Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier …. He Believes In A Cause  For any cause to prevail, it depends upon those who support it  They believe in.


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Presentation transcript:

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier …

He Believes In A Cause  For any cause to prevail, it depends upon those who support it  They believe in its worth  They are committed to its success  They agree it must exist, even prevail

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier He Believes In A Cause  Actually, the warrior loves peace Rom 12:18 2 Tim 2:24-26  Yet, he knows it may come to a fight  Some causes are “inconsequential” (join…not join??)

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier He Believes In A Cause  Not so re: the kingdom of heaven  Getting involved is eternally critical  Heaven & Hell “hang in the balance” (literally)  To leave/abandon this battlefield is a great mistake Jn 6:22-26, 60-68

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier He Loves Those For Whom He Fights  He doesn’t fight for himself  He is no “military mercenary”  He won’t hire out his sword, gun… collect his pay & move on  His love for those in need compel him to fight Rom 1:14-15, 16

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier He Loves Those For Whom He Fights  He is “under constraint” to fight for those he loves 2 Cor 5:14-15,  His is the “highest motivation” Jn 15:13 1 Jn 3:16

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier He Sacrifices Willingly  He knows the cause is more important than any 1 soldier…including himself  Personal sacrifices must be made Lk 15:4 1 Cor 8:8-10, 13  Self must be denied so the cause can advance Lk 14:26 Mt 16:25

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier He Sacrifices Willingly  The battle standard must be borne aloft to lead the way Lk 14:27 Mt 16:24  Success in battle is worth any “hardship” that must be endured 2 Tim 2:3-4

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier Conclusion  Many ways a follower of God is portrayed  A “disciple” Jn 8  A “child” Gal 3  A “citizen” Eph 2  A “part of the body” 1 Cor 12

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier Conclusion  The “soldier” or “warrior” may be the most active description  The Scripture does not mince words… we are in for the fight of our lives  The best known “military text” in the N.T. may be Eph 6:10-18

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier Conclusion  We sing about being a soldier  Hopefully, we mean what we say  We are called to this battle 1 Tim 6:12 2 Tim 4:7  Do you have the “heart of a warrior?”

Characteristics Of The Biblical Soldier …