Your Organisational Matrix Fred Nurkenburger The Organisational Navigators Fred Nurkenburger The Organisational Navigators
P R E S E N T A T I O N T I T L E – P R E S E N T E R S N A M E Overview Select a topic that you feel passionate about Special interest group topics Current industry-specific issues Improvement opportunities Market development opportunities Select a topic that you feel passionate about Special interest group topics Current industry-specific issues Improvement opportunities Market development opportunities
P R E S E N T A T I O N T I T L E – P R E S E N T E R S N A M E Process Passionate people with a clear idea of a topic write it down on a piece of flip-chart paper Spread out around the room and hold the topic above your head Rest of you join a topic group of your interest Passionate people with a clear idea of a topic write it down on a piece of flip-chart paper Spread out around the room and hold the topic above your head Rest of you join a topic group of your interest
P R E S E N T A T I O N T I T L E – P R E S E N T E R S N A M E Planning Process We play the roles of: Explorer Artist Judge Warrior We play the roles of: Explorer Artist Judge Warrior
P R E S E N T A T I O N T I T L E – P R E S E N T E R S N A M E Explorer Working Session This role is all about understanding the topic clearly - ‘to explore the lay of the land’ Process Appoint timekeeper and scribe Clarify the topic Explore using worksheet guide Summarise to ensure all team members are ‘on the same map’ Return your attention to stage This role is all about understanding the topic clearly - ‘to explore the lay of the land’ Process Appoint timekeeper and scribe Clarify the topic Explore using worksheet guide Summarise to ensure all team members are ‘on the same map’ Return your attention to stage
P R E S E N T A T I O N T I T L E – P R E S E N T E R S N A M E Artist Working Session This role is all about generating new and innovative ideas to create an improvement or solution to you topic - ‘to take the raw materials and do something with it’ Process Appoint timekeeper and scribe Generate ideas in pairs on sticky notes Sort your ideas into columns of similar ideas Verify your columns and summarise each column with a heading Return your attention to stage This role is all about generating new and innovative ideas to create an improvement or solution to you topic - ‘to take the raw materials and do something with it’ Process Appoint timekeeper and scribe Generate ideas in pairs on sticky notes Sort your ideas into columns of similar ideas Verify your columns and summarise each column with a heading Return your attention to stage
P R E S E N T A T I O N T I T L E – P R E S E N T E R S N A M E Judge Working Session This role is all about choosing the right ideas to implement - ‘to ensure you spend your efforts in the best way’ Process Appoint timekeeper and scribe Evaluate each idea heading using Judge’s check list Rate from one to ten Total out of fifty Select the top one or two ideas/opportunities Return your attention to stage This role is all about choosing the right ideas to implement - ‘to ensure you spend your efforts in the best way’ Process Appoint timekeeper and scribe Evaluate each idea heading using Judge’s check list Rate from one to ten Total out of fifty Select the top one or two ideas/opportunities Return your attention to stage
P R E S E N T A T I O N T I T L E – P R E S E N T E R S N A M E Warrior Working Session This role is all about creating actions - ‘to get the ball rolling’ Process Appoint timekeeper and scribe Use the action plan format Create 30 day actions Use the Warrior check list to help you Think about actions that create momentum It’s then up to the really passionate to keep the momentum going Return your attention to stage This role is all about creating actions - ‘to get the ball rolling’ Process Appoint timekeeper and scribe Use the action plan format Create 30 day actions Use the Warrior check list to help you Think about actions that create momentum It’s then up to the really passionate to keep the momentum going Return your attention to stage
P R E S E N T A T I O N T I T L E – P R E S E N T E R S N A M E