Welcome to ARCSI! The Association of Residential Cleaning Services International
What is ARCSI? ARCSI is the professional association representing the entire residential cleaning industry. ARCSI is committed to helping member companies build, promote and expand their residential cleaning businesses. We provide the entire industry with resources, education and a network of knowledge and experience. ARCSI also acts as the leading resource and referral for consumers. ARCSI is governed by bylaws and directed by officers who are also members.
Who is ARCSI For? Membership is made up of residential cleaning companies large and small, new and old and representatives of our Industry Partners. Be they owners, managers, employees or vendors, the people who are involved are dedicated to continually striving to reach new levels of professionalism and personal success.
ARCSI’s Mission ARCSI is committed to provide members with a network of knowledge, resources, and experience throughout the industry. As the trade association for residential cleaning we offer networking venues to give members the opportunity to forge connections and benefit from new perspectives while helping to foster profitable growth and expanding their cleaning businesses. ResourcesEducationNetworking
ARCSI Code of Ethics Operate constantly in accordance with the best and fully accepted ethical business practices. Comply with all applicable laws and federal, state and local government regulations. Provide employees with professional equipment, proper training, and direction. Contribute to the overall growth of the industry by being actively involved in activities that will enhance the overall perception of the residential cleaning industry. Work to meet and exceed the needs and expectations of customers. Provide courteous and prompt handling of all requests and complaints. Strive for the continued improvement of the image and reputation of the industry by good business practices and enlightened public service in the community.
Benefits of ARCSI Membership (aka: “What’s in it for me?) Member Resource Library * Forms, letters, advertising material, etc. established via member contributions * Must be a member to access this info
Benefits of ARCSI Membership (aka: “What’s in it for me?) National, Regional, and Local Networking Opportunities * ELC/Golf Tournament - held in Spring every year. Locations vary. * Annual Convention - held in Fall every year. Locations vary. * Regional meetings - around the country
Benefits of ARCSI Membership (aka: “What’s in it for me?) Hot Topic Tuesdays * Every 1 pm EST/ 10 am PST * Help with business problems * Topics vary every week * Recording of calls available in ARCSI Store Monthly Teleconference/Webinar * Monthly virtual conferences to help members educate themselves about relevant industry services, topics, and business tools. Members meet, listen to, and discuss a service, product, or industry issue with an expert in their field. Synergy Groups * Small, focused groups for Silver and Gold members * Acts as “personal advisory boards” * Very interactive, monthly attendance requirement
Benefits of ARCSI Membership (aka: “What’s in it for me?) Products and Services Discounts * Industry partners offer association members significant discounts for - Consulting - Payroll Processing - Insurance - Maid Service software - Employee HR Programs - Background Searches - Employee Assessment and Pre-Screening.
Benefits of ARCSI Membership (aka: “What’s in it for me?) Bi-Weekly Newsletter: The Residential Cleaning Connection * E-newsletter highlighting industry news, upcoming events and technical information ARCSI Store * Audio Downloads - Monthly Teleconferences - Hot Topic Tuesday calls - Convention sessions ARCSI University * High quality training online * Streaming Video Library Web Programs for business and professional development.
Benefits of ARCSI Membership (aka: “What’s in it for me?) Searchable Database * ARCSI Website listing and Bio * Will be found by consumers shopping for a cleaning company Members in the Community * Members can submit their community and charitable involvement to be featured in this area of the website. Online Forums Search “ARCSI” in Linked In The ARCSI
Benefits of ARCSI Membership (aka: “What’s in it for me?) ARCSI Residential Cleaning Seal of Excellence – Why? To promote ARCSI members as ethical professionals To set ARCSI members apart from their competitors To raise the level of professionalism within the residential cleaning industry To raise consumer awareness about competent residential cleaning companies
Benefits of ARCSI Membership (aka: “What’s in it for me?) ARCSI Residential Cleaning Seal of Excellence – How? Have been in business for at least two (2) years Provide background checks on all employees Engage in ongoing professional education Adhere to the ARCSI Code of Ethics Provide a certificate of insurance including Broad form comprehensive General Liability Workers’ Comp and Employers Liability Documentation of Third Party Bonding
Benefits of ARCSI Membership (aka: “What’s in it for me?) ARCSI Residential Cleaning Seal of Excellence Press releases sent to your local media by ARCSI staff when approved Seal logo provided for all your marketing materials and website Included on the ARCSI Residential Cleaning Seal of Excellence web page – easy for potential clients to find! Included in a special display at ARCSI events Free for ARCSI members
Benefits of ARCSI Membership (aka: “What’s in it for me?) ARCSI Residential Cleaning Seal of Excellence Contact Chris at Download your application at Must include Most recent invoice from background check company Certificate of insurance with ARCSI as additional insured
How to take advantage of your ARCSI Membership Get engaged Lots of free resources/ information Member Resources on website Hot Topic Tuesday calls LinkedIn discussion boards Join a committee Membership Research PR Awards Convention ELC Hot Topic Tuesday
How to take advantage of your ARCSI Membership Attend an ARCSI Event Convention – almost half the ARCSI membership is there! Executive Leadership Conference Regional Meetings Hot Topic Tuesdays Monthly Teleconferences/Webinars Talk to people! ARCSI Ambassadors Hot Topic Tuesdays ARCSI Convention ELC Regional Meetings