1 Introduction to Software Engineering Lecture 41 – Communication Skills
2 Acknowledgements This presentation is based largely on MIT Communication Skills Lectures.
3 Lecture Outline Giving Oral Presentation Formulate a strategy Choose an appropriate structure Create visual aids to enhance your presentation Strive for effective and natural delivery Handle Q & A effectively
4 Giving Oral Presentation Formulate a strategy Choose an appropriate structure Create visual aids to enhance your presentation Strive for effective and natural delivery Handle Q & A effectively
5 Analyzing the Situation
6 Communication Strategy Content How much detail on a method? How much detail on findings? Style Level of technical language? Appeal to general audience? Structure
7 Giving Oral Presentation Formulate a strategy Choose an appropriate structure Create visual aids to enhance your presentation Strive for effective and natural delivery Handle Q & A effectively
8 Cognitive Processing Constraints
9 Structure Approaches Direct (Easier to follow) Indirect (often conventional) InformativeMain result, followed by evidence Evidence, leading to results PersuasiveOverall arguments backed by evidence Evidence leading to overall arguments
10 Deciding on a Structure
11 Planning segments of presentations Introduction Arouse interest and show relevance to audience Establish credibility State main message (if direct) or preview agenda. Body Limit to 5 major sections or points Adjust detail to audience background and needs Clarify process through agenda Conclusion Make or recap main points
12 Giving Oral Presentation Formulate a strategy Choose an appropriate structure Create visual aids to enhance your presentation Strive for effective and natural delivery Handle Q & A effectively
13 Creating Visual Aids: Functions Clarify structure Emphasize important ideas Illustrate relationships or objects visually Enhance and maintain interest
14 Creating appropriate medium for visual aids For example, Transparencies Advantages Easy and inexpensive Flexible Low tech and relatively dependable Remember: You are the presentation – the visuals are not.
15 Giving Oral Presentation Formulate a strategy Choose an appropriate structure Create visual aids to enhance your presentation Strive for effective and natural delivery Handle Q & A effectively
16 Delivering your presentation Verbal – sound natural & conversational Tone, pitch, pace Fluency Nonverbal – Project confidence & enthusiasm Confidence Movement, use of space Gestures Eye contacts and facial expressions.
17 Giving Oral Presentation Formulate a strategy Choose an appropriate structure Create visual aids to enhance your presentation Strive for effective and natural delivery Handle Q & A effectively
18 Answering Questions Plan for questions & practice answers Answer effectively Listen carefully to whole question Buy time to think Be honest about what you don’t know. Avoid dialogues with one person Handle inappropriate questions quickly and tactfully End Q & A by restating your point.
19 Key Points Points to remember Formulate a strategy Choose an appropriate structure Create visual aids to enhance your presentation Strive for effective and natural delivery Handle Q & A effectively