Parsons’ sick role: A Functionalist perspective on illness
#1 “The person is considered to have a legitimate reason for not fulfilling his or her normal social role”.
#2 “Sickness is considered beyond individual control, something for which the individual is not held responsible”.
#3 “The sick person must recognize that sickness is undesirable and work to get well”.
#4 “The sick person should seek and follow medical advice”
Photo from According to conflict theorists: Deviance is necessary for social change Studying social control agents important Sick role model Doesn’t fit chronic or stigmatized conditions Ignores class, age, gender, race Confuses illness with patienthood
Weitz’s Critique p.126 Elements of the Sick Role Model fits well Model fits poorly What is assumed? What is ignored? Legitimate reason for not fulfilling obligations Appendicitis, Cancer Undiagnosed chronic fatigue
Weitz’s Critique p.126 Elements of the Sick Role Model fits well Model fits poorly What is assumed? What is ignored? Legitimate reason for not fulfilling obligations Appendicitis, Cancer Undiagnosed chronic fatigue Individual not held responsible Measles. Hemophilia Herpes, lung cancer
Weitz’s Critique p.126 Elements of the Sick Role Model fits well Model fits poorly What is assumed? What is ignored? Legitimate reason for not fulfilling obligations Appendicitis, Cancer Undiagnosed chronic fatigue Individual not held responsible Measles. Hemophilia Herpes, lung cancer Strive to get well Tuberculosis, broken limb Diabetes, epilepsy, “24 hour” flu, cold
Weitz’s Critique p.126 Elements of the Sick Role Model fits well Model fits poorly What is assumed? What is ignored? Legitimate reason for not fulfilling obligations Appendicitis, Cancer Undiagnosed chronic fatigue Individual not held responsible Measles. Hemophilia Herpes, lung cancer Strive to get well Tuberculosis, broken limb Diabetes, epilepsy Should seek medical help Strep throat24 hr. flu, cold