Junior Warden PrelateTreasurer Genleralissimo Eminent Commander Captain General Recorder Senior Warden Warder Standard Bearer Sword Bearer Sentinel
Generalissimo Prelate Warder Standard Bearer Sword Bearer Junior Warden Treasurer Recorder Eminent Commander Captain General Senior Warden Sentinel
Eminent Commander Captain General Generalissimo Prelate Warder Standard Bearer Junior Warden Senior Warden Treasurer Recorder Sword Bearer CG: Eminent Commander, I report for orders. CDR: Sir Knight Captain General, see that the asylum is in suitable array for my reception.
CDR: Sir Knight Generalissimo - and Excellent Prelate -
CDR: Accompany me to my apartment.
CG: Sir Knight Warder -
CG: - Sound the assembly. WDR: Sir Knights - Attention!
CG: Officers - Take your stations!
CG: Sir Knights - Be seated.
CG: Sir Knight Senior Warden -
CG: - Are all present Knights Templar?
SW: Sir Knight Junior Warden -
SW: Ascertain if all present on the north are Knights Templar.
JW: Sir Knight Senior Warden -
JW: - All on the north of the Asylum are Knights Templar.
SW: Sir Knight Captain General -
SW: - All present are Knights Templar.
CG: Sir Knight Warder -
CG: - Post the Sentinel, inform him that a Commandery of Knights Templar is about to be opened, and direct him to guard accordingly.
WDR: Sir Knight Sentinel -
WDR: - A Commandery of Knights Templar is about to be opened. You will take your post and guard accordingly.
*** *** *** *
WDR: Sir Knight Captain General -
WDR: - The Sentinel is at his post and the Asylum is duly guarded.
CG: Sir Knight Senior Warden -
CG: - Form the lines for the reception of the Commander.
SW: Fall In!
SW: Left, Face!
SW: Right, Dress!
SW: Front!
SW: Draw, Swords!
SW: Count, Twos!
SW: Open Ranks -
SW: - March!
SW: Front!
SW: Front Rank - About, Face!
SW: Form Two Divisions. Officer - Post!
JW: First Division - Files, Cover!
SW: Sir Knight Captain General-
SW: - The lines are formed. CG: Sir Knight Senior Warden - With your escort repair to the apartment of the Commander and report the lines are formed for his reception.
SW: Escort - Right, Face!
SW: - Forward, March!
SW: - Column Right -
SW: - March!
SW: Escort -
SW: - Halt!
SW: Left, Face!
SW: Sir Knights, Present, Swords!
SW: Eminent Commander -
SW: - The lines are formed for your reception. CDR: Sir Knight Senior Warden - Escort us to the Asylum.
SW: Sir Knights, Carry, Swords!
SW: Left, Face!
SW: Forward, March!
WDR: The Eminent Commander approaches! CG: Sir Knights, Attention! SW: Column Left -
SW: March!
SW: Escort -
SW: - Halt!
SW: Right, Face!
CG: Sir Knights - Present, Swords! (Commander only uncovers)
(Commander recovers)
CDR: Sir Knights - Carry, Swords!
CDR: Sir Knight Captain General -
CDR: - Form the lines for rehearsal.
CG: Sir Knights, except in line, be seated. Officers, Post!
CG: Eminent Commander -
CG: - The lines are formed.
CDR: First Division - communicate to the Second Division the Pilgrim Warrior’s Word.
Rehearsal of Pilgrim Warrior’s and Pilgrim Penitent’s Words
CDR: - Carry, Swords! Return, Swords!
Rehearsal of Immaculate Word
CDR: Sir Knight Captain General -
CDR: - Form the Triangle preparatory to our devotions.
CG: Prepare to form Triangle. Officers, Post!
CG: Form, Triangle!
SW: First Division - Right, Dress!
JW: Second Division - Left, Dress!
SW: Front!
JW: Front!
SW: First Division - Right Backward, Dress!
JW: Second Division - Left Backward, Dress!
SW: Front!
JW: Front!
SW: First Division - Left Face!
JW: Second Division - Right Face!
CG: Forward, March!
CG: Form Three Divisions!
SW: Column Right - JW: Column Left -
CG: March!
CG: Mark Time -
CG: - March! Divisions, Halt!
NOTE: Here the CG can adjust the apex of the Triangle. If he moves, the SW and JW do not move until the next order -
CG: Inward, Face!
SW: First Division - Right, Dress!
SB: Second Division - On Center, Dress!
JW: Third Division - Left, Dress!
SW: Front!
SB: Front!
JW: Front!
CG: Eminent Commander -
CG: - The Triangle is formed.
CDR: Sir Knights - Attention!
CDR: Sir Knights Generalissimo, Captain General, -
CDR: - and Excellent Prelate -
CDR: Accompany me to the Triangle.
CDR: Sir Knights - To your Devotions, Kneel. (Keeping right foot planted, all kneel on left knee.) CDR: Un-Cover! Excellent Prelate, Lead our Devotions.
CDR: Sir Knights - Re-Cover! Arise! Sir Knight Captain General -
CDR: - Take command.
CG: Reduce -
CDR: - Triangle!
SW: First Division - Right Backward, Dress!
SB: Second Division - On Center, Dress!
JW: Third Division - Left Backward, Dress!
SW: Front!
SB: Front!
JW: Front!
SW: First Division - Right Face!
SB: Right Wing of Second Division - Right Face!
WDR: Left Wing of Second Division - Left Face!
JW: Third Division - Left Face!
CG: Form Two Divisions.
CG: Forward, March!
CG: Divisions -
CG: - Halt!
CG: Inward, Face!
CDR: Sir Knights - Attend to giving the Signs.
Giving the Signs
CDR: Divisions, About Face!
CDR: Officers - Take your stations!
CDR: Sir Knights - Be Seated.
CDR: Sir Knight Generalissimo -
CDR: - Are you a Knight Templar?
CDR: The Station of the Warder? GNL: On the left of the Standard Bearer and on the left of the Second Division when separately formed.
CDR: Sir Knight Warder -
CDR: - Your duty?
CDR: - Sir Knight Generalissimo - It is my order that that Ruthven Commandery No. 2 be now open for the dispatch of such business as may regularly come before it, requiring all Knights present to govern themselves according to the sublime principles of this magnanimous Order. This you will communicate to the Captain General and he to the Knights.
GNL: Sir Knight Captain General -
GNL: It is the order of the Commander that Ruthven Commandery No. 2 be now open for the dispatch of such business as may regularly come before it, requiring all Knights present to govern themselves according to the sublime principles of this magnanimous Order. This you will communicate to the Knights.
CG: - Sir Knights - Attention! Draw, Swords!
CG: - It is the order of the Commander that Ruthven Commandery No. 2 be now open for the dispatch of such business as may regularly come before it. Take due notice and govern yourselves according the sublime principles of this magnanimous Order. Present, Swords!
CG: Sir Knight Generalissimo -
CG: - The order of the Commander has been executed.
GNL: Eminent Commander -
GNL: - Your order has been obeyed.
CDR: I now declare that Ruthven Commandery No. 2 opened in due form..
CDR: Sir Knights - Carry, Swords!
CDR: Sir Knight Warder -
CDR: - Inform the Sentinel and direct him to guard accordingly.
WDR: Sir Knight Sentinel -
WDR: - The Commandery is now open. Take due notice and guard accordingly.
*** *** *** *
WDR: Eminent Commander -
WDR: - Your order has been obeyed.
CDR: Sir Knights, you will face the United States Flag and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.
CDR: Sir Knights - Present, Swords!
CDR: Sir Knights - Carry, Swords!
CDR: Sir Knights, you will face the Texas Flag and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.
CDR: Sir Knights - Present, Swords!
CDR: Sir Knights - Carry, Swords!
CDR: - Return, Swords!
CDR: Commandery - Be Seated.
Junior Warden PrelateTreasurer Genleralissimo Eminent Commander Captain General Recorder Senior Warden Warder Standard Bearer Sword Bearer Sentinel