Dehorning/Disbudding of Cattle and Calves Why it should and shouldn’t be practiced Written by: Harriet Kristy, Harriet & Michaela
What is it? It is the process of removing or stopping the growth of horns on cattle Dehorning Disbudding Horns are amputated In older cattle beasts it is a more painful process and anesthetics are generally used if it is done correctly!! Horns are removed at the horn bud stage In calves can be done as young as 3 weeks of age What are they? They are the process of removing or stopping the growth of horns on cattle 1)) Debudding – horns are removed at the horn bud stages, before they are seen through the hair and is ‘horn tissue’ has not developed into bone and attached onto the skull It is completed once the calf has reached 3 weeks and older 2)) Dehoring – horns are amputated. In older cattle beasts it is a more painful process and anesthetics are generally used if it is done correctly. This is because the horn is fully formed and become harder to remove as they have attached to the skull meaning a saw or dehorning clamps are needed to be used. The use anesthetics means a vet needs to be called out which is rather pricey! Talk: KRISTY Written by: Harriet & Kristy
Why is it done Prevent injury towards farm workers/cattle handlers Prevent injury towards other cattle/animals on the property Prevent injury to itself Cheaper and easier to sell at sale yards and meat works 1)) Prevent injury towards farm workers/cattle handlers– cattle can accidentally inflict injury towards there handlers when they are being moved, in cattle yards, through aggression, 2)) Prevent injury towards other cattle/animals on the property– aggression between animals can cause injury from cattle that still have horns, even accidental injury from cattle not seeing each other or knowing how large there horns are and bumping into other animals inflicting injury 3)) Prevent injury to itself– Cattle may get there horns caught in fencing, water troughs or any equipment they come across as they are very inquisitive animals and like to look at everything and anything. This could also occur while in yards, feeders, crush’s, milking sheds and the horn can get knocked off causing bleeding leading to infection. Horns keep growing over the cattle lifetime and grow in many directions such as curling back towards the beast and grow into the cattle's head! 4)) When cattle are sent to the Cattle Yards they are less likely to be purchased with horns and there selling price may even go down compared to dehorned cattle of the same weight and age. If they are sent to the works horned the trucking fee is increased due to the higher risk of injury to the truck driver who puts the cattle on the trailers also to other cattle that will be traveling in close proximity to the horned cattle Talk: KRISTY Written by: Harriet & Kristy
Not cattle you want to come across!! Written by Harriet
How is it done - Calves In calves it is generally done at an ages between 3-6 weeks old Most practiced methods of dehorning are: Hot Iron Dehorning Paste Correct restraint to insure no accidents With both procedures appropriate gloves need to be worn by applicator and all dehorning should be completed in dry weather. 1)) In calves it is generally done at an ages between 3-6 weeks old– as this is less painful to the calf due to the horn being less developed 2)) Most practiced methods of dehorning are Hot Iron and Dehorning Paste – slides later 3))This picture shows a crush that has been specifically brought/made by the calf/farm owners for the process of dehorning Correct restraint for the debudding procedure– this is done by placing the calf into a ‘calf crush” which restrains the calf from moving or struggling while the procedures is completed. Making sure the calf is properly restrained is essential to insure that no harm can come to the calf with other parts of its body being burned by the hot iron or the dehorning paste going into unwanted places such as the calf eye! Also no harm can come to the workers who are trying to dehorn the calf as the struggle can cause the calves to kick and bunt which is rather painful and could also cause the worker to drop the Hot Iron on themselves, other calves or the person who is helping them, they to could also get dehorning paste in unwanted places 4)) With both procedures gloves need to be worn by applicator due to both the Hot Iron and Dehorning Paste will burn the skin if dropped or knocked on to it. Talk: KRISTY Written by: Harriet & Kristy
Hot Iron Calf needs to be restrained correctly in a calf crush The Hot Iron needs to be ready and at the correct temperature The calf’s ear needs to be held/placed out of the way The tip of the Iron is places on the horn bud and slight pressure is applied When smoke is seen from the surrounding hair burning the iron is slowly rotated The Iron is applied for a further 10-15 seconds then removed. 1)) Calf needs to be restrained correctly in the calf crush to insure no wiggling 2)) The hot iron needs to be already at the correct temperature to insure that the calves do not have to be restrained for long periods of time as this will aggravate them causing stress of the calf and more wiggling. To check the temperature of the iron it is placed against a wooden panel and held for 5-10 seconds, removed and if there is a dark ring burnt into the wood it is hot enough to be used 3)) The calf’s ear needs to held/placed out of the way by a helping hand if able to insure it does not flap in the way of the Iron and cause even more pain for the young calf 4))The tip of the Iron is placed on the horn bud and slight pressure is applied to insure it is sufficiently burned off 5)) When smoke is seen from the surrounding hair burning the iron needs to be slowly rotated 6)) The Iron is applied for a further 10-15 seconds then removed 7)) Do not leave the dehorner in place for much longer, especially in young calves. Heat can be transferred through the thin bones of the skull and damage the calf's brain. Talk: KRISTY Written by: Harriet & Kristy
Dehorning Paste Restrain calf correctly in crush Expose the horn bud Apply a thin layer of paste over bud using a wooden applicator Re-position the hair over the paste and horn bud to insure the paste stays in place and reduces irritation to other facial skin of the calves 1)) Calf needs to be restrained correctly in the calf crush to insure no wiggling 2)) Expose the horn bud by pushing the hair around the bud off it – should not be cut/shaved off as once the paste has been applied the hair is needed after paste application 3)) Apply a thin layer of paste over the bud using a wooden applicator as the paste could even burn through gloves and clothing 4)) Re-position the uncut hair over the paste and horn bud to insure the paste stays in place and reduces irritation to other facial skin of the calves and also to other calves Talk: KRISTY Written by: Harriet & Kristy
How is it done – older calves Some calves get missed getting dehorned due to the mass amount farmers and breeders need to get done. Over the age of 3 months and the horn has grown over 4 inches and a Scoop, Gouge or Barnes dehorner need to be used Talk: HARRIET Written by: Harriet
How it is done Calf is correctly restrained Sedation or local anesthetic is administered The jaws of the dehorner are placed over the horn bud Pressing the dehorner against the head, maintain the pressure, bring blades together to remove the skin and horn bud Bleeding is controlled by pulling on artery or using a hot iron Dehorner should always be disinfected between calves 1)) Calf is correctly restrained so no wiggling is encountered 2)) Administer sedation, analgesia and local anesthetic, to minimize pain as the calf is older and the horn is more pronounced 3)) The jaws of the dehorner are placed over the horn bud. The objective is to completely remove a ring of skin surrounding the horn base. Therefore, adjust the opening as needed 4))Pressing the dehorner against the head, maintain pressure, bring the blades together to remove the skin and horn bud 5)) The bleeding is controlled by pulling the artery with forceps or using a hot iron to cauterize the artery 6)) Dehorner should always be cleaned and disinfected between each calf that is dehorned Talk: HARRIET Written by: Harriet
Calf dehorning This is where the horn bud should be cut back to when debudding occurs, as it is cutting into the skin below the horn forming tissue which completely Talk: HARRIET Written by: Harriet
How is it done - Cattle Cattle dehorning is done with vet supervision as Anesthetics need to be used Beast is restrained in a cattle crush Caution when using dehorner or “loppers” and even hand or electric saws Dehorners are placed around beasts horn at the required length and amputated as quickly but stress free and quiet as possible 1)) Cattle dehorning is done with vet supervision as Anesthetics need to be used, this is due to the horn being completely formed 2)) Beast is restrained in a cattle crush, this is to ensure that it does not move around as they are a larger animals and can cause some serious damage to itself or anyone else around. Even with the anesthetics the procedure is painful so the beast will throw its head around with all the force it has when the procedure is being done which can be extremely dangerous if you are not paying attention. 3)) The dehorners or “loppers” used can be heavy and awkward to handle so only people who are experience or have been shown the correct way to amputate the horn should do so. Some farmers even use hand or electric saws for the process! 4))Dehorners are placed around the beasts horn at the required length, as some farmers/handlers do not want to take off the whole horn and cause server bleeding and it is not always required to. The process should be done as quickly as possible but also quiet and stress free surroundings as this will make it easier for everyone. Talk: HARRIET Written by: Harriet
Cattle –Horn-Tipping The tip of the horn is removed using the same equipment as before Less pain and stress as there is no blood loss Does not eliminate damage to other animals, handlers or the beast itself 1)) Only the tip of the horn is removed using the same equipment as the full horn amputation 2)) Tipping is less painful for the animal as there is no blood lost as it is the dead part of the horn that is removed this also has dead nerve endings so that also significantly reduces pain. 3)) Tipping does not full eliminate damage to other animals or handlers as there is still a considerable amount of horn left but is does reduce a higher injury rate as it may only cause bruising when fighting other animals whereas if they still had the tip a puncture wound have occurred. Talk: HARRIET Written by: Harriet
Cattle dehorning This is the maximum amputation point on a cattle beasts horn. Part of the frontal sinus can be taken out as this stops the growth of the horn as the horn forming tissue and horn cone can be cut off as well. Talk: HARRIET Written by: Harriet
Procedures after dehorning Make sure the animal is left to bleed out freely Avoid leaving animals in yards as they can pass on infection with open wounds Straight onto good nutritional feed Check on the animals a few times for a few days to ensure bleeding has stopped and no infection has occurred 1)) Make sure the animal is left to bleed out freely as this helps the clean the wound 2)) Avoid leaving animals in yards as they can pass on infection with having open wounds, cross contaminating with other animals, defecation and urination from other animals, unclean yards can all lead to infection and cause more pain and discomfort for the animal. 3)) Animals should be put straight onto good nutritional feed once they have been dehorned, as they would still e traumatised from the procedure and this can cause weight loss with the stress the have endured 4)) Check on the animals a few times a few for a few days to ensure bleeding has stopped and no infection has occurred – if infection has occurred you will need to separate that animla and get it checked by a vet as soon as possile Talk: MICHAELA Written by: Harriet & Michaela
Reasons horns should stay Dehorning/disbudding is painful without meds Takes time and money Provide a secure point for roping or holding animals head Traditional in some breeds e.g. Highland 1)) dehorning/disbudding is a painful process even when the best practice is followed 2)) The procedure can take time and money if you are having to pay for a company to come in and complete the job for you 3)) provides a secure point for roping or holding animals head – this can help with cattle rangerlingin large mobs such as the Australian bush when the cattle are often herded with helicopters and horse back, they can lasso a beast and deal with it away from the mob 4)) Some breeds such as the Highland are known for having there long sticking outward horns Talk: MICHAELA Written by: Harriet & Michaela
Dealing with Horned Cattle Even without horns cattle can be dangerous Horned cattle are capable of causing severe injury using quick thrusts sideways and frontwards – Handlers need to be aware of the arc of the swing at all times Never leave the cattle out of sight when working in yards as they are a smaller area than a paddock Minimum stress when herding or dealing with horned animals as they know there horns can do damage Horned animals are capable of causing severe injury using quick thrusts sideways and forwards; handlers need to be aware of the arc of the swing at all times. Butting with the head is a danger in both polled and horned cattle and handlers can easily be knocked down or crushed against fences or walls Talk: MICHAELA Written by: Harriet & Michaela
What MPI say “Calves should be disbudded early and with proper pain relief” (NZVA) & (NZWAC) “Cattle with horns are dangerous – to people and to other animals – and also contribute to carcass downgrading” NZVA President Dr. Richard Wild “Dehorning as calves is a much safer and less traumatic for both the animal and the handler” NZVA President Dr. Richard Wild “Sufficient animal management plans insure that they disbudding is done at the appropriate age for the calves” NZVA President Dr. Richard Wild 1)) The New Zealand Veterinary Council and the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee say that “Calves should be disbudded early and with proper pain relief” 2)) Having sufficient animal management through the year by farmers can ensure that disbudding is done at the appropriate age for calves” This helps as the calves are born in a timeframe of a few months so different mobs of calves will be disbudded at different time, so ensuring each calf that is about to e disbudded is at the correct age for the procedure. 3)) “Dehorning as calves is a much safer and less traumatic for both the animal and the handler” NZVA President Dr. Richard Wild says as the cattle is younger the horns have not yet developed from buds which means the procedure will be less painful for the calf and being smaller means they are easer to handle for the procedure. 4)) Dr Richard Wild of the NZVA also says that “Cattle with horns are dangerous – to people and to other animals – and also contribute to carcass downgrading” Talk: MICHAELA Written by: Harriet & Michaela Ministry of Primary Industries
References This page was last modified on 22 May 2013 at 18:40, taken from: “RVCS List of Mutilator Procedures”. Retrieved 9 December 2011 “Pain in animals”. Retrieved 3 October 2012 “Peta video on dairy dehorning”. Peta. Retrieved 17 October 2012 “Dehorning: ‘Standard Practice’ on Dairy Farms”. Anna Schecter & Drew Sandholm. ABC News, 28 January 2012 The welfare of extensively managed dairy cattle - a review. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 42: 161-182. Hemsworth, P.H., Barnett, J.L., Beveridge, L. and Matthews, L.R. (1995). Beef Cattle Breeding & Management. Popular Books, French's Forest. Beattie, William A. (1990). Written by: Harriet
Reference calves-policy Lisa Gibbison, Communications Adviser, MAF Biosecurity New Zealand, Dr Peter O’Hara, Chairman, National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) Dr Richard Wild, President, NZVA 22 September 2008 2013 H.W. Naylor Co M49664.html written by the New Zealand government. 14 October 1999 modified last July 2013 Written by: Harriet