Recap Feeding What does the Feeding of the 5000 tell us about Jesus? 4 things. 2.How is it similar to the Eucharist? 3 ways.
Title 2 for Jesus: “The Messiah” To describe Jewish ideas about the Messiah To explain what the title meant for Jesus To find evidence if Jesus accepted the title about himself
1.Draw the table & use the info to make notes for your 1 st column. 2.Explain in the 2 nd column if you think Jesus fulfilled this belief. **How could the Jewish idea of Messiah as a worldly & powerful King be off-putting to Christians? Others words that mean Messiah =“Christ” = “Anointed One” = “Son of David” 4 Jewish beliefs about the Messiah Did Jesus fulfil this belief? Anointed One Supernatural figure Son of David Warrior-King
Mindmap 4 ways of describing what the “Messiah” would be like for Jews
Did Jesus use the term “Messiah” about himself? NO – the Messianic Secret YES – towards the end of his life, Jesus allows the Messianic Secret to be revealed. There are 3 examples of this: Write out the question as your subtitle. Read Mk 8: How did Jesus react to Peter calling him “Messiah”? Write out the quote. 2.How does Jesus explain what the title really means for him? 3.What are 2 reasons why Jesus wants to keep it a secret? *What had Peter’s idea of a Messiah been, before Jesus explained it? 1. Jesus’ entrance on Palm Sunday:Mk 11:1 a.what title was the crowd using? b.What did calling Jesus by this title mean? c.What was Jesus’ reaction? d.How does this prove that Jesus did see himself as the Messiah? 2. Before the Sandedrin at his trial: Mk 14:53 a.what title was the High Priest using? b.What did calling Jesus by this title mean? c.What was Jesus’ reaction? d.How does this prove that Jesus did see himself as the Messiah? 3. Healing blind Bartimaeus: Mk 10:46 a.what title was Bartimaeus using? b.What did calling Jesus by this title mean? c.What was Jesus’ reaction? d.How does this prove that Jesus did see himself as the Messiah? Choose another example and by yourself read the story and answer the questions. Anointed One Son of David Warrior-King Supernatural figure
Overall, did Jesus accept the title of Messiah?
Quiz Questions 1.What does the world “Messiah” mean? 2.What were anointed Kings supposed to do? 3.Why did people start hoping for a Messiah-king? 4.Why did most Jews believe that the Messiah would be a descendant of King David? 5.What would be special about the Messiah that the Jews were waiting for? 6.Why did Jews at the time of Jesus hope for a warrior-Messiah?