Overview of South Africa’s Foreign Policy Presentation by the Department of Foreign Affairs June 2007
SA’s Foreign Policy (FP) SA’s FP has a dialectical link with the country’s domestic priorities.SA’s FP has a dialectical link with the country’s domestic priorities. SA’s FP incorporates economic diplomacy within the context of the Accelerated & Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa (ASGISA).SA’s FP incorporates economic diplomacy within the context of the Accelerated & Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa (ASGISA).
SA’s FP Cont… SA’s commitment to the creation of an African continent that is prosperous, peaceful, democratic, non-racial, non- sexist and united, which contributes to a world that is just and equitable.SA’s commitment to the creation of an African continent that is prosperous, peaceful, democratic, non-racial, non- sexist and united, which contributes to a world that is just and equitable.
SA’s FP Cont… What we strive to achieve for our country is what we also strive to achieve for Africa, countries of the South and for the global community.What we strive to achieve for our country is what we also strive to achieve for Africa, countries of the South and for the global community.
SA’s FP Cont… Our FP is guided by the vision of “A Better SA, A Better Africa & A Better World.”Our FP is guided by the vision of “A Better SA, A Better Africa & A Better World.”
SA’s FP: Principles That the interests of the African continent are central in our foreign policy;That the interests of the African continent are central in our foreign policy; That issues of human rights are central to international relations & an understanding that they extend beyond the political, embracing the economic, social and environment;That issues of human rights are central to international relations & an understanding that they extend beyond the political, embracing the economic, social and environment;
SA FP: Principles Cont… That just and lasting solutions to the problems of humankind can only come through the promotion of democracy world-wide;That just and lasting solutions to the problems of humankind can only come through the promotion of democracy world-wide; That consideration of justice and respect for international law should guide the relations between & among nations;That consideration of justice and respect for international law should guide the relations between & among nations;
SA FP: Principles Cont… That peace is the goal for which all nations should strive, and that conflicts should be resolved through non-violent means;That peace is the goal for which all nations should strive, and that conflicts should be resolved through non-violent means; That multilateralism informs our interactions in the global sphere; &That multilateralism informs our interactions in the global sphere; &
SA FP: Principles Cont… That economic development depends on growing regional and international economic integration and cooperation in an interdependent world.That economic development depends on growing regional and international economic integration and cooperation in an interdependent world.
SA’s Approach in the Implementation of its Foreign Policy Deepening of Bilateral relations; &Deepening of Bilateral relations; & Participation in Multilateral InstitutionsParticipation in Multilateral Institutions
SA’s FP: Priorities Consolidation of the African Agenda;Consolidation of the African Agenda; South-South Cooperation;South-South Cooperation; North-South Dialogue;North-South Dialogue; Global Security;Global Security; Global Governance;Global Governance; The above priorities are pursued within a globalised world. The above priorities are pursued within a globalised world.
Globalisation Globalisation has become a predominant force in international relations;Globalisation has become a predominant force in international relations; It is creating immense opportunities of growth & wealth creation for some, whilst producing an abundance of poverty for millions of others;It is creating immense opportunities of growth & wealth creation for some, whilst producing an abundance of poverty for millions of others; Africa has benefited less & has suffered most from globalisation;Africa has benefited less & has suffered most from globalisation;
Globalisation Cont… SA’s view is that the path of globalisation must change;SA’s view is that the path of globalisation must change; The challenge is to develop a strategy through integration & cooperation between & among the countries of the South to make the global agenda relevant to their needsThe challenge is to develop a strategy through integration & cooperation between & among the countries of the South to make the global agenda relevant to their needs
Consolidation of the African Agenda (CAA) –CAA entails the strengthening of the African Union (AU), its structures & the implementation of NEPAD; Pan African Parliament, ECOSSOC, PSC & PCRD. –Southern African Development Community (SADC), foundation for SA’s regional, continental & international engagements;
African Agenda Cont… SADC’s Targets: The formation of a Free Trade Area by 2008;The formation of a Free Trade Area by 2008; The completion of negotiations of the SADC Customs Union by 2010;The completion of negotiations of the SADC Customs Union by 2010; The completion of negotiations of the SADC Common Market by 2015;The completion of negotiations of the SADC Common Market by 2015;
African Agenda Cont… Diversification of industrial structures and exports with more emphasis on value addition across all economic sectors by 2015;Diversification of industrial structures and exports with more emphasis on value addition across all economic sectors by 2015; Sustain export growth rate of at least 5% annually;Sustain export growth rate of at least 5% annually;
African Agenda Cont… Increase in intra-regional trade to at least 35% by 2008;Increase in intra-regional trade to at least 35% by 2008;
African Agenda Cont… –Protocol on the Facilitation of Movement of Persons in SADC; –SADC Customs Union; –Gender Declaration; –SADC Brigade
African Agenda Cont… SADC Challenges: –Effective implementation of the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP); –Effective implementation of the Strategic Indicative Programme for the Organ on Politics, Defense & Security Cooperation (SIPO);
African Agenda Cont… –AU’s Post Conflict Reconstruction & Development Policy (PCRD); –SA participation to the United Nations Peace Missions: Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia-Eritrea & Liberia;
African Agenda Cont… –Tangible Dividends: DRC, Burundi, Liberia; & Sudan –Areas of engagement: Zimbabwe; Somalia; Comoros; Ivory Coast; Darfur (Sudan)
African Agenda Cont… –AU Government: Towards A United States of Africa; –Bilateral Relations within Africa: 43 Missions; –SA’s increase in trade opportunities;
Challenges to the African Agenda… Lack of coordination by SA’s departments in PCRD;Lack of coordination by SA’s departments in PCRD; Perceptions of SA as a hegemon in Africa;Perceptions of SA as a hegemon in Africa; Lack of capacity to beneficiate African resourcesLack of capacity to beneficiate African resources SA’s business conduct within the Continent; &SA’s business conduct within the Continent; & Scramble for Africa’s natural resources;Scramble for Africa’s natural resources;
South-South Cooperation (SSC) –SSC is a strategy to address the challenges of economic & political marginalisation of the South; –SA’s participation to the Non-Aligned Movement, G77 + China, China-Africa Forum, India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum & New Asia-Africa Strategic Partnership;
SSC Cont… South-South formations are critical as vehicles for socio-economic development;South-South formations are critical as vehicles for socio-economic development; Increased interaction with Latin America & the Diaspora;Increased interaction with Latin America & the Diaspora;
North-South Dialogue Premised on the notion of forging partnerships & bringing about peace, security and development in the South;Premised on the notion of forging partnerships & bringing about peace, security and development in the South; Aimed at making substantial progress towards achieving the UN MDGsAimed at making substantial progress towards achieving the UN MDGs
North-South Dialogue Cont… u SA-EU Strategic Partnership Joint Action Plan; u The EU & Africa: Towards a Strategic Partnership; u Expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation to Africa; u US Africa Command (AFRICOM)
Global Security –Uni-polar World (US Hegemony); –Challenge to the uni-polar by the emergence of a multi-polar world; –Middle East Peace Process; –Iraq;
Global SecurityCont… Global Security Cont… –Iran Nuclear Stand off; –North Korea; –Terrorism; & –SA’s Chairperson of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (2007-8)
Global Governance Democratisation of the UN, UNSC & Bretton Woods Institutions; Democratisation of the UN, UNSC & Bretton Woods Institutions; SA’s UN Security Council Non- permanent Seat; SA’s UN Security Council Non- permanent Seat;