1 1 Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group XXVI October 2006 For Official Use Only
2 SSG History Formed by Admiral Thomas Hayward –To develop future naval leaders versed in strategic concepts and their implications for naval warfighting Redefined by Admiral Mike Boorda –To develop revolutionary warfighting concepts –Tasked very broadly by the CNO –Tasked to Develop a Road Map –Added “semi-permanent” Systems Analysts, Scientists/Technologists, Science Advisor
3 SSG Charter Identify warfare challenges within theme provided by the CNO Explore innovations in naval warfighting Generate warfighting concepts Underpin concepts with technologies and preliminary analyses Make recommendations to the CNO
4 SSG XXVI Composition Direct Report to Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Director ADM James Hogg, USN (Ret) CNO Fellows (9) Associate Fellows (13) Systems Analysts (4) Technologists/Scientists (4) Science Advisor Intelligence Officer and Information Officer
5 Context for Discussion Eleven years of experimentation An operational and warfighting concept generation center A mixture of top quality professionals that have operational experience, scientific and technical expertise, academic credentials, and “that spark”
6 SSG Environment Real work is done in Concept Teams (4-7 people) Remove all possible constraints Challenge people’s perceptions Protect the Group from interference Help discovery of insights for themselves through active participation in the process
7 SSG XV through SSG XIX SSG XV through XVII – Warfighting Concepts in Wide Variety of Areas; Foundations for SSG XVIII and Beyond SSG XVIII – Sea Strike: Attacking Land Targets from the Sea SSG XIX – Naval Power Forward OPERATING CONCEPTS FOR YEARS
8 SSG XX through SSG XXII SSG XX – FORCEnet and the 21 st Century Warrior SSG XXI - Accelerating FORCEnet: Winning the Information Age SSG XXII - Coherent Adaptive Force The WARRIOR and Implementation of FORCEnet
9 SSG XXIII through SSG XXV SSG XXIII – Global Maritime Fight 2030 and Beyond SSG XXIV – Beyond Maritime Supremacy – Balancing Maritime Capabilities for the Age of Unrestricted Warfare SSG XXV – Free Form Operations – Operational Agility for an Uncertain Future RESET TIME HORIZON TO 2030 AND BEYOND
10 CNO Tasking to SSG XXVI Examine “fighting in cyberspace in 2030”. Consider warfare in the Information Age. Seek an appreciation of the relationships between cyberspace and the traditional maritime domains including warfare and naval competition –Consider scale, tempo and other aspects of change –Examine blurring of strategy, operations and tactics –How must “command, control and collaboration” evolve Provide a high-level blueprint to transition from today to tomorrow and a roadmap of immediately actionable steps.