Wounded Warrior Regiment WWR Recovery Care Coordinators Ken Ductor VSO Program Coordinator Wounded Warrior Regiment 10 APR 2008 UNCLASSIFIED
UNCLASS 10 April 2008 Slide 2 Proposed VSO Development Program CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS To develop VSO support for wounded warriors at Local, State and National levels using Regiment Guidance: The strength of the Marine Corps’ Wounded Warrior (WW) Program – and what we feel sets it apart from the other Service WW Programs, is the focus on the “intangibles”. Success for the Marine Corps’ is not having the most resources - people and money – it is “taking care of our Marines and Sailors”. That means caring and concerned leadership – focused on the WW and his family. We don’t put them through a process - we develop a personal relationship – based on the bond of being a Marine.
UNCLASS 10 April 2008 Slide 3 The Wounded Warrior Regiment will provide and facilitate assistance to wounded/ill/ injured Marines, Sailors attached to or in support of Marine units, and their family members, throughout the phases of recovery. Mission Statement –Because of the quality and quantity of their manpower resources, Veterans’ Service Organizations possess great potential as a resource to tap into for assistance to our wounded/ill/injured Marines and Sailors.
UNCLASS 10 April 2008 Slide 4 VSO Development Program GOAL: Develop a coordinated effort among local, state and national VSOs that will provide localized services to wounded/ill/injured service members and their families. –Identify common needs of wounded/ill/injured in their communities –Conduct regional 2 day conferences to establish and coordinate program within 4-5 state areas Present these needs to VSOs and identify the services that VSOs can provide to meet these needs Gather Points of Contact Information within each state –Schedule meetings with regional VSO staff members & team leaders Team leaders will maintain up to date contact info for WWR –Provide a list of services and access information to Marines and Sailors when they leave a Military Treatment Facility and return home.
UNCLASS 10 April 2008 Slide 5 VSO Development Program Invitees to include: –National Veterans’ Services Organizations with offices within the 4-5 state areas –State Directors of Veterans Affairs and State National Guard Commanders –National Guard Home Based Family Support Personnel that provide stay behind support to returning members and their families –Department of Veterans’ Affairs Services Personnel with the state areas –Regional Care Coordinators and HomeTown Links –Media
UNCLASS 10 April 2008 Slide 6 VSO Development Program Data Development: –Information from each organization represented will be compiled into a data base for ease of access –Webpage will be developed to access data by zip code and reflect distance from address location –Result will provide VSO Name/Address/POC/Services Available
UNCLASS 10 April 2008 Slide 7 VSO Program Development Information Access Will provide immediate information nationwide to Military Treatment Facilities, VA, and civilian health care facilities, PATs, RCCs, and HTLs Objective will be to insure that wounded/ill/injured Marines and Sailors who served with Marines and their families will be given a “game plan” of support services upon returning to HOR or going on con leave Once Website is developed updates will be the responsibility of our HTL and RCC Staff
UNCLASS 10 April 2008 Slide 8 QUESTIONS? Mr. Ken Ductor Veteran & Charitable Organization Program Coordinator/Benefit Advisor Wounded Warrior Regiment HQ, USMC, Manpower and Reserve Affairs 3280 Russell Road, MCB Quantico, Virginia V: /F: Found in a cemetery on Iwo Jima: “When you go home Tell them for us and say For your tomorrow We gave our today” VSO Program Development