Cincinnatus 460 B.C. Rome’s first known dictator Ruled for 15 or 16 Days and then return to his farm
44 B.C. Dictator Was popular with Rome’ poor Politically corrupt Enemies believed he wanted to be king Killed Brutus
31 B.C. Octavian, later known as Augustus. the first and greatest of all emperors. Lacked military genius but had political genius.
14 A.D. Loved to spend time at his villa on the island of Capri. His fear of getting done in turned him wacky and got him done in
37 A.D. Went crazy. Named Caligula because of he common soldiers’ shoes he used to wear as a boy (Caligae) Assassinated Roman rule started out well
41 A.D. Stuttered and initially thought to be a fool. Proved to be good at is job. Poisoned with a plate of mushrooms by his wife – Nero’s mother
54 A.D. Started his reign as conservative but turned cruel and without conscious. Burning of Rome Took his own life
69 A.D. He ended military anarchy and began political stability Jerusalem was captured and the temple burned to the ground Built the Colosseum in Rome
79 A.D. Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii The “grand opening” of the Colesseum in Rome Operated a mild government Killed by his brother Domitian
81 A.D. Returned Roman rule to a cruel state Expanded the Colesseum Lost the Dacian War (Hungary, Ukraine, Bulgaria) Christians and Nobility put to death Wife had him assassinated
96 A.D. First of the “Five Good Emperors” Didn’t have any heirs so he had to adopt Did many things to gain popularity Died of a fever
97 A.D. First emperor not a native of Italy Founder of public schools A great builder, buildings, roads, and bridges Rome at its biggest in terms of area
117 A.D. Built Hadrian's Wall Know for his courage Commissioned the Pantheon Often traveled the empire Divided Italy into four regions
138 A.D. “The Excellent Emperor” Most pleasing period in the history of the Roman Empire Improved the infrastructure and encouraged industry and trade
161 A.D. Pax Romana ends “The Philosopher” Last of the “Five Good Emperors” Shared the empire with his adopted brother due to health reason Emperor during the time of the movie “Gladiator”
176 A.D. Had illusions of being Hercules reincarnate Son of Marcus Aurelius He was cruel, rude, dishonorable, filled Rome with Terror He did as he pleased no one was willing to restrain him Strangled by a gladiator Movie Gladiator “was the Emperor”