McCormick Elementary Cindy Beaven 5101 Hazelwood Avenue Baltimore, MD (410)
Referrals Our referrals have decreased in the past few years Referrals Referrals 2003 – 134 Referrals
How did we lower the referrals?
Back to School Week Discussion on Behavior Management We discussed student expectations and behavior management as a faculty. When should you send a student to the office? We decided to follow a continuum when an inappropriate behavior occurs. 1. Verbal Warning 2. Time-out in the classroom 3. Time-out with a teacher partner 4. Time-out room
Strive for Five Be respectful. Be safe. Work peacefully. Strive for excellence. Follow directions.
Reviewing Strive for Five
Monitoring Strive For Five
Careful Placement of Teachers Teachers are assigned specific areas during morning arrival and dismissal time so all students are monitored. Students need to be seen at all times.
Monitoring Dismissal
Routines are taught and reviewed throughout the year. Locker and hallway behavior Classroom expectations Cafeteria expectations Assembly expectations Bus rules
Reviewing Strive for Five
Quarterly Assemblies First Quarter The teachers performed skits about the strive for five rules. Students guessed which rule was shown. This helped all students review strive for five from the beginning of the year. Second Quarter Teachers selected students to perform skits about strive for five. Students needed to guess the rule.
Third Quarter We had 3 different assemblies. –Pre-k, k, and 1-We made overhead puzzles of the pictures from strive for five. Students had to put the puzzle together and figure out which rule was represented. –2-3 Respect was addressed. A teacher dressed up as Aretha Franklin and sang “Respect.” Students were able to listen to the song and think about its meaning. Students read an acrostic poem for respect. –4-5 Students reviewed Strive for Five by completing a word puzzle and discussing how to accomplish each rule.
Quarterly Incentives Teachers are asked to choose the students who consistently strive for five. Those students are invited to the incentive. First quarter: ice-cream sandwich Second quarter: beach party We purchased leis for the students. Students ate their lunches in the recreation room, played beach volleyball, and listened to beach music.
Beach Party Limbo
Quarterly Incentives Third quarter: picnic outside Students brought their lunches outside and had a picnic. We purchased bubbles and sidewalk chalk. We borrowed balls and jump ropes from the gym. Fourth quarter: picnic lunch and a snowball We use Title I money and grants to purchase the incentives.
Picnic Time What a great day!!!
Teachers Volunteer to Help
Extra Effort Club
Respect Tickets Teachers are given a roll of tickets. They can hand them out when they catch a student being respectful. On Friday, we have a school wide drawing. We make sure that 1 student per grade level wins a prize. The drawing is televised. We have purchased small prizes such as gel pens, folders, and games. This year, we purchased radios with grant money. This has been very motivating.
The Lucky Winner Is...
Cafeteria Behavior We have a green, yellow, red apple system. Students start with a green. If the table is being too loud, they receive a yellow apple. They can earn the green apple back by displaying appropriate behavior. When the class earns a green apple, they receive a tally mark. Five tally marks earn them a blue ribbon. The class with the most blue ribbons earns a prize.
Great Cafeteria Behavior
Referral Data
Arundel High School “Smarter not Harder” Working together to create a positive environment…
Introductions Team Leader: Lisa Sigmon –Sheila Brooks, Sarah Poole, Pat Cain-Hagan, Kristin Carroll, Tim Guy, Marla McMullen Administrative Liaison: Merlene Clarke Principal: Sharon Stratton Presenter: Tim Guy Arundel High School –Enrollment: 1995 students, 9 th -12 th grade –1001 Annapolis Road –Gambrills, MD –(410)
The Old Way Teachers –Inconsistent consequences –Minor Incidents not reported –Implementing multiple character education programs Administration –Time consumed with referrals –Unaware of minor Incidents –Only see problem students
The Old Way Problem Students –Unaware of expectations –Focus of teacher attention –Losing time in class –Detention -> Referral System –Suspension/Expulsion Majority of Students –Little interaction with staff –Not recognized for positive behavior
First Look at PBIS Focus on Positive Reinforcement Data Analysis –Referrals –Minor Incidents Consolidates Character Education Programs Improves Consistency of Consequences Increases Awareness of Behavior Resources Provided to Model Program
Planning the Program Team –Teachers, Administrator, Guidance Counselor, and School Psychologist Acronym –PRIDE Positive Responsible Involved Diligent Efficient General Expectations Within Each Category
Planning the Program The Matrix –Organized by area and expected behavior –States expectations, not negative behaviors –Consolidated: County code of conduct Current character education programs –Clear concise wording –Written in student language
Improving Consistency County Code of Conduct –Classroom vs. office managed behaviors –Levels of consequences –Aligned with PBIS Flowchart –Improved practicality of Code of Conduct –Outlines management procedures
Minor Incident Reports Overall Design –Smaller than referral –In triplicate –Replaced Detention Forms Pre-Referral Documented Step Flexible Consequences –Ex: Detention, reflection, parent signature, etc. Administrative Intervention Before Referral
Proof of PRIDE Purpose –Encourage positive behavior –Increase student teacher interaction –Improve school climate Deposited in cafeteria –Weekly/Monthly/Semester drawings Issuing Teacher Recognized
Faculty Onboard Faculty In-service –90 minute presentation –Premise –Tools –Modeling Presented as “Smarter not Harder” Faculty Extremely Supportive
Rollout December 2004 Lessons to Students in 1 st Period Classes –Introduced tools –Explained expectations (Poster) –Interactive demonstrations Pride Matrix –Teachers presented expected behaviors for their class –Matrices were checked for completeness in 1 st period
Data Monitoring School Wide Information System (SWIS) –MIR’s and Referrals entered –Faculty presented with results at faculty meetings –Problem areas addressed –Problem students identified
So Far… Data Entry Issues Upper Classmen Procuring Funds and Donations 8,000 Bucks distributed All Staff Utilizing MIR’s Reduction in Referrals (1660 to 1495)
Future of Pride Pride Store Posters of Expectations by Area Faculty Recognitions Students/Parents on the Team New Teacher, Staff and Substitute Training Creating an Overall Positive Environment