Taking the Offensive pt4 The Defining of a Warrior 1Peter1:13-3:12/ Luke 8:41-48
What have we learned The Defining of a Warrior
What have we learned We first needed a “New Disposition” – a new outlook This new outlook or disposition should be “Radical” - ready for an extreme change The Defining of a Warrior
What have we learned We’ve also learned that ……Israel is in a state of EVOLUTION …Israel is no longer a “Wanderer” ….She has evolved into a “Warrior The Defining of a Warrior
A.Define Warrior A person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage or aggressiveness against an opponent with the purpose of attaining or achieving a set (personal) goal or victory The Defining of a Warrior
A.Code of Conduct In many societies in which a specialize warrior class exist, specific codes of conducts are established in order to ensure that warrior class is not corrupt or dangerous to the rest of society…(in other words…they won’t run amuck)and to distinguish a form of honor for the Country or Ruler that they represented. The Defining of a Warrior
For instance: Bushido - The Way of the Samurai 1. Justice / Rectitude / Right Decision 2. Bravery / Courage 3. Benevolence 4. Respect 5. Honesty 6. Honor 7. Loyalty / Faithful / Devoted 8. Piety 9. Honesty / Fidelity 10. Wisdom The Defining of a Warrior
For instance: U.S. Marine Corp 1. Honor 2. Courage 3. Commitment The Defining of a Warrior
A.Christian Code of Conduct The Christian code of conduct establishes the same thing as these others….Keep Christians from running amuck and to exemplify honor for their King and Kingdom 1Peter1:13-3:12 outlines the conduct of a Kingdom Warrior: The Defining of a Warrior
1Peter1:13-3:12 outlines the conduct of a Kingdom Warrior: Vs1:13-16-Tells us to be holy in our conduct Vs.2:9-12-Tells us to Abstain from fleshly lust and live honorably as citizens of the Kingdom Vs13-18-Tells us to Submit to earthly authorities and employers and honor all men including the King and fear God Vs3:8-9-be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, kind, tender, gentle be courteous, polite, civil not returning evil for evil or reviling (abuse)for reviling(abuse) The Defining of a Warrior
Some spiritual warriors do not operate within this code of conduct…known as Zealots/Terrorist Spiritual Terrorist: Believers that simply have no “code of conduct”. Live their life with no regard for others..while still professing Christ The Defining of a Warrior
3 Examples of Warriors Centurion- Luke 7:1-10 Warrior Quality-Radical Disposition Opponent-Death Gentile Woman-Matt 15:21-28 Warrior Quality-Aggressive Disposition Opponent-Evil Spirit Women w/Blood-Luke 8:41-48 Warrior Quality-Courageous Disposition Opponent-Social Shame Religious Outcast Poverty Issue of Blood The Defining of a Warrior