1 Panel on Multi Sectoral Framework: A District Perspective of Disaster Management in Saint Lucia A. L. Dawn French Director - National Emergency Management Organisation (Saint Lucia) B.Sc. (Hons.), MA (EPDC), PostGrad Dip (RCDM) MRTPI, APA, IAEM
2 Our Place in the World
3 There are many mandates for Disaster Management… CDERA CDERA's main function is to make an immediate and coordinated response to any disastrous event affecting any Participating State, once the state requests such assistance.
4 Our Place in the World OECS Declaration of Principles. Principle 9 Prevent and Manage the Causes and Impacts of Disaster
5 NEMO The role of the National Emergency Management Organisation [NEMO] is to develop, test and implement adequate measures to protect the population of Saint Lucia from the physical, social, environmental and economic effects of both natural and man-made disasters. Its responsibility is to ensure the efficient functioning of preparedness, prevention, mitigation and response actions. Our Place in the World
6 Deputy Chairman Cabinet Secretary Chairman - NEMO Prime Minister Director of Emergency Management Office Deputy Director of Emergency Management Office Commissioner of Police Chief Fire Officer Chief Medical Officer Director Meteorological Services Comptroller Customs and Excise Coordinator Crisis Management Unit Secretary Chairman Information Chairman DANA Chairman Telecom Chairman Transport Chairman Works Chairman Supply Management Chairman Shelters Chairman Oil Spills Operations Logistics PS – Ministry of Finance PS – Ministry of Establishment PS – Ministry of Foreign Affairs PS – Ministry of Planning PS – Ministry of Tourism PS – Ministry of Agriculture
7 NEMO’s District Disaster Committees Gros Islet Dennery North and South Micoud North and South Vieux Fort North and South Castries: North, South, North-East, East, South-East & Central Anse la Raye Canaries Soufriere Choiseul Laborie
8 District Disaster Committee Structure Eighteen District Committees Chairman Deputy Chairman Secretary Chairman Damage Assessment Chairman Telecom Chairman Shelters & Welfare Chairman Works Chairman Supply Management Chairman Transport District Committees
9 Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) CDM is the integrated management of all natural and human-induced hazards, involving management through all phases of the Disaster Management Cycle (prevention, preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery and restoration). CDM engages the public and private sectors, civil society, urban and rural communities, and the general population in hazard prone areas. CDM is therefore multi-hazard, and multi- sectoral in its application and is concerned primarily with integrating vulnerability assessment and risk reduction into development planning and management. Source: cdera.org
10 CDM – Intermediate Results CDM has five IRs IR-1 Addresses Institutional Strengthening within Regional and National Institutions.
11 Comprehensive Disaster Management IR-2 Centers on Research and Training activities, for Participating States.
12 Comprehensive Disaster Management IR-3 Concentrates on CDM incorporation and promotion. The activities related to this section involve the development of a comprehensive approach for Disaster Management, which is intended to build support for CDM at the national level; and donor coordination to support the emergency phase of a major disaster.
13 Comprehensive Disaster Management IR-4 Pinpoints Preparedness, Response and Mitigation measures.
14 Comprehensive Disaster Management IR-5 Centers on Hazard Information and Physical Planning in Participating States.
15 Comprehensive Disaster Management Partners CDERA, CDB/DMFC, CIDA, DIPECHO, OAS, OECS Secretariat, PAHO, UNDP, USAID, DFID, and ACS
17 Strength: Community Caribbean: 38,045,052 (July 2001 est.) Source: World Fact Book Saint Lucia: 155,996 (Jan 2001 est.) Source: Government Of Saint Lucia Statistics Dept.
18 Corresponding IR: 1 Strength: Community A resource waiting to the recruited to Disaster Management.
19 Strength: Structure Structures exist… CDERA NEMO DISTRICTS HOSPITALS/HEALTH CENTRES
20 Strength: Emergency Planning Plans Response plans including: Procedures for Oil Spills, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions. Procedures also exist for responses by District Disaster Committees.
21 Strength: Emergency Planning A District Model Plan (sponsored by GTZ through the OECS/SDU), was revised by the NEMAC in It is to be revised by the District Committees in 2003.
22 Strength: Training Training Mass Causality events… In 2002 and 2003 in collaboration with the OECS/Sustainable Development Unit and then with PAHO, Mass Casualty Management Courses have been conducted with seven district committees totaling one hundred and sixty seven persons.
23 Strength: Training SUMA shall be introduced to the district disaster committees. The first step is to take stock of what the National Office has acquired so that when the distribution program commences the computer program shall be used by the National Committee to monitor supplies.
24 Strength: Training Then the Committees shall be empowered to monitor their resources both in crisis times and outside of crisis.
25 Strength: Facilities Through a loan with the World Bank Warehouses are to be constructed for eighteen District Committees and furnished with equipment for the District EOC's and response. Hence the need of SUMA.
26 Weakness: Community Caribbean: 38,045,052 (July 2001 est.) Source: World Fact Book Saint Lucia: 155,996 (Jan 2001 est.) Source: Government Of Saint Lucia Statistics Dept
27 Corresponding IR: 3 & 4 Weakness: Sustainability Caribbean (Saint Lucian) People have a propensity to react and not act. Example: 2002 – Tropical Storm Lili An evacuation order for the Village of Anse la Raye ignored.
28 Corresponding IR: 3 & 4 Weakness: Sustainability The attitude that Disaster Management takes place from June to November is a common one.
29 Corresponding IR: 3 & 4 Weakness: Sustainability Another attitude is that of… “It won’t happen here.”
30 Opportunity: Community Caribbean: 38,045,052 (July 2001 est.) Source: World Fact Book Saint Lucia: 155,996 (Jan 2001 est.) Source: Government Of Saint Lucia Statistics Dept
31 Opportunity: Community Saint Lucia/Age cohorts: 14 and under = 49,95715 – 19 = 16, – 29 = 29,62330 – 49 = 38, – 59 = 8,31760 and over =12,158 Source: GOVERNMENT STATISTICS DEPT./10 January, 2001
32 Corresponding IR: 3 and 4 Opportunity: Community A young population bursting with energy. Where will they spend it?
33 Corresponding IR: 3 and 4 Opportunity: Community With a District Committee in place and a plan to be adopted, the community will be able to further participate in emergency planning and simulation exercises.
34 Corresponding IR: 1 Opportunity: Partnerships/Regional CDERA, PAHO, OAS, OECS, OFDA, EU, DipECHO, US SOUTHCOM, UNDP, ACS, DFID
35 Opportunity: Partnerships/Local Volunteers: Club 60, Mothers and Fathers Groups, District Nurse, Community Development Officer, Poverty Reduction Fund Officers
36 Opportunity: Plans Draft National Health Plan now in its final revision by the Ministry of Health. The creation of a Stress Management Response Team with a plan (for emergency workers).
37 Opportunity: Plans The revision of Donations policies and guidelines that will guide the request and receipt of donations (cash, medical equipment, relief goods, personnel, etc.) The design of a Policy and Guidelines for the adequate management of dead bodies in Disasters.
38 Threat: Community Caribbean: 38,045,052 (July 2001 est.) Source: World Fact Book Saint Lucia: 155,996 (Jan 2001 est.) Source: Government Of Saint Lucia Statistics Dept
39 Corresponding IR: 2 Threat: Community The further away an event gets the more we forget.
40 Threat: Community Deficit Risk Communication: Where the jargon of the discipline imparts nothing. or that… "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place" - George Bernard Shaw -
41 The common theme? Community. We have at the local level: Organization, planning with NEMO Training MCM and SUMA with PAHO support EOC with CDERA support Equipment and facilities WB Loan & US SouthCom cooperation Equipment from the local private sector and Diplomatic Corps
42 The Community is the first to be affected and the one we all strive to protect. We understand that the community is the first to respond. So we must train and equip them.
43 The focus of the CDM Program which includes but is not limited to the Health, Agriculture and Tourism Sectors must embrace the community by…
44 Involving all players for… It must be accepted that disaster management functions in all areas of life…
45 - that indiscriminate garbage disposal aggravates flooding; - that the lack of proper drainage at the local playing field saturates soils that can slide; -that an inappropriate location for a hospital, cricket ground or other social structure has the potential to cause more harm than good. If this is not accepted THEN…
46 … our opportunities for development … shall always kneel before disasters.
47 Thank You/Muchas Gracias