PROUT The social cycle
Prout Prout stands for Progressive Utilization Theory. According to Prout all the resources from humanity and the universe should be utilized for all round welfare.
The Social Cycle The social cycle is the succession of the various human psychologies which govern social outlook during different historical periods.
Varnas or Mental Colours These specific human psychologies are also called ‘varnas’ (Sanskrit) or mental colors. They can also be called ‘social classes’..
The concept of varna or mental color is scientific and is not related to the idea of caste, which is a dogma created to impose exploitation in society. Prout opposes caste discrimination. Caste system
Four basic human psychologies Shudra: Laborer Ksattriya: Warrior Vipra: Intellectual Vaeshya: Capitalist
Shudra or labourer Mental color: Black Basic psychology: Mind preoccupied with physical needs. They survive mainly by their manual labour.
Ksattriya or warrior Mental color: Red Basic psychology: To fight and conquer is their nature. Valour and honor has more value to them than their own existence.
Vipra or intellectual Mental color: White Basic psychology: Control matter by the use of their intelligence. Dominant by intellectual ability.
Vipras Mentally evolved vipras have the capacity to direct their intellect towards spiritual awakening.
Vaeshya or capitalist Mental color: Yellow Basic psychology: Mercantile approach to life. Always seeking trade and expansion of wealth.
Prout principle “In the movement of the social cycle, one class is always dominant.”
The social cycle ShudraKsattriya VipraVaeshya
Viksubdha shudra (those disgruntled with social conditions) Vipra-minded (intellectuals) and ksattriya-minded (warrior) shudras are the leaders of the shudra (proletariat) revolution.
Sadvipras Spiritual revolutionaries who work to achieve progressive changes for human elevation by adhering to the principles of Yama and Niyama (internal and external ethics/morality). ‘sad’ (Sanskrit) = elevated ‘vipra’ (Sanskrit) = mental ability
Yama Ahimsa: not inflicting pain or hurt on anybody by thought, word or action. Satya: proper action of mind and the right use of words with the spirit of welfare. Asteya: not to take possession of what belongs to others. Brahmacarya: cosmic feeling for each and every object. Aparigraha: not indulge in amenities that are superfluous for the preservation of life.
Niyama Shaoca : purity of body, mind and environment. Santosa : state of proper ease or containment. Tapah : shoulder sorrows and miseries of others to make them happy. Service. Svadhyaya : clear understanding of any subtle or spiritual subject. Iishvara Pranidhana : establish oneself in the cosmic idea.
Sadvipras Posses the qualities of all four classes, plus a spiritual depth of vision and a willingness to sacrifice for the good of the whole society.
Prout principle In the nucleus of the social cycle, sadvipras churn, advance and revitalise the social flow.
Sadvipras Shudra Ksattriya VaeshyaVipra Sadvipras keep the flow of the social cycle revolving – spiral of elevation
Evolution Accelerating the movement of the social cycle by the application of force is called evolution. The subtlest forces are in the spiritual and psycho-spiritual realms.
Revolution Accelerating the movement of the social cycle by the application of a tremendous force is called revolution. Spiritual transformation within and its accompanying social impacts produce the best welfare results.
Counter-evolution Reversing the movement of the social cycle by the application of force is called counter evolution
Counter-revolution Reversing the movement of the social cycle by the application of a tremendous force is called counter-revolution
Peripheric evolution A complete rotation of the social cycle is called peripheric evolution.