Men’s Ministry Action Plan Create Momentum PURPOSE Sustain Momentum Capture Momentum The purpose of this event today is to help you and other men to come closer to our Lord Jesus From General Commission on UMM Men’s Ministry Action Plan 2003
Men’s Ministry Action Plan This is a condensed version of a longer, 7 hour weekend retreat presentation, designed for UMM leadership teams. It is a “Process” It can assist you to design a men’s ministry from scratch or reevaluate what you are already doing. Condensed version: If you want the steering committee to come to your men’s group to present the whole two day event then let me know. 3 hours on Friday and 4 on Saturday It can be presented to your leadership team, 2, 3, or 4 people Today = High Points MMAP is a process: Work through the exercises in the work book (Book can be made available to you) It can assist you to design a men’s ministry from scratch or reevaluate what you are already doing.
Men’s Ministry Action Plan Overview Catch a fresh vision for your men’s ministry Become kindred spirits with the other men who are visioning with you. Be challenged… Vision? Accomplish? How will you know? What kind of men do you want to produce? Learn how to create momentum among men not currently involved in your men’s ministry. Catch a fresh vision for your men’s ministry Become kindred spirits… REWARDING to you Be challenged to think through and conceptualize: What is your vision for your men’s ministry What would you like to accomplish? How will you know whether you have accomplished your goals? What kind of men do you want to produce? Learn how to create momentum among men not currently involved in your men’s ministry.
The Big Picture of Men’s Ministry A dynamic men’s ministry begins with a clear understanding of your purpose as men in the church A key question to ask… What is the problem we are trying to solve by having a men’s ministry? What is the problem we are trying to solve by having a men’s ministry? Ask for their thoughts….
The Big Picture of Men’s Ministry Why have a men’s ministry at all? Ask: Why have a men’s ministry at all? Grow your church Provides and environment where men can be changed by the power of God Men become more active/involved They become disciples They become workers in the church They become ministers in the community They become better financial stewards They take up less of the pastor’s time for counseling They get their children more involved
The Big Picture of Men’s Ministry In developing a Purpose Statement you need to address… What problems do men face today? What are the cornerstones of a successful men’s ministry?
The Big Picture of Men’s Ministry What problems do men face today? Ask: What problems do men face today? Their struggles…careers, marriages, children, financial problems Men today are also tired – mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Something isn’t quite right about their lives. Find themselves frustrated, discouraged, disillusioned, confused, afraid of the future, lonely and riddled with guilt. They are restless. They are wondering, “Is this all there is? There must be more to life. Is this a true estimate of problems men face today?
The Big Picture of Men’s Ministry To reach these men your men’s ministry must be built on a solid foundation. The four cornerstones of a successful men’s ministry are: Sr. Pastor’s support A man passionate about reaching other men A committed leadership team The right strategy Sr. Pastor support A man passionate about reaching other men: Sr. Pastor, assoc. pastor, lay leader, UMM president, or any man passionate about wanting to see men’s lives change, God will help you to do it. Committed leadership team: If you only get together as a planning committee you will never show men the model of what you want them to become. The leadership team must become the model – the live demonstration - of what you want to reproduce. The other men in your church will emulate your leadership. Acts 4:13 …When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. Are you willing to become to each other what you want the men of your church to become? The right strategy: In the 1970’s Wang Laboratories made it their strategy to limit the SW to the Wang machines. Bill Gates said if Mr. Wang hadn’t realized the importance of compatible SW applications there might not have been a Microsoft today The “front end” choices you make about your men’s ministry are the most important ones. They define the ministry. The problem is, if you choose the wrong strategy, it will take you five years to figure it out. .
The Big Picture of Men’s Ministry Two fundamental principles to remember as you formulate a Purpose for your men’s ministry… It takes a long time to make a disciple Relationships It takes a long time to make a disciple: Richard Foster said, “We tend to over estimate what we can accomplishment in one year We tend to under estimate what we can accomplish in ten years” Don’t look for a quick fix in a few months. Pray and plan for the long term Most meaningful change takes place in the context of relationships Men’s lives change as lives rub up against the lives of other men. Your men’s ministry should help men develop meaningful relationships with other men. Doesn’t matter what you are doing sometimes, it matters that you are with other Christians doing something that you are enjoying.
The Big Picture of Men’s Ministry Consider the following scripture in developing your Purpose Statement: Proverbs 27:17 Iron Sharpens Iron Matthew 28:18-20 Our Marching Orders Galatians 6:1-2 Body of Christ Working Together Ephesians 4:11-16 We can accomplish more together than by ourselves. Colossians 1:28-29 We should not strive in our own strength alone. Colossians 3:19, 21 Husbands, love your wives Fathers, do not embitter your children 2 Timothy 2:2 Our work is not done until new believers are able to make disciples of others. You can see I think how these scriptures can help you formulate a purpose or vision statement for your men. Can you think of any other scriptures?
The Big Picture of Men’s Ministry Use of scripture in developing your men’s ministry Purpose Statement: Proverbs 27:17 17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. NIV My analogy Challenge what you think and who you are Sharpen each other in thought and character. Two friends who bring their ideas together can help each other become sharper.
The Big Picture of Men’s Ministry The practical needs of men Ask… Where do you feel the most pressure? What would you want the church to do for you? What is the most valuable experience you’ve had in the last year? What was your worst experience last year? In addition to scripture you should ALSO have a good handle on the PRACTICAL needs of men What are some more questions to ask?
The Big Picture of Men’s Ministry Key Principles in formulating a Purpose Statement Be purpose driven rather than event driven Be relationship based rather than task oriented Make disciples and pray for workers Be relationship based rather than task oriented: Help men build relationships With Christ Other men Purpose of conference retreat – Build relationships Bring men to Christ How has a significant friendship helped you? Do you have significant friendships? Could we use this fact in formulating a purpose statement?
The Big Picture of Men’s Ministry What are the benefits of a Purpose Statement? Helps the pastor and entire church body identify how your men’s ministry supports the overall ministry of the church ensures that your ministry is purpose-driven rather than event-driven keeps you from taking on more than you can handle helps in making decisions about the ministry
Creating Momentum in Your Men’s Ministry Create Momentum PURPOSE Sustain Momentum Capture Momentum Overcome inertia in men and keeping them moving.
Creating Momentum in your Men’s Ministry To get a stationary man moving we need an event that creates momentum. Variety is the key… Appeal to the interests of all types of men Space shuttle - shuttle strapped to a booster containing 5 million gallons of liquid fuel – burns in 8.5 minutes, then travels 4 million miles on a little bucket of fuel. Variety is the key: The secret is to have many different kinds of momentum creating events that appeal to the interests of all types of men.
Creating Momentum in your Men’s Ministry Reaching the five types of men Men who need a relationship with Christ Cultural Christians (men on the “fringe”) – Matthew 13:21 Men who are disciples, or want to be Men who are leaders, or want to be – 2 Tim 2:2 Men who are hurting – Gal 6:2 Cultural Christians: they are going 90 miles/hr nowhere Matt. 13:21 – But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away. Men on the fringe are barely inside or just outside the door of the church. They practice spare tire Christianity – something in the trunk just in case. Their world view is a mixture of new age and wall street, television, business week, positive thinking seminars and Harvard business school… He is the undiscipled disciple. Men who are leaders, or want to be - 2 Tim 2:2: Paraphrase: new disciples making disciple of others Men who are hurting: Gal 6:2 – Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Creating Momentum in your Men’s Ministry Some ways to reach men on the “fringe” Men’s issues Bowl game party A Christian professional athlete A couples dinner with a speaker A seminar on money and investing A time management speaker An inner city work project A weekday lunch outreach A father and son breakfast Why do you think these would be good ways to reach men on the fringe?
Creating Momentum in your Men’s Ministry Momentum events are motivational. Plan to hold an event not more than quarterly and not less than twice a year. Maintain variety in the “atmosphere” of these events. Momentum events are motivational: They create excitement, interest, converts, and get the message out. Plan to hold an event not more than quarterly and not less than twice a year. Maintain variety in the “atmosphere” of these events: Don’t sing praise music Strong evangelistic appeal Sometimes men on the fringe just need the opportunity to build relationships with men in the church.
Creating Momentum in your Men’s Ministry Create a warm, non-threatening environment. Make it easy and comfortable for them. Create a warm, non-threatening environment: Don’t frighten them with religious jargon. Consider having a businessman from the congregation serve as host and emcee, rather than a pastor. Make it easy and comfortable for them: Chill out and have a good time. Hang out with people like Jesus did.
Creating Momentum in your Men’s Ministry You will only reach men outside the church if men inside the church take the time to personally invite them. All your publicity can do is make it so attractive that men won’t say “no” when somebody ______ them. Don’t expect to just host an event and reach men on the fringe. If they aren’t ________, they won’t come. Communicate the vision so men in your church are eager to ______ other men. Ask them…INVITE Go get them Someone look up in the Bible where it says Jesus waited for the people to come It’s not in there – He went out to the people
Creating Momentum in your Men’s Ministry Three key principles to remember as you try to reach men on the “fringe” of your church. Long-Term Low Pressure Anger What do men need that they are willing to do? Long-Term Low Pressure: We must give men permission to stand around the rim of what we are doing and observe. Men come along at different speeds. Give them permission to buy in at their own pace, and let them come on board at their own level of involvement. Don’t expect more from men than they can, or should, realistically give. Don’t be angry: When a man wants to help other men grow in Christ, he often realizes that he wants men to be successful more than they want it themselves. This is one of the greatest problems among the leaders of men’s ministries today. Don’t be frustrated or angry with men because they are not more involved. They can sense your frustration and anger. Instead, continue to show them Christ through your lifestyle so they find themselves strangely drawn to be with you. Give men what they need that they are willing to do: If a man needs to consider 20 areas, but he is only far enough along his spiritual pilgrimage to engage three of those areas, it doesn’t make sense to talk about the other seventeen. Instead, focus on the three, lead him along, then add other subjects as he grows. Don’t ask him to be on the SPRC committee or finance right away.
Creating Momentum in your Men’s Ministry Your action plan Create a list of regular and special events The goal It must achieve your men’s ministry purpose statement Consider hosting a momentum-creating event such as a retreat. Now is the time to put together a plan: Create a list of regular and special events The goal is to have a balanced, purpose driven program that ministers to all types of men It must achieve your men’s ministry purpose statement Consider hosting a momentum-creating event such as a retreat.
Capturing the Momentum You Create PURPOSE Sustain Momentum Capture Momentum Second Gear
Capturing the Momentum You Create How can you capture the momentum you create? The two common mistakes following a good event are… To do nothing, or To attempt too much How can you capture the momentum you create? The two common mistakes following a good event are: To do nothing, or (fizzle) To attempt too much (fizzle) upcoming conference retreat What should we expect from men after a conference retreat? Nothing? Should we require them to read the Bible before the next time we see them?
Capturing the Momentum You Create Capturing momentum (cont.) Find materials that raise significant issues and deal with them from a Biblical perspective. You should ask the men for a one-time commitment of four to six weeks, something that is “doable” for them. Baby steps… Make it easy for them. Book - What God Does When Men Pray What am I willing to give up to do it? Come together once a week and talk about it The experience is the blessing. I may be interested in continuing this sort of thing.
Capturing the Momentum You Create Short term curricula would be any 4 to 6 week study (a popular book, a book of the Bible) that can be discussed among a small group of men. Tax time of year Get a tax expert, begin meeting. Begin meeting with prayer by me, not the “fringer”. End with prayer by me.
Sustaining the Momentum You Capture Create Momentum PURPOSE Sustain Momentum Capture Momentum Third Gear! In the Capture Momentum phase we hooked them on a tax study right at tax time. We worked in some non threatening prayer before and after Now that they have had a good experience, they may want to move on to something else.
Sustaining the Momentum You Capture How do you keep men involved after the novelty wears off? Create a variety of opportunities Provide as many men’s growth and discipleship opportunities as possible. Possible ways to engage men are Small Groups… How do you keep men involved after the novelty wears off? Create a variety of opportunities for men to get better acquainted with Christ Provide as many men’s growth and discipleship opportunities as possible. Possible ways to engage men are Small Groups…
Sustaining the Momentum You Capture Ongoing discipleship opportunities would consist of any program in the church that allows men to connect, to pray, to read and be accountable. This type of environment is the best facilitator for spiritual growth among men. T-Quest 40 weeks
Sustaining the Momentum You Capture Small Groups Bible studies Mentoring teenagers Issue oriented men’s curriculum Accountability groups Leadership development with the Pastor Prayer groups Issue oriented small groups studies Your ultimate goal should be to get men studying God’s Word with other men.
Sustaining the Momentum You Capture Some key ideas to remember as you strive to capture and sustain the momentum you create. Show men Christ versus fix their behavior True obedience flows from a heart of faith Invest in men who will invest in other men – 2 Tim 2:2 (We Need F.A.T.* Men) Create a culture of prayer and love for God’s word The truth flows through our heads to our hearts and out our hands *Faithful, Available, and Teachable Show men Christ Versus Fix Their Behavior: Don’t tell him how to ACT. His relationship with Jesus Christ is more important than how he acts…. True Obedience Flows from a Heart of Faith: You cannot tell a man WHAT to do. It must come from his heart. Invest in men who will invest in other men: Disciples making disciples Create a culture of prayer and love for God’s word: Pray that you would become a part of what God is doing. The truth flows through our heads to our hearts and out our hands: The truth must be understood, believed and lived out. Head: If you have head knowledge of the Bible but won’t teach Sunday School what good is it? Heart: If you believe but won’t do anything to help in the church what good is it? Hands: If you help with your hands with no belief or knowledge what good is it?
Sustaining the Momentum You Capture Great Special Events Golf Outing Father/Child Canoe Trip Barbecue Kickoff Event Outreach Breakfast or Lunch Sporting Event Fishing Outing Financial Weekend Regional Men’s Rally Sweetheart Banquet Super Bowl Party Each one of these is broken down in the book. Proven successful.
Summary Develop your “purpose” statement. It takes an incredible amount of time, money, and energy to successfully “create” momentum It would be such a waste not to proactively plan how to “capture” that momentum. Near the end of your “capture” momentum step, you will want men to take the next step into discipleship groups to “sustain” the momentum. Develop a purpose statement Create momentum Capture momentum Sustain momentum Establish a program to bring men to Christ. This program is a way to do it. The UMM steering committee will work with you to help you plan and execute effective men’s ministry.
Men’s Ministry Action Plan Create Momentum PURPOSE Sustain Momentum Capture Momentum