to Holiness Rev. 2:18-29 Call to holy living, V 7-8 goes on, “For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.” God wants holy living, Satan doesn’t! Who is ‘Jezebel’? (The only problem in the church of Thyatira) Symbolic name of real woman…
Thyatira Call to Holiness Rev. 2:18-29 As dangerous and wicked as OT queen Jezebel, evil Ahab’s evil wife. “so-called deep secrets” were “learned (from) Satan” (24) Jesus sees and will judge everything! Jesus gave “her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling.” (22) Her punishment “a bed of suffering” Those who didn’t follow her no “other burden”, hold on “until I come” (25)
Thyatira Call to Holiness Rev. 2:18-29 Jesus will repay “according to our deeds.” (23) - power and authority to all who obey. - sickness and death to unholy and unrepentant. Jesus gift is the LORD himself, light of the world morning star! Jesus demands we grow in love and faith, service and perseverance, and in holy living with his help!