“WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 (DANIEL 6:1-4) WHAT IS EXCELLENCE? Excellence is the attention to detail that produces quality!
“WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 (DANIEL 6:1-4) THE CHALLENGE OF EXCELLENCE: 1.)Raising a standard of excellence causes people to be frustrated. -Why? People think they are being picked on -Why? People think they are being picked on because of the small details that others pay because of the small details that others pay attention to that they look over. attention to that they look over.
“WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 (DANIEL 6:1-4) THE REASON FOR EXCELLENCE: 1.)WE SERVE AN EXCELLENT GOD! -Psalms 8:1 “O Lord our Lord, how excellent is -Psalms 8:1 “O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth.” thy name in all the earth.” -Psalms 8:9 “O Lord our Lord, how excellent is -Psalms 8:9 “O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth.” thy name in all the earth.” -Psalms 138:14 “…..for his name alone is -Psalms 138:14 “…..for his name alone is excellent.” excellent.” -Psalms 150:2 “…..praise him for his excellent -Psalms 150:2 “…..praise him for his excellent greatness.” greatness.”
“WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 (DANIEL 6:1-4) Pointers of Excellence from Daniel 1.)Daniel who’s name means “God IS My Judge,” walked in excellence (Daniel 6:3). -We say “Only God CAN judge me” (future tense) -We say “Only God CAN judge me” (future tense) but we live as if he’s not going to but we live as if he’s not going to judge us at all. judge us at all. -We strive for excellence because we know WE -We strive for excellence because we know WE ARE BEING JUDGED BY GOD CURRENTLY; Not ARE BEING JUDGED BY GOD CURRENTLY; Not just in the future. just in the future.
“WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 (DANIEL 6:1-4) Pointers of Excellence from Daniel 2.)VS.1-2 Because Daniel walked in excellence, he was promoted in a foreign land by KING Darius. -EXCELLENCE BRINGS PROMOTION. -EXCELLENCE BRINGS PROMOTION. -Promotion comes from the King of Kings; NOT -Promotion comes from the King of Kings; NOT people. people. 3.)VS.2 King Darius set princes and presidents over his kingdom TO KEEP THE KING FROM DAMAGE. -A failure to walk in excellence brings damage to -A failure to walk in excellence brings damage to the name of our king! the name of our king!
“WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 (DANIEL 6:1-4) Pointers of Excellence from Daniel 4.)VS.3 Daniel was promoted because he had a SPIRIT of excellence. -Daniel’s SPIRIT promoted him; not his gift. -Daniel’s SPIRIT promoted him; not his gift. -One can be gifted and STILL not have a SPIRIT -One can be gifted and STILL not have a SPIRIT of excellence. of excellence. -The Spirit of excellence keeps me from -The Spirit of excellence keeps me from squandering my gift in mediocrity. squandering my gift in mediocrity.
“WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE 2012 (DANIEL 6:1-4) WE STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: 1.)HOME: (Ephesians 5 & 6) 2.WORK: (Ephesians 6:7) 3.)CHURCH: Evangelism (Matthew 28:19-20) Evangelism (Matthew 28:19-20) Worship (John 4:24) Worship (John 4:24) Fellowship (1 John 1:7) Fellowship (1 John 1:7) Discipleship (John 8:31) Discipleship (John 8:31) Ministry (Matthew 25:31-46) Ministry (Matthew 25:31-46)