Strive* Achievement Coaching for Looked After Young People Andrew Virasami: Development Officer November 2011
Target statement ‘Children and young people aged between 11 years and 16 years who are ‘looked after’ at home or away from home and are struggling with mainstream school provision in terms of attainment, attendance and/or being at risk of exclusion’.
Views of LACYP Low expectations and negative stereotypes. A ‘Guardian Angel’. Information sharing V Stigma & intrusion Birth families matter. More opportunities for leisure time activities.
Strive* Strive* overview: Evidence and needs based Engaging for young people Bursary for coaches to ensure commitment and encourage longevity Based on potential not limitations Specific tool to engage the family £500 Fund for each young person Out of School Hours Learning tied to Youth Achievement Awards
The coach: Professional development linked to university course Integrating care and education £2000 bursary for 1yr minimum commitment Regular consistent contact Shoulder to shoulder approach Helping not policing
Programme model 1. STRENGTHS & TALENT Exploration and discovery of strengths and talents leads to opportunity for achievement and the experience of success. 2. REALISATION & INSIGHT Belief in own abilities grows: ‘I do have strengths. I can succeed. I can affect my own life course.’ 3. VERVE & ENERGY Motivation increases from knowledge that success is possible. This is transferable to other spheres i.e. school.
Strengths & Talent: Shared vision of learning Building relationships with young people, families, carers, teachers, social workers to create shared vision of learning. Family Learning Signature Baseline for understanding learning strengths and challenges Inclusive of parents and carers Taking the fear out of learning and education
Strengths & Talent: Out of school hours learning Individual and team activities which are engaging, fun, structured and promote learning and development. STRIVE* Fund (£500) Young people to manage, with support from coaches a personal achievement allowance.
Realisation & Insight: Nurturing belief + ethos of praise and reward. A culture of praise, encouragement, reward and incentive cultivated within programme and beyond. Youth Achievement Awards Accredited learning for out-of-schools- hours activities that endorse and reward effort.
Verve & Energy: Channelling belief One to one sessions with a focus on school and wider learning. Connecting success and motivation from out-of-school hours learning to school performance. Responding to challenges Supporting young people to address barriers to attainment.
For further information please contact: Andy Virasami