Respite Services for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Chantal Beauchamp Drouin Family Resource Worker Intervenante en ressource familiales
OCTC Respite Programs Today I will explain the new respite service that OCTC offers to Children with a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); the OCTC Preschool Out of Home Respite Program for ages 3 to 5 and the Weekend Warrior program for ages12 to 18.
History In December 2007, OCTC management became aware that funding was available at the Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS) and they wrote a proposal to the Ministry requesting funding to provide a respite program for children with ASD.
History Funding was approved in the spring of 2008. The first respite option that was offered was the March Break program in 2008. Following that, a survey was sent to families of children newly diagnosed with an ASD asking their respite needs: evenings vs. weekends, time, location, transportation needs, as well as, if they were currently using respite service and what would be ideal for them and their family.
OCTC Preschool Out of Home Respite The first program started in November 2008 The goals are to provide a program and give respite to the parents or legal guardians, to provide a low ratio, structured program, allowing for new recreation and leisure experiences in a safe environment, for a child with special needs and allowing families to spend time at will. This program takes place at the OCTC main site, 395 Smyth rd.
OCTC Preschool Out of Home Respite Criteria: Client of OCTC diagnosis with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Between the ages of 3 and 5 years old Application completed by the deadline date.
OCTC Preschool Out of Home Respite The ratio is 2 to 1 with an additional support person through a volunteer. There is a maximum of 8 children for each group (2 English groups and 1 French). The program is run out of the preschool room or the school area from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Current we have 5 clients on our waitlist, every week newly diagnosis children are being referred to the program. Since March 2008 approximately 80 children have attended the program
OCTC Preschool Out of Home Respite This funding also allowed us to provide March break and a summer camp for these children. The current program started in August 2009 and runs until mid December. This is going to be annual funding this funding is revised by the ministry every year and may not be approved for the next year. Currently all the funding allocated for the programs has been used, therefore no program will be run in January 2010 and we are waiting for further funding for the next fiscal year, April 2010 to March 2011.
OCTC Preschool Out of Home Respite Janice Forbes Preschool Coordinator Ottawa Children's Treatment Centre 395 Smyth Rd. Ottawa, On.K1H 8L2 613 737-0871 ext 4331 email:
OCTC Weekend Warriors We also have a Weekend Warrior program that first started in January 2009 The Weekend Warriors program is an out of home respite program for youth with ASD, ages 12 to 18. The programming includes life skill development (mainly meal prep), individual and small group activities, as well as recreation activities at the centre and in the community. The following information is a general overview of the program;
OCTC Weekend Warriors The following information is a general overview of the program; The weekend warriors will run 1 group for 10 sessions from 10am-3pm. The cost associated with the program is $15.00 per session for a total of $75.00; this is cover recreation outings, individual/small group activities, presenters, and life skills programming (meal prep activities). Weekend Warriors takes place at OCTC Thurston site, 2211 Thurston Drive, however occasionally we meet in the community or leave the building for a community event.
OCTC Weekend Warriors Criteria OCTC youth between the ages 12-18 with ASD, priority is given to clients who have behavioural needs and are not involved in community programs. Participants are able to function safely within a group with 2 participants: 1 staff ratio. Participants can communicate their wants/needs with assistance (ie: verbal, sign, augmentative communication device, gestures, etc.) Participants are able to follow a picture schedule with minimum assistance.
OCTC Weekend Warriors Like the Preschool respite program this funding is an annual funding and it is revised by the Ministry every year and determined if funding will be available for the next fiscal year no other weekend warriors program is scheduled until funding is approved from the MCYS.
OCTC Weekend Warriors If you have any questions please contact: Amber Mather, CTRS Recreation Therapist - Life Span Core Ottawa Children's Treatment Centre 2211 Thurston Dr. Ottawa ON. K1G 6C9 613 688-2126 ex. 4333
OCTC Chantal Beauchamp Drouin Family Resource Worker Intervenante en ressources familiales 395 chemin Smyth rd. Ottawa Ontario K1H 8L2 613 737-0871