The Warrior’s Agenda Presents… Recognizing the Signs of Your Victory…
Ever Have This Happen… You Pray Regarding a Situation and Instead of Getting Better, It Gets Worse? Ever Wonder… “Why”? 2
It Can Be a Pain that suddenly Gets Worse— After You Pray… Or A Financial Problem or Relationship Problem That Gets Worse—After You Pray… Or It Can Be a Situation At School That Gets Worse—After You Pray… Or, You Get Fed up with What the Devil Is Doing in Your Life and You Decide to Rebuke him and Things Get Worse—After You Do.. Why is that? Recognizing the Signs of Victory… 3
And Even More Importantly… What Do You DO About It? 4
Recognizing the Signs of Victory… First, Let’s See Why This Happens… 2 nd, Let’s See What It Means When This Happens… And 3 rd, Let’s See What We Can Do About It When It Happens… 5
Turn To Mark 9:14-29 M Followed by Matt. 17:14-21 And Luke 9:37-42 and let’s see that the exact same thing happened to the Disciples too… Recognizing the Signs of Victory… 6
Why Does this Happen… Because Satan wants you to quit what you are doing… In Mark 9, as soon as the disciples started rebuking the demon in the boy, the boy had a seizure, a bad one. This caused the disciples to hesitate. Then, they doubted. “Hey. How come this ain’t workin’?” At that very moment when they thought like that. Felt like that. And talked like that. Then, their Faith stopped working. And Satan said, “Whew! That was close! They almost got me!” Then he really made the boy put on a show… 7
Recognizing the Signs of Victory… What does it Mean, when this happens… It means that you are one step CLOSER to your Victory. It Means that Satan (ie., the demon confronting you) is either wounded, or scared or both, and that in desperation, his last ditch effort to get you off his case, is to attack you and try to get you to panic, get confused, and break off your attack… Understand? 8
Recognizing the Signs of Victory… So, this Means, that contrary to what he tries to get you to believe—your prayers ARE working, your Commands ARE having an effect, and he is feeling them so badly, that he’s desperate to get you to quit, so, he attacks! 9
Recognizing the Signs of Victory… This is a real War. And in a Real War, what does an enemy soldier try to do, to get you off his back or keep you away? He SHOOTS at you or attacks you! He is that desperate to try to keep you away! 10
Recognizing the Signs of Victory… The EXACT same thing is true in Spiritual Warfare… The more Satan feels the pressure from your Prayers, your Commands and your Attacks, the MORE he tries to “act out” and scare you away! He tries to put pressure on you. 11
Recognizing the Signs of Victory… So, what can you and what should you DO about it? Look at what Jesus Did… 1.He stayed calm and un-phased. 2.He totally ignores the demon’s efforts to intimidate, distract, confuse or pressure Him. (Mk 9:20) 3.He did ‘Intelligence Gathering’, He calmly asked the father ‘how long his son had been like this…’ (Mk 9:21) 4.Next, he addressed the spirit directly and orders/Commands it (he did not pray for it to leave) but Commanded it to leave and to NOT return. (Mk 9:25) 5.He still remained unmoved and focused at the demons’ worse antics… (Mk 9:23 & 26) 12
Recognizing the Signs of Victory… What Should You Do? 1. Hold Your Ground. 2. Don’t Be Moved. 3. Do Your Own Intelligence Gathering via the Holy Spirit 4. Speak the Word in Faith. Matt.17:20 5. Expect the Power of God to Flow Through you—and, it Will. 13
Recognizing the Signs of Victory… Vital Point To Remember: Whenever, Satan, or his Demons get afraid or concerned or wounded or hurt—they Attack. Remember that. When your prayers cause them concern, or, your verbal Commands and your effective use of the Word hurts, injures or frightens them, then their very next reaction is to attack. Why? 14
Recognizing the Signs of Victory… Because for the past 2,000 years, they have found out that if they do that, with the average Christian, immediately they get confused, get scared, and then, give up! 15
Recognizing the Signs of Victory… Question: Did the Disciples Have Enough Power To Deal With Any Kind of Demon? Yes or No? What does The Word Say? See Luke 9:1… Do You have Enough Power to Deal With any Kind of Demon? Again, What Does the Word Say? See Luke 10:19… Be a Warrior… 16
Recognizing the Signs of Victory… It is Vital for you to ‘Recognize the Signs of Your Victory…’ All the time they may not be easy to recognize, but realize this… That if you ‘Command’ and things get worse, Or if you ‘Pray’ and things get worse, you are on the right track and keep doing what you’re doing! Attack! 17
Recognizing the Signs of Victory… Presented by The Warrior’s Agenda Min., Prepared By David M. Humphrey Sr, Director. A Product of The Warrior’s Agenda Ministries ‘Spiritual Self Defense Seminars’… 18