American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing Diane D. Scherr COL, AN Ambulatory Nursing Consultant 30 April,
END STATE: An organization that consistently achieved performance excellence, fostered innovation, built knowledge and capabilities, and insured organizational credibility and sustainability ANC STRATEGIC LOA: Leader Development Warrior Care Evidence Based Care Human Capital To sustain our Army Nurse Corps we must maintain the quality and viability of the All- Volunteer Force. To prepare our Army Nurse Corps we must maintain a high level of readiness for the current operational environments. To reset our Army Nurse Corps we must prepare our Army Nurses for future deployments and other contingencies. To transform our Army Nurse Corps, we must continuously improve our ability to meet the needs of future operations. Human Capital: The ANC footprint is optimized through validation of priorities and the force structure is re-postured for conditions-based capability and capacity Warrior Care: Optimized nursing care delivery systems wrapped nursing capability around AMEDD strategic goals and missions; Warrior/patient/family- centered care models embraced evidence-based practice to achieve best patient outcomes. Leadership: A persistent, sustainable nurse leader succession plan created full- spectrum leaders; who were adaptive to any conditions- based mission, provided a persuasive voice at key echelons of influence in the AMEDD, and innovated doctrine to blueprint the future of the ANC. Evidence-Based Care: Evidence-based methodology optimized business practices and cost-capabilities by blending analysis, measuring, and re-designing into daily performance. SUSTAINPREPARE RESET TRANSFORM Strategic Communication: Create and distribute “Public Diplomacy”; getting the right message, through the right media, to the right audience at the right time and with the right effect Research: Provides organizational traction and momentum 2
3 Enhanced Communication Capability Building Evidence- Based Healthy Work Environments Care Teams Shared Accountability Centers for Nursing Science and Clinical Inquiry Optimized Performance Talent Management Skill Building Leader Development Peer FeedbackStandardized Documentation Patient Advocacy Core Values Patient CareTouch System
Patient Centered Medical Home Model Implementation History of PCMH CBPCC Progress Primary Care and PCMH “transition” Challenges Trends Solutions Way ahead 4
Patient Centered Medical Home Model Implementation Challenges Training Leadership Model Implementation and Expert Support Leadership Roles for Army Nurses Certification Standardization for Nursing Care and Training 5
Patient Centered Medical Home Model Implementation Way ahead PCMH CBPCC Soldier PCMH Standards Ambulatory Nursing Role- Near and Far Future 6
They are all Entrusted to our Care