What it really means to be a student at SOUTH TEXAS COLLEGE
The Jaguar is the largest, most powerful of the “big cats” in the Americas. It is the “king of the jungle.” To the Maya and Aztec, the Jaguar was a god and the living symbol of the warrior spirit. To the STC student, our Jaguar spirit animal tells us to be a
The way of the warrior is to be strong, self-disciplined and to never, never give up. No challenge is too great, no barrier too high for the true Jaguar Warrior. But a Jaguar Warrior does not do battle with others. He or she looks within themselves to find the strengths and combat the weaknesses. This way they become truly capable of taking on whatever life hands to them, both in school and in the world. The Warrior needs to learn the ways of Emotional Intelligence to enable them to succeed wherever they are.
Your four most basic emotions are: Happy Sad Angry Afraid All other emotions – like being energetic, jealous, frustrated, or worried – are different combinations of the first four. The Jaguar Warrior looks deep into her or himself to find and enhance the strengths and change the weaknesses into greater strengths.
There are several different kinds of Emotional Intelligence, for example: Self-esteem: feeling good about yourself. Assertion: saying what you really think. Being a positive leader. Not being aggressive with other people. Being able to change when you need to. You will learn about these in College Success.
There many different parts of Emotional Intelligence. The ones that are the most important to making a Jaguar Warrior be successful are: Self - Esteem Time Management Assertion Goal Achievement Commitment Ethic Stress Management
Self-esteem is when you feel good about yourself. If you know you are able to get things done, then you will be self-confident about any challenges that may come up. A positive attitude creates positive results and a negative attitude creates only failure. A Jaguar Warrior looks at himself or herself positively and honestly likes what they see. Warrior! Hold your head high. Take pride in your work!
No one can control time; it flows around us and we flow through it. But we can manage ourselves about how we deal with time. Think about how you spend your time – are you the master? Or do you let time control you? Keep a planner, make schedules, put first things first. The Jaguar Warrior makes time his friend, not his enemy. Warrior! Time is like a river, flow with it, not against it.
Assertion is being able to speak honestly and directly with other people. It is knowing that you will not be afraid to tell the truth in a “tell it like it is” way. Also, to be assertive, you need to be respectful and say what you need to say in a “fair but firm” way. People treated with respect generally respond with respect. Warrior! Say what you think and prove what you say by your actions. Actions speak much louder then words!
Before you can achieve your goals, first you must set them. Decide what is really important to you. Make it real: WRITE IT DOWN! How will you get to your goal- Short-range: go to class. Mid –range: get A’s in your classes. Long-range: graduate with honors. Once you get to your goal, give yourself a reward. Make a habit of being victorious with your goals. Warrior! Without a goal there can be no victory.
A commitment is a promise you make to yourself to do something. An ethic is a rule of life you set for yourself. A commitment ethic is based on your personal values. When you have commitment ethic, you are dependable and reliable. People believe in you, but, more important, you believe in yourself. Warrior! Do you keep the promises you make to yourself?
Stress is something we all deal with, it comes in many different ways. Much of the time we can’t control stressful situations and stressful people. But, like time management, we can control how we react to stress. You can “let it get to you” or you can take a deep breath, stay calm and handle it. Learning how to handle stress will make you a stronger person. Warrior! Can you keep your cool when everybody else is losing theirs?
Your mind is like an iceberg: On top, your IQ (intelligence quotient) is your cognitive mind where you “know” things. It is quite small. Below, and much larger, is your emotional mind where your EI (emotional intelligence) is. Your cognitive (knowing) mind is strongly influenced by your emotional mind. Learn to understand and control your emotions and your cognitive mind will become your friend and servant.
The Way of the Warrior is to investigate, understand and control the emotional and cognitive mind. When you get your two minds to work together, nothing can stop you from being a successful student. Emotional Mind Cognitive Mind