facebook Mulan is praised by all the people of China for saving the emperor from the Huns. WallPhotosFlairBoxesMulanLogout View photos of Mulan (5) Send Mulan a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Occupation: Warrior Birthday: June 19, 1998 Language: Chinese Best Friend: Mushu Hometown: Han, China Friends Cri-KeeShan-Yu Fa-ZhouKhan Mulan is praised by all the people of China for saving the emperor from the Huns. Shang-Li Mushu I’m so glad I get to be your new family guardian! We will make a great team! Mulan realizes that the Huns have captured their emperor. She tries to tell people but everyone is mad at her and won’t listen. She ends up fighting one of the Huns by herself. Mulan is done with the battle but they gets wounded. When she gets wounded she is forced to show that she is actually a women, not a man. Mulan goes to battle with the Huns. She helped her army win the battle because she buries the force of Huns into an avalanche. Mulan finds out that the Huns have invaded China and every family has to choose one male to go fight. Mulan’s father gets choosen. But Mulan disguises herself as a man and goes to fight with him. Mushu
Personal Information facebook Mulan is praised by all the people of China for saving the emperor from the Huns. WallPhotosFlairBoxesMulanLogout View photos of Mulan (5) Send Mulan a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Occupation: Warrior Birthday: June 19, 1998 Language: Chinese Best Friend: Mushu Hometown: Han, China Photos Occupation: Warrior Sex: Female Birthday: June 19, 1998 Hometown: Han, China Relationship Status: It’s Complicated with Shang Li Language: Chinese Best Friend: Mushu Activities: Fighting in war, helping family and community. Interests: Fighting, winning, and Chinese culture. Favorite Music: Mattew Wilder, David Zippee and Jerry Goldsmith Favorite Movies: Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin Favorite TV Shows: Xena Warrior, The Lady Princess, Princess Sarah Favorite Books: The Warrior Princess, Princess Zulu Family Time Updated last Thursday 2 Albums In Battle Updated 2 weeks ago Contact Information Address: Han, China Phone Number: Restricted
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesMulanLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Mulan 7 Photos Mulan’s Albums 3 Photo Alums Family Time 5 photos In Battle 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Mulan is praised by all the people of China for saving the emperor from the Huns.