Schertz Cooksville corn plot 2010 Plot set-up 2 nd year corn on corn, no till. 10 hybrids used in each test, quoted the average yield of the 10 hybrids. Variables: Fertility rate, row width/population, and Fungicide/Insecticide application. Normal Fertility = Southern half of plot,100 lbs DAP and potash and170 lbs UAN with corn herbicide.
Schertz Cooksville corn plot 2010 Plot set-up High Fertility Rate= Northern half of plot, 200 lbs DAP and Potash, 170 lbs UAN with corn herbicide, and 40 lbs UAN at V5. 20’ rows east half of plot = 38k population 30’ rows west half of plot = 34k population No fungicides/insecticides northern and southern quarters of plot. Quilt at 14 fl oz and Warrior II at 1.5 fl oz applied to mid section of plot.
Schertz Cooksville corn plot 2010 Plot set-up Planted April 28 th 2010, planting direction is north and south. Herbicides: Harness Xtra 5.6 and Glyphosate All hybrids had VT3 technology Harvested 20” rows Sept 17, 2010 Harvested 30” rows October 6, 2010
North Quilt and Warrior applied east to west between red dash lines Higher fertility rate north of blue line. Normal fertility rate south of blue line 30” rows west ½ 20” rows east 1/2
2010 Schertz corn plot conclusions 20” rows out yielded 30” rows in all management scenarios, 19.5 bu average. Possible reasons: plant spacing, harvest date, down corn from previous harvest. Higher fertility rates combined with Fungicide and Insecticide were always the highest yield. By an average of 12 bu/acre in 20” rows. The average was 28 bu/acre 20” rows over 30” rows. High stress, high population without fungicide/insecticide and the lower fertility rate, had lower yields.