Self defeating thoughts and behaviours aimed at reaching excessively high, unrealistic goals.
Often feeling like what I accomplish is never good enough Feeling that I need to give more than 100% on everything I do or else I will be mediocre or even a failure Often putting off handing in papers, waiting to get them just right
Want to be approved of Strive and overwork but struggle to meet unreachable targets Become self critical and demanding Feel anxious and inadequate Become less and less effective Believe that to get approval “I must excel” Set unrealistic goals
ANXIETY Anxiety becomes unbearable Avoid source of anxiety, put off and procrastinate Feel increasingly inadequate and down
Never satisfied with yourself Feel mediocre
Want to be approved of Strive and overwork but struggle to meet unreachable targets Become self critical and demanding Feel anxious and inadequate Become less and less effective Believe that to get approval “I must excel” Set unrealistic goals