Students Parents Mentors
Motivation Resourcefulness Will to Work Self- Discipline Character
"This program has pushed me into going to college and I would recommend this program to any student." "The STRIVE Program was good. It helped me turn my grades around. I have really enjoyed this program."
"When I was first given the opportunity to be in STRIVE, I asked, "For what?" It was explained to me that this was for people who thought they weren't eligible to get scholarships. This helped me to realize it wasn't too late to improve myself." Current High Schools John Marshall, Mayo, Century 100+ Students are Invited to Join 75+ Students Join the Program Volunteer Mentors from the Rotary Clubs of Rochester are paired with each student
"I would like to thank the Rotary Club and everyone else who made the STRIVE program possible. This has helped me get my life back on the right track. I didn't try to achieve the grades that I did because I was in STRIVE; I did it because I wanted to change. I wanted to have a successful future. I just wanted you to know that people like yourselves have inspired me to become a successful person. I no longer say that "I want to become..." or "I want to go..."; I say "I will become..." and "I will go..." For the first time in years I believe in myself and I believe that I can do anything that I set my mind to. Thank you for spending your time and your money believing in kids like me."
The STRIVE program has grown quickly since This program is making a difference in the lives of our young people in Rochester. We need your Help - become a Mentor Today. The following Mentor Application is on your tables - please consider this rewarding experience "It was helpful to know that people in the community cared about us. Knowing this, it motivated me more to do well. Thank you"
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