Business Services Goals Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUOs) & Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Beth Gomez, Dean of Business Services Business Services Retreat May 20, 2011
Business Services Goals Student Success 2. Systematic Planning and Assessment Cross train staff to enable a continuous high level of service during absences Develop a storage and retrieval system for immediate access to data and information 3.Fiscally Sound Position Strive to improve fiscal results in enterprise cost centers 4. Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture Develop regular internal and external communication tools to inform customers of current changes and means to achieve efficiencies and effective workflow Create a culture to encourage staff to become more proactive in their daily tasks Work to retain customer loyalty in enterprise cost centers 5. Community Partnerships and Service
Business Services Goals 1.Cross Training 2. Devel & Maintain BS P&P *Electronic for the field (Procedure Manual) 3. List of BS Staff Duties – Outreach (Open House) 4. Processing map (HRSR/Contract) Electronic Tracking (code to access) Streamline Process (improvement) – Review Current Processes
5. Go Green (electronic/Tech Efficient) Elect Signatures 6. Ensuring Timely distribution of funding for academic programs. Strive to give timely, accurate info to dept – educate – Tips & Tricks for the Black Hole (Quarterly Workshop) Info to depts on budget “Budget Edu” Add Galaxy training to new employee orientation 7. Student $ timely distribution 8. Implementation of State-Wide Travel System
#1 In support of students, educate staff on proper budget allocation. – # of trainings – 3 training sessions a year
#2 In support of student, BS will continue to process & distribute Financial Aid in a timely manner. – # of checks mailed on goal date – Strive to get check out in 3 days – Will look for alternative distribution methods to distribute Financial Aid checks – 2 presentations for consideration
#3 Students will have access to informational materials at cashiers stations available during peak student time.
#4 In support of students, B.S. willincrease training for staff – 90% of current positions will be cross-trained
#5 In support of Students, we will post online duties and responsibilities of BS staff. – Complete before Holiday Break
#6 In support of students, BS will cross training staff – Implement 25% of staff this year – Tracked with training forms
#7 In support of students, BS will development and maintain a procedure manual electronically – Number of procedures posted online – 25%
#8 In support of Students, Process mapping of BS forms. – 3-5 forms completed and online by June 2012
#9 In support of students, BS will provide an Outreach Meet & Greet. – 2 meetings per year on each MVC & SJC
#10 Students will benefit from the availability of affordable and nutritious food on campus. – 25% increase in sales by June 2012