Look at the above picture. How are these customs similar?
Grand Canal World’s oldest & longest 1,114 mi.
Golden Age Zen Buddhism – meditation Confucianism Rice & tea
Wealthy class Foot binding – women of the house didn’t have to work – sign of wealth
Mounted warriors – cavalry Genghis Khan “Universal Ruler” Conquered Beijing Grandson Kublai Khan Conquered the rest of China Grandson Batu Invaded Russia & Europe Golden Horde
Merchant & explorer 17 left Venice for China Traveled around China for 17 yrs.
Archipelago – island chain Kamikaze “Divine Wind” – typhoon that stopped Mongol invasion apanesePoliticalSystem.htm
Only found in Japan “Way of the kami” – nature spirits No scripture or doctrine Prayers & rituals to please “kami” Existed alongside Zen Buddhism
Emperor Shogun – general controlled military, $, & laws Daimyo – local lords Samurai – warriors hired by lords for protection Peasants
Code of the samurai “way of the warrior” Bravery, loyalty, honor Seppuku or “hara-kiri”– ceremonial suicide to avoid dishonor