Every child in Davidson County Schools is given the same deal… a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Professional Learning Communities October 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Every child in Davidson County Schools is given the same deal… a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Professional Learning Communities October 2013

Every child in Davidson County Schools is given the same deal… a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Norms are commitments to act or behave in certain ways rather than beliefs

Every child in Davidson County Schools is given the same deal… a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Time We will arrive to our monthly scheduled meetings on time with needed materials. Listening Participants will be active listeners who strive to minimize interruptions by staying focused and on task. Attention should be focused on the speaker. Refrain from sidebar conversations. Confidentiality What is said in the meeting stays in the meeting with appropriate filtering. Confidential information should be discussed openly and honestly (in a safe place) and should stay in this room. Decision Making Decision making will include input from a wide range of committee members and levels. Buy in by all after consensus is reached. ParticipationEveryone should be willing to contribute. Expectation Every principal and director should attend every meeting. Parking lot (Padlet) so every participant can ask questions or share concerns during busy meetings.

Today’s Learning Targets ✓ I can list four keys for celebrations. ✓ I can define a guaranteed curriculum. ✓ I can define a common formative assessment. ✓ I can list four keys for celebrations. ✓ I can define a guaranteed curriculum. ✓ I can define a common formative assessment.

Every child in Davidson County Schools is given the same deal… a guaranteed and viable curriculum. 1.Explicitly state the purpose of celebration. 2.Make celebration everyone’s responsibility. 3.Establish a clear link between the recognition and the behavior or commitment you are attempting to encourage and reinforce. 4.Create opportunities for many winners. Four Keys for Incorporating Celebration Into the Culture of Your School or District LbD pg. 39

Every child in Davidson County Schools is given the same deal… a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Take index cards and work with groups to plan a celebration for staff members who have demonstrated through meeting agendas and student data that their PLC meetings have “stuck” to answering the four questions listed on page 28 in Learning By Doing. Let’s Plan a Celebration!

Every child in Davidson County Schools is given the same deal… a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Share the important things learned at the October PLC Institute with an emphasis on common formative assessment. PLC Institute Sharing

Every child in Davidson County Schools is given the same deal… a guaranteed and viable curriculum. On page 63 the authors define guaranteed curriculum and common formative assessments. Write a comprehensive definition for each by using the language on page 63.

Every child in Davidson County Schools is given the same deal… a guaranteed and viable curriculum. In a simulation you have at least two PLCs that are resistant to building common formative assessments. You have a meeting with them after school to discuss the issue. Design your meeting agenda to help them understand the importance of the use of common formative assessments by using the text on pages

Every child in Davidson County Schools is given the same deal… a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Let’s take a look at where we are with PLCs within our school district… Elementary Middle High Example PLCs

Today’s Learning Targets ✓ I can list four keys for celebrations. ✓ I can define a guaranteed curriculum. ✓ I can define a common formative assessment. ✓ I can list four keys for celebrations. ✓ I can define a guaranteed curriculum. ✓ I can define a common formative assessment.

Every child in Davidson County Schools is given the same deal… a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Time We will arrive to our monthly scheduled meetings on time with needed materials. Listening Participants will be active listeners who strive to minimize interruptions by staying focused and on task. Attention should be focused on the speaker. Refrain from sidebar conversations. Confidentiality What is said in the meeting stays in the meeting with appropriate filtering. Confidential information should be discussed openly and honestly (in a safe place) and should stay in this room. Decision Making Decision making will include input from a wide range of committee members and levels. Buy in by all after consensus is reached. ParticipationEveryone should be willing to contribute. Expectation Every principal and director should attend every meeting. Parking lot (Padlet) so every participant can ask questions or share concerns during busy meetings.

Every child in Davidson County Schools is given the same deal… a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Attend 10/17 or 10/18 PLC Training Look for examples of good common assessments and bring to next meeting Review pgs of LbD HOMEWORK for Administrators